Wind control

Chapter 1033

Mo Yue's voice was very horrible. His dry and thin body suddenly swelled up, which looked very funny, but the demon of the blood moon was shocked and quickly shouted, "No! Feng Ruo, get out of the house!"

And Feng Ruo naturally noticed Mo Yue's strangeness for a long time. He had made up his mind for a long time. As soon as he saw that the situation was not good, he immediately fled. Anyway, there was the blood moon demon master in front of him. He just needed to wait for the result!

But Feng Ruo still underestimated the horror of Mo Yue's death. Although he escaped tens of thousands of miles in an instant, it was still too late. At this time, it was just an instant. Mo Yue's swollen body had already exploded with a "bamp", but the explosion was not a corpse of flesh and blood, but It is countless blood-red meatballs. This meatball is not the size of a fist, and I don't know what is hidden in it. Once it collapses out, it will flow all over the world. With the power of the blood moon demon, it can only stop most of it, and the remaining part is still rushing to Feng Ruo. The fierce momentum

For the unknown magic power, it always makes people nervous. By the way, Feng Ruo didn't know the attack method and resistance method of the meat ball at all. Thinking of Mo Yue's fierce words before, he could only continue to escape.

Of course, in the process, Feng Ruo also kept attacking those strange meat balls from a long distance, but what made him depressed was that this thing seemed to be immune to all attacks. He not only used the Qingcheng sword, five kinds of runes, and even the 'kong, the magic power.

This strange situation was really like a cold sweat. He knew that the magic means of the demon clan were endless, but he didn't expect it to be so strange. He took time to look at the Blood Moon Demon Lord, but found that most of the meatballs she had stopped had already disappeared, and she was suspended in a idden place and didn't !

This look really made Feng Ruo angry. He wasted an extremely precious rune of water for nothing. How could this woman die?

As soon as this idea rose, Feng Ruo felt wrong. The Blood Moon Demon Lord could not really look at him like this. Then, it must be because of this strange meat ball!

For a while, Feng Ruo was also at a loss. He could only speed up and continue to run for his life, but what made him depressed was that the hundreds of meat balls that caught up seemed to be predestined with him. No matter how fast he was, no matter how he dodged, he even transformed dozens of dopses with purple water He can't get rid of it. He's like a ghost!

"Feng Ruo escape is useless. This is the forbidden spell formed by the combination of the three most powerful forbidden spells of my blood moon demon clan. It requires the performer to use his own life as a medium. As long as all creatures are within the range of the caster's sense of life, they will be branded with an indelible mark With this mark guide, even if you are reincarnated, you can't escape. This is my negligence. I'm really sorry. I didn't expect that Mo Yue, who has always been cautious and used to hiding in the dark, would be so determined to risk her life. Even the opportunity of reincarnation would rather give up and take us to be buried with "

At this time, the original owner of the blood moon, who had been moving, suddenly had a difficult rumor from afar, but her words were undoubtedly worse than Si Xue. Feng Ruo was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, wouldn't it be so sudden?

"Is there any way? Are these meatballs the imprint of the laborer? Feng Ruo hurried back in a circle. Now it seems that after Mo Yue's move died together, he can't die any more. As long as he throws off these meat balls, the world will be peaceful. Now he even feels that it is easier to face Haotian Demon Lord than to face these meat balls.

The Blood Moon Demon Lord did not seem to care about what Feng Ruo would do. Instead, he said, "If I am still in full bloom, I may be able to crack it, but now, I am incompetent and powerless. At most, I will stop most of the bones for you. Among these skeleton bows, they are all Mo Yue The reason why this skeleton is terrible is that it can merge with flesh and blood, and the dove occupies the magpie's nest. If I die, this large number of skeletons will inevitably re-change a new monster with my flesh and blood body. Legend has it to be the underworld. As soon as this thing comes out, not only will there be a great disaster I hope you can find a way to seal my flesh and blood, or remove it. In short, no matter what you think, you should avoid the appearance of the underworld, which is also of great benefit to you!"

"What? Tell me to do it"

Feng Ruo heard that he wanted to vomit blood. If he had a way, how could he be chased by the hundreds of skeletons behind him? Now he knows that this skeleton will not blow him into ashes, but can integrate into his flesh and blood. It's terrible to think about it! What's more, now the Blood Moon Demon Lord actually wants him to deal with more of the more remains. Isn't it deadly?

"You don't mind. I've seen that your body is very different. You should be able to withstand the devouring of the hundreds of skeletons. This thing is born of resentment, and there is almost no power in heaven and earth to destroy it. However, as far as I know, the owner of the Wangchen Palace may have a way If you delay any longer, I won't support it for long. You can't escape the hundreds of skeletons!"

