Wind control

Chapter 1020

"Hey hey!"

Seeing the current situation, Feng Ruo couldn't help laughing strangely. He had to admit that Haotian's split was indeed the most appropriate method at present. The flame giant he condensed was difficult to eat with Feng Ruo's current ability to control the flame.

However, there is still a killer in Feng Ruo's hand, that is, the nine divine night thunderbolts given to him by Lao Long a long time ago. This thing is very unstable and powerful. It has always been sealed by Lao Long in the cloud cave. The last time he pretended to be Jingshan and went to Qingqiu Mountain to make trouble, The remaining five were sealed by him in the Seven Star Palace. For a long time, he has not found a chance to use it. Of course, it can also be said that Feng Ruo and others dare not use it, because the damage of this thing is inseparable from each other, and even Lao Long is afraid, not to mention him?

But in today's situation, it is naturally the best choice to take out a divine night thunder to blow up the flame giant condensed by the Haotian split!

Without hesitation, he took out a divine night thunder and threw it backhand. He didn't look at the result at all. He turned around and ran away. It was not because the divine night thunder was too powerful, but that this thing was too unstable. In this sky, there was no need to deliberately release it, and it would automatically explode. This is why Feng The reason for throwing one at a time.

Although Feng Ruo has temporarily protected the divine night thunder with his own five-color clouds, he still can't explode when he is close to the flame giant's hundred miles away!

Even so, the terrible explosive power directly lifted off an arm of the flame giant and turned a few heels.

It's easy to say. However, it has been a huge turbulence that has affected millions of miles, especially in irritable places such as Tianhuoliu Fenghe. Even if Fengruo saw the opportunity early and quickly retreated, he was disgraced and embarrassed by the aftermath of the explosion.

However, his Qingcheng sword has never stopped attacking, firmly and effectively grinding away the Jiulong defense of the divine fire extinguishing Tianjia little by little!

Before the flame giant finished adding it by himself. Feng Ruo rushed up again, thousands of miles away, and threw out the second thunder. Then turn your head and continue to escape!

This almost rogue behavior really made Haotian's split angry and wanted to control the flame giant to chase. However, he couldn't catch up because of the fluctuation of the explosion of Shenxiao Tianlei, and he had just returned to normal and was bombarded by the second Shenxiao Tianlei.

In this way, when Feng Ruo threw out all the remaining five divine thunders in his hand, the flame giant was left only half. From this, it can be seen that the flame giant is indeed not simple.

Correspondingly, affected by this, the whole sky fire flow wind and river seemed to be boiling, and countless flames and winds rushed to all directions with the sky fire. But the strange thing is that the main battlefield of Feng Ruo and Haotian, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles, has never seen a trace of fire, except for the small flame giant.

This is a surprise. The power of the five thunderstorms was too fierce. After successive explosions, a vacuum zone was temporarily formed. In this way, even if the flame giant was still there, it could not be replenished in a short time.

Of course, I won't let go of the matter of beating the dog that fell into the water. I didn't care about the small half-fire giant, scolding and shouting, and constantly exerting the magic power, launched a stormy attack on the Haotian split hidden behind the divine fire extinguishing the armor!

Even if this divine fire extinguishing armor is a fairy-like existence, it can be attacked like this one after another, especially the explosion impact of the five god night thunders, and the peripheral Kowloon defense is already precarious!

Of course, this is not to say that the quality of the divine fire extinguishing Tianjia is not enough, but that the Haotian split now has not much power to urge the divine fire to extinguish the Tianjia. Otherwise, even if Feng Ruo cuts outside for a year, he can't break the defense of the divine fire extinguishing Tianjia! Nowadays, it can only be the instinctive defense of the divine fire extinguishing the heavenly armor.

But even so, if Feng wants to really break the defense of the divine fire to extinguish the heavenly armor, it can't be cracked in a moment or three, at least it will take a few days! And he didn't really intend to do this from the beginning. He just wanted to force Haotian, who was temporarily trapped in the turtle shell, to give up resistance!

This sounded weird, but it was true. At the beginning, the Haotian split wanted to destroy Feng Ruo alone. After finding that there was nothing to do, he immediately wanted to pass on the message!

But after being entangled, he still can't get rid of Feng Ruo. Then, the only way he has left is to rely on the divine fire to destroy the armor of the turtle, and when he recovers his strength, he will fight again!

And this is the time that Feng Ruo is waiting for!

Seeing that the Haotian split also gave up the control of the little half flame giant, he focused on using the remaining power to maintain the operation of the divine fire extinguishing the heavenly armor, ignored Feng Ruo's provocation, and even took back the nine flying dragons.

Feng Ruo was overjoyed. On the one hand, he deliberately continued to beat with the Qingcheng sword, but on the other hand, he quickly secretly portrayed a series of nine immortal prohibitions in his heart.

As soon as these nine immortals were forbidden, they immediately trapped Haotian's split in place, but this is only temporary. With Feng Ruo's estimation, these nine immortals can only maintain about 90 breaths. After this time, Haotian's split will inevitably break free. At that time, he will also find his real plan, and he will not It's time to pretend to be a turtle!

After the release of these nine immortals, Feng Ruo immediately stopped the attack of the Qingcheng Sword, and took out 9,999 top-quality Qing Xuanyu with his backhand, and arranged around Haotian's split in a very fast way. This was his previous preparation to arrange the purple and thunder fairy array, the wind and fire Xuanji fairy array, and the It was prepared by Yuheng Tianji Fairy Array.

Now that he is in a hurry, he just used it to trap Haotian's split!

You should know that these four immortal arrays were later learned by Feng Ruo from his mother. They are extraordinary in power. Whether they are used for defense or others, they can be regarded as the best immortal array in the immortal world! Not to mention that Haotian is now exhausted, even when his strength is at its peak, as long as this guy does not resist, he can still be trapped!

Of course, it takes such a short time to arrange a huge fairy array with 90 breaths, which is definitely the biggest test for Feng Ruo. If it were anyone else, they would regard it as a fantasy!

But Feng Ruo has no choice. This is his only chance to win. Otherwise, if he is not trapped, it will be his turn to be unlucky. After all, until now, Haotian's split is at most a serious loss of strength, and he can recover soon, but he has played all his cards. It has long been Jiang Lang and can

(I've been in the past two days. Please forgive me. I really can't tell the hardships!) RQ