Wind control

Chapter 931

New Year's monthly tickets and subscriptions!

First of all, thank you for the red envelopes of H League and the strong support of all book friends. I also wish you all a happy New Year!

New Year's new atmosphere, taking advantage of the double monthly ticket, ask for the monthly ticket, and look forward to rushing into the top ten of the classification. I haven't entered it for a long time. A year's plan lies in spring, and I look forward to a good start to the New Year!

Since this book is about to reach the final stage and can't break out in large quantities, I try to keep three updates during the double period, just to rush in and keep in the top ten of the classification this month, which is also the last to keep a souvenir!

Dear Taoist friends, if you like wind control, please continue to support. The more tickets you have, the more energy you are!

Let this book have a more perfect ending!

Thank you to your friends who have been with you all the way! In particular, the two deputy class Zihuan Dao and Death's sadness, and... never stop, Helanshan's soul, Haoyu Da Shao, lott, Piaoyi Xian, Fenghuo Zi Huan Dao, Dong Dao Xi Jian, RODEO, dog and horse flying, have nothing to do with the wind and moon, death sadness, star rookie and I can't describe them one by one, but the lazy bird's gratitude to you will never change!

Because of your existence, wind control will exist! ( To be continued) RQ