Wind control

Chapter 981 Worry-free City

The journey is long and the most boring, especially for hundreds of years.

Lao Long actually has the best cloud car in his hand. He can choose nine more flying dragons at will, which is enough to speed up the whole journey three times, but this time he is more cautious than Feng Ruo and does not want to use anything related to the Dragon family, so there is nothing he can do. Sha Ling has to take charge of the cloud car It's quite powerful. I borrowed a million-year-old giant wood core from Lao Long to make a keel, and the rest was cast into a cloud car with its 100,000 Lingsha.

As for the traction of the cloud car, Feng Ruo came forward and lent the nine blue-winged magic birds of Concubine Luan. Feng Ruo felt that these nine foreign beasts were very good. Although the speed was a little poor, it was better than being obedient and extremely flexible. A little ** on the road would inevitably go further.

Of course, Feng Ruo can't let Lao Long ride so free. Before leaving, he extorted a large number of rare fairy grass from Lao Long. Some of them were refined by Concubine Luan to make elixir specially fed to foreign beasts, and the rest was simply used as forage to feed the nine blue-winged magic birds every The magic birds have passed the growth stage, but feeding them so luxuriously is enough for them to grow up again!

As soon as he got on the cloud car, Lao Long and his four nephews didn't say anything. They shrank directly into the corner and turned into five stone statues, only three inches high, and they didn't move. They decided to let Feng Ruo deal with the big and small things on the road. This rogue appearance made Feng Ruo very After all, the fluctuation of Lao Long and others is difficult to hide. Especially this time, I want to enter the fire fairyland, which is longer than the purple fairyland, so I can't be careless at all.

So just in case, Feng Ruo even sent Qing Lanxuan back to the Seven Star Palace, leaving only himself and Sha Ling on the whole cloud car. In this way, it can also save a lot of trouble.

I left the magic dragon realm all the way for the first more than ten years. Everything is normal. Feng Ruo didn't even see a single person, but he didn't dare to take it lightly at all. Now it is only a hundred years before the old demon of Qingling released the order to chase the sky on Ziyao, so in the area between the Ziyao Fairyland and the Fire Fairyland and even the Qingming Fairyland, there will definitely be a large number of earth immortals wandering and chasing. After all, a hundred years is just a flash of time for the earth immortals with endless longevity.

Such a journey is extremely boring, because there is nothingness in all directions. It is impossible to see some scenery, and there is often the trouble of losing your way. If there is a scenery around, it will be even more terrible, because it is all kinds of dangers that have existed since the void since ancient times, such as thunder. Domain, Blizzard Domain. Hurricane areas, yellow sand fields, etc., these places look good from a distance, but if you dare to approach, the result will be very embarrassing.

These immediate dangers are not bad. It can be avoided in advance, but in the nihilistic world, the most terrible thing is those hidden areas that can't be seen and touched. Once you step in, it is difficult to break free. Fortunately, Feng Ruo already has a void map from Lao Long in his hand, so he will not get lost or deviate from the direction.

But in this case, Feng Ruo can't practice. Including Sha Ling, he has to stare closely at the void map in case something unexpected happens. Fortunately, his heart is extremely tenacious. Even if he stares at him so carelessly, he can persist for thousands of years.

After walking along the void map for 30 years, Feng Ruo slowed down the cloud car, because although the nine blue-winged magic birds have great endurance, they have been so sleeplessly for 30 years, and they have to stop to rest for a year. They not only need to replenish their physical strength, but also have to repair the cloud car. These are Things to pay attention to in the empty journey.

Although Feng Ruo has never had such a long journey experience, Lao Long had already reminded him before he left. At this moment, he slowed down to find a place to rest.

And this kind of resting place can't be casual, let alone stop in the void casually. It's better to find some places with abundant fairy spirit. There are still many resting places like this in the void. At least what can be seen on the void map provided by Lao Long is dense. There are even many large-scale, man-made places to rest. Those are the small fairyland controlled by various forces. They act as inns between the three fairyland, Ziyao, Lihuo and Qingming. Usually, most of the immortals that come and go through these small fairyland for supply.

For example, at this moment, the front area that Feng Ruo wants to enter is a small fairyland called Wuyou City. The area of this fairyland is not large. It is built on a suspended stone with a radius of about 50,000 miles. It is said that this stone contains a very scarce cold gold Shuolite mine, which has always been very famous, except In addition, it also receives the past immortals, and carries out the circulation and acquisition of various immortal cultivation items by the way.

