Wind control

Chapter 962

Although he knew that the future was worrying and life was hard to find, Feng Ruo was as calm as ever, and there was no wave in his heart, and the same was true of Qinglanxuan.

With the two of them sitting in town, the cloud car was flying at an ultra-high level from beginning to end. Every time it seemed to be chased by Jingshan, but it could dodge. Even Jingshan, who was almost angry, had to admire it secretly in his heart. In the whole Ziyao Fairyland, it could be In this realm, I'm afraid it's the only one who throws away his nine-level demon fairy! No wonder Qingling Xingshuai will regard Mu Fei as a big trouble for his confidant!

In this way, you chased me, and it was able to last half a column of incense. Jingshan still couldn't catch up with the cloud car where Feng Ruo and others were. However, at this time, Jingshan had recovered some strength. When he was preparing to launch a large-scale attack again with the immortal annihilation hammer again, The roar suddenly came from a very, very far place, as if a huge thing that had just woken up from a deep sleep was yawning!

But the yawning sound is not simple at all. With the huge sound wave, the whole magic dragon realm rolled violently and trembled. You know, I don't know how vast this magic dragon realm is! With this alone, you can know that it must be the owner of this magic dragon realm!

"What? Go to the Dragon Domain Center! We are so lucky! This magic dragon actually wants to take a nap. Feng Ruo boy, through the magic flame vortex, don't try to resist, then we can throw off the tail!"

At this time, Lao Long suddenly shouted in surprise. He is a dragon god, so he naturally knows the roar and habits of the dragon!

Hearing this, Feng Ruo originally planned to escape quickly to avoid the sky-sky magic flame sweeping from the center of the demon dragon realm. At this time, he no longer hesitated, immediately turned the cloud car with Sha Ling, and rushed to the sky-sky demon flame that rolled and roared like a sea of anger in the magic dragon realm!

If there is an old dragon, there is no Jingshan chasing behind, and although he is a demon fairy. But it was difficult to understand what the magic dragon roar meant just now. In short, he was shocked. He originally planned to use the immortal hammer attack, but he quickly stopped for fear of attracting the magic dragon!

At this moment, he saw that the cloud car in front of him actually turned around and went towards the center of the Dragon Realm. He suddenly felt that Mu Fei, who controlled the cloud car, was broken. At this time, he rushed to the center of the Dragon Realm. Isn't that looking for death? Because he has clearly realized that an indescribable powerful force is constantly rolling and rushing out of the center of the Dragon Realm. This force is simply irresistible! It seems to be able to destroy everything!

"Damn it! Damn it! Is Mufei so crazy? Would you rather die in the tide of the magic flame than die in my own hands?

For a while. Jingshan is really entangled. If he catches up, he may have to die in the tide of magic flames. If he doesn't catch up, Qingling has to take his head!

But Jingshan's entanglement did not last long. In a blink of an eye, he made a decision, turned the direction, and fled towards the way. He had to escape. Now that he caught up, he would die immediately. If he escapes, he can delay a little time. What's more, he can also go into exile in other fairyland!

But Jingshan's decision was still a little too late. The speed of the magic flame tide in the middle of the magic dragon domain was really beyond his imagination, and it grew exponentially, but in a blink of an eye, it came from hundreds of millions of miles away. First, he devoured the cloud car where Feng Ruo and others were located, and then swallowed Jingshan, who fled crazily, in a blink of an eye. He also wanted to concentrate all his strength to urge the immortal hammer to escape. Unfortunately, in front of the extremely horrible, huge magic flame tide like heaven and earth, but the light of firef One breath!

When this range affects the magic flame tide of the whole magic dragon realm, a huge void appears, which seems to lead to an unknown world. If there is a person with rich experience here, he will be surprised to find that this is actually a passage to the micro world!

And such a channel may not be meaningful to ordinary immortals, but if it is a master at the level of Ziyao Tianjun, it is an indescribable benefit!

Because the foundation of each fairyland is not on how many masters there are in the fairyland, but on how many micro-worlds there are. These micro-worlds can provide a large number of successors for the fairyland. For example, the six worlds that once existed, it is the most ordinary micro-world.

In the nihilistic world, the number of micro-worlds that have been known so far has reached hundreds of thousands, most of which are ordinary micro-worlds. Reiki is scarce, resources are scarce, and the creatures in it are also low-qualified!