"Wangchen Palace?" After listening to the explanation of the Lord of the Blood Moon, although Feng Ruo was helpless, he finally grabbed a life-saving straw. Because it was a coincidence, others may not know where the Wangchen Palace was, but he knew that with the unparalleled magic power of the Wangchen Palace owner, it was a piece of cake to destroy these bones.

At present, Feng Ruo did not dare to neglect and quickly returned to the Blood Moon Demon Lord. Sure enough, as she said before, most of the skeletons have reshaped a small half of her body for her. Now only the next head has not appeared. Once her body is complete, it is equivalent to the appearance of what she said the mex monster!

At this time, Feng Ruo didn't care to dodge the hundreds of bones that followed closely. It was this pause, the hundreds of skeleton bows all sank into his body. He felt a pain in his mind, and the sad and horrible howling of Mo Yue sounded in his ear, as if for a moment, the body no longer belonged to He!

Fortunately, as the Lord of the Blood Moon said, the complexity of Feng Ruo's body is very horrible. Outside the body, all kinds of magical power can't help these bones, but when they are put in, because they expand the devouring and assimilation of Feng Ruo's flesh and blood, it certainly makes Feng Ruo uncomfortable, Exposed.

Even without Feng Ruo's initiative to command, the various forces in his [body] quickly curb the devouring and assimilation of these skeleton bows and constantly compress them.

But the problem arises here. The power in Feng Ruo's [body] can suppress the devouring of the skeleton, but it cannot be destroyed. After several attempts without results, Feng Ruo had no choice but to compress these bones to the palm of his left hand and completely imprison them. From the outside, it is the shape of a monster with

Dealing with these hundreds of skeletons is actually only a few breaths. Feng Ruo immediately turned his attention to the Blood Moon Demon Lord. Now, he has to seize the time to kill the Blood Moon Demon Lord while she can still control her body!

Blessed to the soul, Feng Ruo called out the Qingcheng sword. By the way, isn't his Qingcheng sword missing a blood demon sword spirit?

"Do it quickly, I'm afraid I can't support it anymore! Don't worry about my feelings. I'm going to die. I've been able to survive for thousands of years. The only thing I can't rest assured is Xiaoxuan. She has done her best to inherit. As long as I don't have this drag, her cultivation will not be too weak, but her personality is really not suitable for the successor of the Lord Feng Ruo, you have to find a way to help her find a new descendant of the Blood Moon Demon Lord. After all, she is now the Demon Lord of my Blood Moon Demon Clan, and you can't refuse! Let's do it!"

At this time, the voice of the Blood Moon Demon Lord sounded again. Although he was weak, it was also extremely decisive. Feng Ruo did not hesitate to unfold the Qingcheng sword and pierced her body. At the same time, he urged the sword formula to completely inhale the consciousness of the Blood Moon Demon Lord and the remaining flesh into the Qingcheng Sword Although the assimilated flesh and blood cannot be eliminated, it will not become the condication monster mentioned by the Blood Moon Demon Lord, at least not a qualified condication.

Of course, Feng Ruozi can't let this part wander around. Once he is met by an inverted ghost, it will really change into the dark, but it will be a disaster.

Fortunately, at this moment, this part can no longer be turned into a skeleton bow. He chased around. It was not very troublesome for him to seal it. Finally, he froze it into a large piece of ice and threw it into the sword washing pool in the Seven Star Palace. For the time being, there is the fluctuation of the three and In the future, he will find the owner of the Wangchen Palace and solve it together.

After all this, Feng Ruocai breathed a long sigh of relief. Now, after so many twists and turns, he can finally embark on the journey of leaving the Fire Fairyland. I don't know if Jingmo is still leaving the Fire Fairyland? But in any case, the most urgent thing is that he has to find a way to return to the Cangwu world and put the five sealed remains of the Dragon God in his bag. As the saying goes, there are many dreams at night, and the sooner the better.

He ordered Qing Lanxuan to lift the blood burning curse for Mrs. Shang and others in the seven-star palace. Feng Ruo himself drove the cloud car, left the yin and yang ferry, and galloped towards the fire fairyland!

And Feng Ruo's Qingcheng Sword was put in his arms and nourished with the power of his five-color clouds. This time he picked up a big bargain. That's the demon lord of the Blood Moon Demon Clan. Although it is the weakest state, the thin camel is bigger than the horse, right? Once this sword spirit is cultivated, you can imagine to what extent the power of the Qingcheng sword will be exerted. Therefore, it is natural to consume some precious five-color clouds.