Wind control

Chapter 1036

People's hearts are very strange. Sometimes they can't even figure it out, pursue, or give up. Is it a straight line, endless journey, or a pot of old wine, sitting in the shade of flowers and drinking?

The short life of mortals makes it difficult for them to spare too much time to think about this. Except for a few people who have immortality, except for most mediocre people, and the rest, there are probably a few unique solitary people who don't seek immortality, but think like this.

What is the meaning of life?

Feng Ruo is thinking about this problem now. At this moment, he is in Tianning City in the Lihuo Fairyland. This Tianning City is not necessarily the most famous, largest and most prosperous in the whole Lihuo Fairyland, but it must be the whole nihilistic world. It is the most hermit-like place among all the nine Feng Ruo will definitely put Tianning City first.

Walking on the streets of Tianningcheng, there will be an illusion that he has returned to the mortal world. Yes, at first, Feng Ruo almost thought that he had misread it or had a spring and autumn dream.

The streets paved with bluestone, large and small, or simple, or shabby houses, restaurants with signs, diligent clerks, and even small vendors selling along the street, all of which fell into the eyes of the outsider Feng Ruo, as if they had seen a ghost!

Mrs. Shang looked as usual about this scene and wanted to explain to Feng Ruo, but Feng Ruo shook her head and stopped Mrs. Shang's words. There are some things that are unnecessary to say or not, so it's okay not to say.

Suddenly, Feng Ruo wanted to walk around this strange and weird Tianning City alone, so he made an appointment with Mrs. Shang to meet. He walked all the way along the bluestone street.

At first, Feng Ruo just wanted to see what kind of existence it was here, so every passer-by would use the fairy rune to explore it secretly.

However, after testing more than a dozen pedestrians like this, Feng Ruo himself felt boring and boring. Then relax your mind, stop and walk all the way, and you will be at ease. Gradually, he finally realized that this strange Tianning City was not caused by some powerful existence. It's just for a moment's interest, but it should have existed like this for a long time.

It seems that in the mortal world, there is first a picturesque valley, a few grass canines, a collar of clothes, and then a small mountain village with chickens and dogs smelling smoke.

Gradually, the small mountain village turned into a village with a larger population, and then a small town. Until now, Tianning City.

All this is like a picture scroll, flowing in front of Feng Ruo's eyes. This feeling, this charm, this witness the impression from cold to prosperity. It is the biggest feature of Tianning City!

For a moment, Feng Ruo's last thought of exploring the bottom of Tianning City was also extinguished. In fact, he should have been able to guess it earlier. There was no need for Mrs. Shang to explain. The person she said dared to take people across the border at the beginning. It's not just a big crime. Being able to live in seclusion in Tianning City is safe and sound, which already explains the problem.

There is also Qing Anlan. She escaped from the overwhelming pursuit net of the old demon of Qingling, which can make Lao Long unable to explore his whereabouts. In addition to hiding in this Tianning City, what else can she do?

This may be a paradise in the nihilistic world!

Feng Ruo thought, and was not in a hurry to meet Mrs. Shang. He still moved forward slowly. He still saw the secular scenery that could not be true along the way, but there was a question in his heart that gradually made him a little interested. That is, what is the human heart?

The heart of immortals has always been tenacious, and all immortals are also so demanding of themselves, in order to break through the thorns and eliminate demons. They should not only exclude the demons, but also remove the inner demons, so that a heart gradually become strong, hard, regardless of cold or warm, six relatives do not recognize, all kinds of things It's just smoke. Everything is illusory. Only the heart of the Tao can last forever.

But in this case, why is there Tianning City? Why does he think about these things when there is a rune that has cultivated the soul into an immortal?

People's hearts are unpredictable after all!

Even so, it is already a powerful earth fairy! Even the golden fairy!

However, is the heart of the immortal practitioner wrong? If Feng Ruo doesn't think it's wrong, he won't think it's wrong. Without such a heart of proof, no one dares to claim that he can come to this point.

However, prosperity is decline, just like the brightest flowers. They always fall to the ground without any hesitation or delay. In the most beautiful moment, this scene will make people sigh, but if the flowers are invincible, they must be fake flowers! There is also less thrilling feeling.

Those who cultivate immortals pursue endless longevity, and the goal can't be achieved. If it is achieved, isn't it like the flowers that bloom forever?

Death is naturally impossible, but if you want to find a way out from the highest peak and the highest position, it should be human nature, or this is the human heart.

And the reclutees in Tianning City choose such a way, not regression, not despair, not to see through the world, but a way out! Just like reincarnation!

But this is no longer the beginning of the beginning, nor the end of reincarnation, but a new realm, which is the human heart, the human heart, that is the realm.

Where the heart comes, heaven and earth are calm. That's what it is said. There is no need to be as hard as before. It is a ladder to ascend to the sky, but it is also a kind of bondage. There is no tolerance for sloness, no room for hesitation, no room for denial!

And the immortals in Tianning City are trying to find a way to untie a ladder, because they no longer need it.

But in Feng Ruo's view, I'm afraid there are few people in the city who can untie this shackle. This is not ironic, because Feng Ruo himself can't do it. This has nothing to do with great wisdom and magic power. Even if you can slaughter tens of millions of people in an instant, it's just

However, even so, no matter how powerful people are, or can include all creatures, all creatures with wisdom, can't escape their own hearts.

The high, cold and cold immortals are still bound by the heart of the Taoist after all. Being at the highest point does not mean that they are the most extreme.

Life, death and death, all things are withered and glorious. From the beginning of going against the sky to following the heavenly situation, it is estimated that when the cultivation reaches a certain level, there will be two choices. The first is to conform to the heavenly situation, and the sky is not old. The second is to conform to the original heart and be free!

In Feng Ruo's view, the first choice is to become a legendary god and break through the shackles of the nihilistic world, or to completely combine with heaven and earth. Since there is no heart, there will naturally be no such world and no bondage. This is not to break free from the void. What is the shackle? Just like a stone, for it, what does it matter whether there is a nihil? Maybe the original legend Lihuo disappeared like this.

And the second choice is simple to say, but it is also difficult to do. However, this does not need to be done deliberately. It is just in accordance with one's heart. It doesn't matter what to do, even if it looks ridiculous like Tianning City at first.

With a slight smile, Feng Ruo went away! RQ