But there is often a very extraordinary micro-world, in which the aura is very strong, and it is also very suitable for mortals to practice. With such a micro-world, for the whole fairyland, it is a very huge help. For example, in the Ziyao fairyland, the Menglin micro-world currently controlled is very excellent. There are the largest number of immortals flying up from the Menglin micro world, and the qualification is also the strongest!

In addition to the micro-worlds controlled by the major fairy realms, the demon clan also controls a large number of micro-worlds. In addition to these two forces, there are some natural and powerful existences that also control a certain number of micro-worlds. Although the number is very small, they are often very high-quality micro-worlds.

And the unknown world led by this magic dragon realm is an extremely hidden micro-world, and only Lao Long's rich experience knows this.

Let's talk about Feng Ruo, at the moment when the magic flame tide roared with an irreversible momentum, he first grabbed Qing Lanxuan, and at the same time took back the Shaling, and then pulled the Luan concubine who was sent by the old dragon. As for the others, he couldn't care of it!

In a blink of an eye, the whole cloud car was bombarded into powder by the vast force. Everyone on the cloud car, including the nine blue-winged magic birds, was directly thrown away, and then continued to be thrown away. Under the ** of that huge force, everyone just insisted on a few breaths, followed, and their eyes dark, as if Endless black abyss!

Among all the people, I'm afraid that only Feng Ruo has remained semi-awake from beginning to end. He vaguely felt a powerful force tearing his body, including Qing Lanxuan in his left hand and Luan Concubine in his right hand. However, how could he let go? Although he doesn't know what Lao Long meant before, he can more or less understand that he must not be separated at this moment!

The horrible tearing force lasted for about a dozen breaths, and then gradually eased. Finally, what Feng Ruo felt was that the three of them were falling from the sky at a very fast speed. This feeling was very strange, because in the nihilistic world, even if it was suspended. And stand, you don't have to worry about falling, let alone the difference between up and down, left and right!

Before Feng Ruo figured it out, the three of them had already smashed into the water with a bang!

After a while, Feng Ruo finally recovered from that semi-sober state. As soon as he turned his mind, he found that the three of them had fallen into a huge lake. There were no Huo Fangying, Chu Xiaomei and others around, while Qing Lanxuan and Luan Concubine were in a coma, and they didn't know where Because it is obvious that he is no longer parasitic in Concubine Luan's body.

"Well, this is actually a micro-world hidden in the middle of the Dragon Realm! It's hard to imagine!"

Feng Ruo thought to himself that he began to miss the experienced old dragon a little, and the old guy must know about it.

After thinking about it, Feng Ruo first carefully closed up his own realm of cultivation, and then casually arranged two fairy bans for Qing Lanxuan and Luan Concubine, because he did not know what kind of existence there was in this micro world. In addition, this must be the back garden similar to the magic dragon, otherwise the old dragon would not have said

After doing all this, Feng Ruo left the lake with the two women who were still in a coma. He found a flat position on the shore and threw Concubine Luan down. Then he began to carefully examine the physical condition of Qing Lanxuan. It was not until he was sure that she had any problems that he was relieved. It seemed that the reason The power shock of the moment he entered the micro world, and because of the existence of the soul rune, he maintained that semi-awake state.

It didn't take much time. Qing Lanxuan and Concubine Luan woke up one after another. Without Feng Ruo's explanation, they quickly guessed the cause of the whole thing, so they were also amazed.

"Ms. Feng, do you know the whereabouts of other people?" Concubine Luan asked anxiously at this time. She was mainly worried about her maids, because now in the world, she only has these close people left.

"I don't know, but they should all be safe. The magic flame tide seems to be extremely horrible, but in fact it has a glimmer of life, so as long as it takes some time, we can always find them. However, if I guess correctly, Jingshan, which is chasing us, must be the same as us, involved in this In the micro-world of knowledge, in this micro-world, I don't think he dares to search for our existence, but we have to be careful at all times to be prepared to be found by him. Feng Ruo said lightly, and he was a little worried in his heart. In fact, it was Jingshan. Now he didn't even dare to use the judgment rashly, because it would alarm the magic dragon who was likely to take a nap here!

At this point, Feng Ruo turned his head and looked at Qing Lanxuan, who had always looked at him affectionately since he woke up, and said, "Xiaoxuan, you are the body of the demon clan now. Do you feel any difference in this micro world?"

Qing Lanxuan shook his head and then said, "This micro-world must belong to the magic dragon, but this micro-world is definitely not the micro-world controlled by the demon clan. Well, how to say, it is not a micro-world controlled by human beings. It feels quite strange!" ( To be continued) RQ