Wind control

Chapter 968 Little Pain

As Feng Ruo expected, Jingshan is really a master of making charms. After inspecting the first storage ring, when he opened the second storage ring, the first thing that attracted him was more than 150 fairy charms with all kinds of gorgeous light.

To be honest, when Feng Ruo saw such a large number of fairy charms, even if he had been psychologically prepared for a long time, he would be shocked. At the same time, he couldn't help calling for a fluke. This chase, thanks to him and Qing Lanxuan's preparation in advance, which raised the speed of the cloud car to Within thousands of miles, otherwise, the old fox only needs to throw out ten fairy charms to get rid of them all, because this is just right and real fairy charm! It's definitely not comparable to that semi-finished fairy charm!

The power and terrible power of fairy charms have always been well known to everyone. However, this thing can still be prepared in advance and can be released indefinitely. For example, there are more than 150 fairy charms here. If you take out one casually, you can make the seal fall and escape!

However, the production of this fairy rune is definitely not that simple. Even if Jingshan is a nine-level immortal, it will take several years to make a qualified fairy rune from beginning to end. Its preciousness can be imaginable.

I'm afraid that more than one hundred and fifty fairy charms have been in stock of Jingshan for nearly 10,000 years. After all, he still has to practice and deal with various matters. It's good to take a little time to make fairy charms.

Moreover, Jingshan must be a master-level attainment in making charms, so he can't blindly pursue quantity, but find ways to improve the type and strength of fairy charms, which can be seen from these more than one hundred and fifty fairy charms. Because there are more than 20 kinds of these fairy charms.

Among them, the largest number is a kind of fairy charm that exudes brilliant bright yellow. The ripples are ripples one after another. Only the size of a palm fairy charm is as thick as a mountain. This is a defensive fairy charm. Any one can withstand the full attack of six-level immortals. There are as many as 50 ways in total.

Then there are 20 wind escape fairy charms. The effect of this fairy charm is similar to that of Feng Ruo's Taixu, which can improve the speed of flying. However, although this fairy charm is good, it is still too weak! For Feng Ruo, it can only be better than nothing!

The third type is ten fairy charms with golden thunder and lightning. This is also the type of attack fairy charm that Feng Ruo was extremely moved when he saw it. He was sure that such a fairy charm exploded on his head, and he had to kill half of his life! This is a thunder fairy charm.

In addition, the rest are all offensive fairies. The attributes are different, the number is two or three, and at least there is only one, but without exception, they are all extremely horrible attacks.

But it's a pity. These fairy charms seemed to have no time to fight before, and they were captured by the masters of the dragon clan. This is really higher than a mountain!

"Hey hey! There's a way!"

With a strange smile, Feng Ruo left 15 of these more than 80 offensive fairy charms, and put all the rest on the fake Jingshan. He wants to destroy. This kind of great power and wide-scale attack is undoubtedly the most appropriate.

After processing these fairy charms, Feng Ruo carefully inspected the many items in this storage ring, all of which were all trivial. However, the only thing that interested him was only two items.

This is not to say that the value of other items is not enough, but that at present, Yu Fengruo does not have too urgent needs. In his current state, it is good to be surprised. It is absolutely impossible for him to be crazy and completely lose his temper. Even if he puts the nine-grade supreme fairy weapon in front of him, he will not

And for these two items that make Feng Ruo interested, the first one is a very strange bead, about the size of a child's fist, with a faint earthy yellow light flowing out. This bead is also extremely crystal clear, so it can be clearly seen that it seems to seal a world, and countless golden flowing sand It emerged, and the solemn breath of earth attributes came to my face.

Just at the first glance, Feng Ruo knew that this thing was very, very useful for Shaling, but he couldn't see what it was. So he plans to send it to Shaling for research.

The second item is also very extraordinary, but this thing is known, because it is actually a five-color tonic stone!

If you had seen the Butian Stone in the Cangwu world in those years, you even passed by a But the Buttian Stone ore is fake, at least it was arranged by Haotian to test him, because he couldn't pass the test at that time. I'm afraid that he will still be crazy in it today. It is not necessary to choose all kinds of tonic stones, or to be killed by Haotian.

There is no doubt about the preciousness of this thing. Even if Feng Ruo is now a five-level immortal, he is extremely eager to get this thing, and Jingshan, a nine-level demon fairy, only has a five-color stone in his hand.

It is said that this patching stone is divided into seven colors, seven grades, the highest seven colors, the second of the six colors, the five colors are slightly inferior, the remaining four colors, three colors, two colors, one color and so on!