On both sides of this worry-free city, there are two boundless yellow sand fields, which are extremely dangerous. It is not impossible to pass through it, but it is possible to lose your life. Even if you escape by chance, you don't know how much it will cost. As for the detour, it is even more exaggerated, because the scope of these It is amazing, and it is just in the direction of the Ziyao Fairyland to the Fire Fairyland. If you take a detour, well, it will take at least a hundred years to get around, but if you follow the worry-free city, you only need to pay a certain fee to pass smoothly within a period of time.

It's strange that the yellow sand is rampant in the yellow sand field, which is amazing, but from a long time ago, these two yellow sand fields have not annexed the channel of Wuyou City, as if a master with great magic skills specially poked out a channel from these two yellow sand fields.

It is said that the owner of this worry-free city is also very powerful, otherwise he will not dare to blackmail the past immortals to buy travel expenses.

In addition, there are also a large number of earth-based alien beasts and various natural resources and treasures in this yellow sand field. Many land fairies in the purple fairyland are used to coming here to adventure. After a long time, this worry-free city has also become very prosperous.

The resting place Feng Ruo is looking for is Wuyou City. Although he is still the target of Ziyao's pursuit of Tianling, he is prepared this time. First, he soaked in Shizhongquan for a hundred years, and then used various methods to calm down, so unless he meets the old demon of Qingling face to face, no one can know The whereabouts.

As the cloud car slows down and looks at the void in the distance, you can see two yellow ribbons winding in the void. These two ribbons can hardly see the end. Obviously, these are the two yellow sand fields, and nothing else can be seen.

The width of the top and bottom of these two ribbons does not seem to be very obvious, but Feng Ruo knows that what he sees at this moment is absolutely not accurate, because he is still millions of miles away from the two yellow sand fields at this moment. If you get close, you will find that there is absolutely no margin. If it is not necessary, it Calculate.

Feng Ruo was not in a hurry. It took him five or six hours to slowly rush to the periphery of Wuyou City. At the same time, it was also the periphery of the Yellow Sands. This is no longer the ethereal ribbon seen from a distance before, but an extremely violent wind raging everywhere. The wind was The sand, this casual grain of sand, can be refined into a best spiritual treasure in the micro world, but here, it is just sand. Of course, it is also a sharp weapon for killing people!

Although it is on the periphery of the Yellow Sandfield, the sand the size of these fists is like countless sharp swords, which is so suffocating that it is crushed to pieces!

Especially with the speed of the wind, tens of thousands of miles can be blown out in an instant. Feng Ruo estimated that the immortals below level 4 would not want to get close to the yellow sand field at all, otherwise they would be smashed into meat sauce.

But this horrible yellow sand is almost as cute as a good baby for Shaling. Without Feng Ruo's action, it has released 10,000 Lingsha to capture the pure earth attribute power in the wind. As for the whole cloud car, it is even more protective!

Feng Ruo ignored Shaling's little movements, but just looked ahead and stared at the famous worry-free city built on a suspended boulder through the heavy yellow sandscreen!

No one greeted, no one asked, and no one could see the figure, which almost made Feng Ruo think that this was a dead city, and the prosperity mentioned in the information could not be seen.

But the worry-free city should still be in operation, because in the wind and yellow sand, only the location of the worry-free city is clear, and the other places are completely shrouded in yellow sand. Even if you want to bypass the worry-free city, it is impossible to cross the yellow sand by yourself.

Seeing the barrier of this worry-free city, Feng Ruo couldn't help nodding secretly. No wonder this worry-free city can blackmail the land immortals, and is not even afraid of the Ziyao fairyland and the fire fairyland. It is really because this place is a pass. No matter how many enemies come, as long as the worry-free Don't worry, because this worry-free city can move.

Feng Ruo drove the cloud car and slowly stopped outside the huge worry-free city. After waiting for half an hour, a piece of yellow sand flew out of the worry-free city. The yellow sand sounded amazingly. Although it was not as good as the storm in the yellow sand field, it was particularly well-written. Undoubtedly, this should Domain, the skills cultivated must be related to the Huangsha Domain!

If possible, Feng Ruo doesn't mind staying here for a longer period of time, which is very helpful for Shaling.

The yellow sand came to the front of the cloud car in an instant. With a shout, it turned into a middle-aged man with a sallow face and a roll of yellow robe all over his body. This man has no hair and is completely bald. I don't know how to brand a pattern similar to a scorpion on the top of A kind of illusion.

"Do you want to borrow the worry-free city?" RQ