Wind control

Chapter 1026

"From the inside of the cloud car? Could it be that Pang Bo wants to commit suicide?

Hearing Mrs. Shang's words, Feng Ruo suddenly remembered Pang Bo's appearance. He was a very friendly person, always with a wisp of smile on his face and a confident expression. It seemed that all difficulties were not to say. This is a person who is extremely independent and quite a general, and it is just so. He was absolutely trusted by Mrs. Shang. Pang Bo was the first to stand in front of Mrs. Shang.

It can be imagined that today Pang Bo suddenly urged his magic power to destroy the cloud car they were riding. He didn't know life or death, and even the seven or eight people on the cloud car. The blow to Mrs. Shang was quite huge.

But this matter is too weird. How could Pang Bo do such a thing? Could it be that he was tampered with by Qing You like Zhou Kui before?

As soon as Feng Ruo thought about this, he immediately denied it. Qingyou and others were not so powerful. If they controlled all the two loyal subordinates of Mrs. Shang, why would it be so troublesome? It was directly overhead Mrs. Shang. In addition, after that, Feng Ruo had deliberately carefully inspected all the subordinates of Mrs. Shang. The possibility that they are controlled by Qingyou can be basically ruled out!

So, what is going on now?

Looking at Mrs. Shang's image, Feng Ruo did not answer, but flew out of the cloud car. With a wave of his hand, the sea of fire that covered the whole cloud car for hundreds of miles in front of him was immediately put into his hands. Suddenly, the scene in the sea of fire appeared in front of everyone, and the cloud car had been The nine-headed beast driving is also dying, but there are eight more stone people on the cloud car!


Feng Ruo was shocked, and so were the rest of the people. The eight stone people were not Pang Bo and eight others, but somehow they were all turned into stone statues. There is no fluctuation of life. Judging from the posture maintained by these eight stone men, Pang Bo is releasing that magic. But the magic was released, and he was turned into a stone man.

In contrast, three of the other seven stone people were surprised. It seemed that they had seen something incredible, but the remaining four suddenly did not know, still maintained the appearance of meditation and practice, and obviously did not notice the danger.

This strange scene made everyone, including Feng Ruo, take a cold breath. You know, these are the eight extremely powerful earth immortals. The lowest strength also has the strength of the five-level earth immortals. Pang Bo has reached the realm of six-level earth immortals. Who can turn them into stone statues in an instant, even resist?

For a while. Everyone's heart was covered with a shadow, especially Mrs. Shang, who knew the inside story. They knew the beginning and end of the matter, but this was the first time they had encountered such a stone statue, so they were particularly shocked.

"Feng Daoyou. What did you find?

Soon, Mrs. Shang came to Feng Ruo with a gloomy face and asked. Now among everyone, she has become Feng Ruo's strongest strength, so the first thing Mrs. Shang thought of was to ask Feng Ruo.

Feng Ruo shook his head, and he had carefully searched all the details with his mind. As a result, I got nothing. I don't know where the power that can make people instantly petrified come from.

Is this too bizarre?

Thinking of this, Feng Ruo looked back at Mrs. Shang and said lightly, "Madam, you'd better hurry up and tell everyone to be careful. These strange methods can't figure it out for a while. If you get entangled, it will follow the intention of the manipulator behind the scenes. Anyway, as long as you arrive at the Enron."

Mrs. Shang nodded, which can only be done now. Even if there are thousands of doubts about this matter, she can't spend time exploring here, which can only give those pursuers more time.

At this moment, Mrs. Shang ordered her two men to put away the stone statue transformed by Pang Bo and eight others, and then prepared to set off immediately, but at this time, she only heard a creaking sound from the stone statue!

Everyone was also experienced and immediately dispersed, including the two people who were going to put away the stone statue. At this time, a very bad feeling suddenly rose in Feng Ruo's heart. It seemed that something important had been ignored by him. Just as he was about to deduce, the voice in the stone statue became louder and louder, and then "Bang Bang" exploded. The fluctuation of the explosion was not very strong, but the stone statues of Pang Bo and eight other people were blown into thousands of powders and scattered one after another!

"Everyone, be careful not to be touched by this powder!" Mrs. Shang immediately shouted, and now she has to be careful, but it seems that Pang Bo and the other eight people are really dead now, and they can't even keep their bodies!

Everyone waved the wind casually, blew the powder far away, and waited for a moment, but did not find anything strange. Everything seemed to be calm.

"Let's go! Let's all be careful!"

Mrs. Shang was a little worried. Before, those pursuers were only chasing and killing with clear knives and guns, but since passing through the Moon City, things have become more and more strange, but she can't find a clue about this matter, which is much more difficult to deal with than facing the enemy!

"Madam, please wait a moment!"

Feng Ruo suddenly shouted at this time that he could not stand idly by now. Anyway, he had to keep the merchant's wife and his wife safe and sound, but what happened today was too strange and suddenly. If he let it go on like this, the consequences would be unpredictable.

Feng Ruo's words did not cause everyone's resistance, but just looked at it with some expectation. After all, what happened in the wind and wind before was enough to prove Feng Ruo's strength.

"Feng Taoist friend, is there any clue?" Mrs. Shang asked expectantly.

Feng Ruo did not answer her, but let the Qing Lanxuan beside him pay attention to the alert. Then he closed his eyes and operated the fairy rune. After a moment, a touch of five-color glow suddenly emanated from his body, and finally gathered in the center of his eyebrows, forming a ball, when the ball transformed by the five-color glow After that, his eyes suddenly opened. Suddenly, where his eyes passed, the five-color streamer flashed, and everything was delicate!

The first thing Feng Ruo saw was a subordinate of Mrs. Shang. He didn't see anything wrong before, but after being swept by this five-color streamer, he immediately saw that the man's head was shrouded in a black and blue fog. The shape of the fog was actually a strange poisonous insect!


Seeing this scene, everyone was immediately shocked, but the person who was covered by the five-color streamer didn't feel anything. He just looked at the people around him and looked at him in horror, and his face was suddenly pale with shock! He asked in a hurry, "What are you looking at? Is there anything strange on my face? RQ