Like Feng Ruo's Qingcheng sword, he benefited from a two-color tifying stone, and then it has been used until now. Although he kept melting all kinds of rare materials into it, if he hadn't laid the foundation for the original two-color mending stone, how could this Qingcheng sword be promoted from a magic weapon to a magic Bao, has it finally reached the level of a half-immortal soldier?

This is just a two-color mending stone, from which we can see that this five-color mending stone is not the same as small. It is not enough to fill the sky and fill the sky. This thing, like Ziyao Leihua, is the most precious and most difficult to find top treasure in the nihilistic world!

If this five-color mending stone is re-smelted into the Qingcheng sword, plus a certain number of star sand, then it is enough for the Qingcheng sword to jump from a semi-finished fairy soldier to a real fairy soldier!

Although it will only be equivalent to the standard of Yipin Xianqi, if you face the situation of being chased and killed by Jingshan again this time, Feng Ruo will have enough strength to escape from the sky without being so passive!

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo couldn't help thinking of Thunder and others who went to Qingming Fairyland to collect and refine star sand materials for him. He hoped that they could be wiser, but don't return to Ziyao Fairyland at this time.

With emotion, Feng Ruo casually gave the mysterious bead of the earth attribute to Shaling for research. He put away the two storage rings and waited patiently for the appearance of the old dragon.

In three days, after a flash, Feng Ruo, who had been waiting on the cloud platform for a long time, finally saw the old dragon, but in just three days, he was no longer the weak dragon soul as before, but at least more than a hundred times stronger. At this moment, the old dragon did not even need to rely on others, so he could

However, what surprised Feng Ruo was that this old guy, who obviously did not know how to live for tens of millions of years, after condensing his true face, was not the image of being old and too old as imagined. He was actually a beautiful teenager about fifteen or sixteen years old, with red lips and white teeth and a rich face. If it were not The long red hair and red pupils really made Feng Ruo feel strange.

"You bastard, what are you looking at? What kind of look is that? Is this look very strange?"

Seeing that Feng Ruo was in a daze, Lao Long couldn't help snorting coldly, but his voice was still extremely old, so it became more and more strange.

Hee hey, he smiled, and Feng Ruo also took his attention back. He knew that this was not necessarily the special hobby of the old dragon, but it should be because of a problem when practicing. However, the prince in the thunder field also looked like a seven- or eight-year-old child. This dragon skill is really not small. What!

Lao Long did not explain too much. He waved casually, but appeared in a strange area with Feng Ruo.

There seems to be nothing strange about this strange area. The only thing is that the intensity of nothingness is more than ten times that of the place where he was!

"This is the thirteenth day of the cloud cave sky, and it is also the highest sky that we can enter and completely control at present. If we go up again, the danger will gradually increase. Except for a few old guys, no one has been able to enter the top thirty-three heavens. Unfortunately, my body is not there, otherwise I can also take you up a few weights.

Lao Long came straight to the point without any nonsense. Feng Ruo also understood. There is no doubt that the higher he is, the more benefits he will have. For example, in the thirteenth day, the spirit of nothingness is so strong, which is simply several times better than his seven-star palace.

How could Feng Ruo refuse this benefit? However, he also knew that Lao Long still had something to say, so he kept silent!

At this time, Lao Long continued, "I heard that you are not interested in my precious granddaughter? Since you can even include the daughter of the demon clan in the house, how can you care about one more?

Hearing this, Feng Ruo finally couldn't help smiling bitterly and said, "Old man, can this kind of thing be compared? Can't you trust me?"

"Of course, I can trust you, otherwise why would I bring you to this cloud cave, but you should also know that this cloud cave is the last foundation of my dragon clan in this nihilistic world. It must not be revealed. This matter is of great importance. Don't go when your friends come. When our dragon family will turn over? Only then can they be free. I can't trap you. That's unkind, but this matter has to be done according to the rules. If you marry my husband's granddaughter, that is, a member of my dragon family, then you can naturally come and go freely. Do you want to stay in this cloudy cave for 1.8 million years? Lao Long said with a little helplessness.

"Is there no other way?" Feng Ruo also has a headache. Although Lao Long's identity is prominent, he is not only a dragon god. Many rules must be followed, but the problem is, how dare he get another woman now? Of course, Qing Lanxuan won't say anything, but Mu Feixue will definitely eat him.

"Yes! But you need to take some risks and bear some small pain!" Lao Long suddenly smiled cunningly. His smile immediately made Feng Ruo's back s up! ( To be continued) RQ