Burning Shinto

Chapter 6 Don't Die

(first update in the morning)

The duel between Qin Yanwu and the golden-line poisonous python is only a few minutes, but the former is weaker in terms of strength and realm, and the result can be imagined.

Uncle Hua has the cultivation of a ninth-order martial artist, but he failed to hurt the golden thread poisonous python with all his efforts. In the end, he still blew himself up to barely hurt the golden thread poisonous python. If an ordinary martial artist is bombed like this, he will be disabled for life if he does not die. The golden thread poisonous python is only blown up in one eye. It can be seen that How horrible the physical defense is.

Qin Yanwu was directly smashed into the wall of the cave. Just as he was about to die, the pendant with strange black iron on his neck emitted a red light, and the red light instantly killed this powerful fourth-order gold-line python, which no one expected.

In the dark hole, in addition to the smell of moisture, a bloody smell was added. On the ground, a ten-meter-long python lay there. The vitality in it was no longer there and was obviously dead.

And not far from the python, a teenager was covered with scars and covered with blood. He seemed to be in a very bad situation. Naturally, this man was Qin Yanwu, who had been seriously injured in the battle before.


Qin Yanwu, who collapsed on the ground, made a low moan. There was no place around him that was not painful. At this time, it was difficult to move his fingers.

Qin Yanwu opened his eyes with difficulty. He didn't expect that such a simple action would almost cost his whole body strength. His eyelids were as heavy as lead, which was uncomfortable.

With all his strength, he finally barely opened his eyes. What he could see was still the dark cave. A pungent smell of blood came to his face, making his body turn upside down and almost spit out jaundice, which was the reason why he was seriously injured.

"Frightened!" Qin Yanwu turned his eyes and suddenly saw a huge and ferocious snake head in front of him. Under extreme stimulation, he bounced back in response.

"Oh! Damn, it hurts me so much!" Such a bullet suddenly made his whole body more painful.

He slowly collapsed on the ground, with a splitting headache and felt that even his breathing would hurt. It was the first time he had encountered such a miserable situation since he was born.

"Why did this golden thread poisonous python die here? Obviously, it was me who died." Qin Yanwu felt that it was really incredible. At that time, he was obviously dying, but now the situation is reversed. Although it is a little ridiculous to think so, it should have been true.

"Yes, before I fell into a coma, I suddenly felt a burst of heat from my chest, and then I faintly saw a red light." Qin Yanwu remembered the scene at that time. Although it was a little vague, he did see it.

Qin Yanwu slowly lowered his head and looked at the pendant in his chest. It was still like that, and there was no sign of tatter. The strange black iron inside still emitted a trace of heat energy, but it was much milder than that of the bald head of life and death, and it was not as hot as at that time.

"If this black iron really saved me, wouldn't this thing be a rare treasure? Fortunately, I noticed it at that time, otherwise I would really die in the mouth of this poisonous python this time. It's really chilling to think about it. Qin Yanwu smiled bitterly and thought that he didn't expect that a piece of black iron he accidentally got at that time had become a life-saving treasure. At that time, there was nothing strange in the world.

Qin Yanwu no longer thinks about anything. Now the most important thing is to recover his physical strength first, otherwise everything will be nonsense. Now he is like a discarded, and simple actions are very difficult.

"This is a great lesson. It seems that you should think more about doing things in the future, hey!" Qin Yanwu put on a posture of cultivation, and then thought of Uncle Hua. A burst of sadness surged into his heart, but he quickly cleaned up and entered a state of cultivation.

A trace of mysterious power of heaven and earth was slowly absorbed by Qin Yanwu. At his level, he was no longer shallowly using mysterious power, but also able to absorb the mysterious power of heaven and earth and recover. After all, he is already a ninth-order warrior, only one step away from the martial artist.

The biggest feature of martial artists is that they can absorb the mysterious power between heaven and earth for their own use, and then use these absorbed mysterious power to refine the body and make the body stronger. At this time, Qin Yanwu can barely absorb the mysterious power of heaven and earth, which proves that he has touched the threshold of the martial arts realm and can break through in a day, and then be able to absorb the mysterious power and quench his own body. This is also the biggest difference between a warrior and a martial artist, and it is also a difficult gap that is difficult to overcome. After all, the martial artist who has quenched his body is too strong.

Qin Yanwu slowly recovered with his knees crossed. With the passage of time, his physical strength was gradually recovering. Although his whole body was still painful, at least it was not as unbearable as before, and it was difficult to move.


After an hour of recovery, Qin Yanwu long exhaled a turbid breath, slowly opened his eyes, and naturally said to himself, "The physical strength has recovered seven or eight times, but several ribs have been broken. It seems that it will take some time to fully recover. This cave is the nest of the golden-line python. Look at its previous disease. Running back, I think I want to come back here to heal my wounds. Then there must be a lot of good things here, and I will search it later.

After saying that, Qin Yanwu closed his eyes again, felt the broken ribs in his body, and used some of the mysterious power absorbed into the body to run the mysterious force to that place. After some efforts, the broken ribs were barely joined, but it will take at least a few days to really recover as before. After all, this is an internal injury. , you can't recover in a moment.

After all the broken ribs were barely joined, Qin Yanwu opened his eyes again, and then slowly stood up and walked towards the body of the golden thread python. There was still a lingering fear in his heart. After all, the strength of the golden thread python was too horrible, which was a strong oppression that could only be felt in his grandfather. The feeling is enough to prove its strength.

Qin Zhenyu, the grandfather of Qin Yanwu, is the head of the Qin family. He has reached the cultivation of three peak martial arts masters. In Canglan City, no one can beat him except the other four family owners and city owners. Except for the city owner, even the other four family heads will be single-to-one, only the Mo family owner can compete with him, and the other three are not his opponents.

More than half of the credit for the Qin family's ability to stand still in Canglan City is due to the powerful Qin Zhenyu.

When he walked to the golden-line poisonous python, Qin Yanwu still had a strong hatred in his eyes, because the giant python in front of him took the life of Uncle Hua. Uncle Hua has watched him grow up since he was a child and was very good to himself. In order to blow himself up, he did not hesitate to blow himself up.

"Beast, you also have today. Although I don't know how it happened, now that you are dead, Uncle Hua can also rest in the spirit of heaven." Qin Yanwu said resentfully, and his eyes were slightly red.

Qin Yanwu carefully examined the golden thread poisonous python and found that its fatal injury was on the head. There was a small hole where brains oozed from time. Although this small hole was not big, it hit the key point accurately, which was a second kill, which made Qin Yanwu look down at the black iron again. The pendant deeply feels the power of black iron.