Burning Shinto

Chapter 19 Playing the ring

Qin Yanwu ignored it and walked on the street by himself.

Suddenly, people around rushed forward and seemed to have happened.

Qin Yanwu suddenly became interested and walked forward to see what was going on. As soon as he arrived, he saw a big plaque with three big words "playing the ring".

This is the central street of Canglan City, which is the most prosperous and does not belong to the management scope of the five families. Only the city owner is the direct manager. Therefore, everyone here can set up a stall, as long as they pay enough rent. Although it is a little expensive, it is difficult to find money. Many people want to get a bunk. Difficult.

At this time, where the three big characters of the ring are written, there is also a ring with hundreds of square meters long, and there are also some chairs in the rear. Naturally, the rent of these hundreds of square meters will not be cheap. It is indeed rare for someone to use it as a ring venue.

Qin Yanwu walked over and looked at the people sitting in the ring. At a glance, he recognized those who were the Mo family. His heart became gloomy. He had no good impression of the Mo family. Because the Mo family generally does whatever they can to achieve their goals, which is known by the people in Canglan City, but as one of the five families, they are strong, but they dare to be angry and dare not say anything, and those who are also the same five families are too lazy to pay attention to it. After all, they have scruples about each other.

At this time, there are already two people trying in the ring. One of them is naturally a son of the young generation of the Mo family, and the other is actually a son of the Qin family.

Qin Yanwu naturally recognized him. This person is a disciple of the Qin family outside, called Fang Chao. His strength in the younger generation is also good, with the cultivation of a sixth-order warrior.

However, although the Mo family who competed with Fang Chao is also a sixth-order warrior, it is obviously slightly stronger than the former. Therefore, the situation in the ring at this time is that Fang Chao is at a disadvantage, and it is only a matter of time to lose. After all, the former is not a member of the Qin family and has relatively few resources.

"Bal him, Brother Mo Wei." A Mo disciple on the sidelines shouted, and other Mo disciples also shouted loudly.

Mo Wei kicked Fang Chao's body heavily. The latter suddenly retreated more than ten steps. His face was extremely ugly, his face was a little twisted with pain, and his mouth overflowed with blood. He must have hurt the inner house. If he does not treat it in time and continue to fight, I am afraid that it will lead to be difficult to make progress in practice in the future.

The Mo family set up this so-called ring, and it is relatively close to the management area of the Qin family, which is nothing more than indirect provocation. Young people are generally bloody. As long as they are a little careful, it is not difficult to see that this ring is the provocation of the Mo family.

Fang Chao hugged his stomach in pain, but his eyes were still staring at Mo Wei not far ahead. His eyes were full of anger, but it didn't work. After all, his strength was indeed not as good as others.

At that time, when Fang Chao saw the ring, he naturally understood that this was a provocation of the Mo family. At that time, Mo Wei made a provocation, and he was the strongest among his peers. Even if he knew that his strength was slightly poor, he was not far from being a turtle, which appeared in the current situation.

"Hey, how about it? Wasn't it imposing just now? It's too late to admit defeat, but you have to kneel. Mo Wei was not in a hurry to attack, but said with a smile.


After hearing this, the disciples of the Mo family also laughed and shouted extra loudly.

"Damn! I'll fight with you." Fang Chao said angrily.

However, just as Fang Chao was ready to be desperate, a figure stood in front of him, and naturally the person who came was Qin Yanwu.

"Fang Chao, winning or losing is a common thing in soldiers. What if you lose? If you lose this time, you will come back next time. Your health is the most important thing, and your body is the capital." Qin Yanwu helped Fang Chao and said lightly.

"Master Yanwu, why are you here? Fang Chao damn it, he actually lost the face of the Qin family. Fang Chao looked at the people beside him in consternation and felt ashamed. After saying that, he slowly lowered his head.

"Ha ha, it's nothing. It's good to stand up, but I don't want it in the future. Patience is also an important course of practice, understand?"

"Yes, I know." Fang Chao hurriedly said.

"Fu Fangchao returned to Qinfu and healed his wounds. I'll deal with the matter here." Qin Yanwu said carelessly.

Several other disciples of the Qin family answered and helped the injured Fang Chao leave.

On the ring, after Qin Yanwu arrived, the original shouting voice suddenly calmed down. The disciples of the Mo family looked frightened and sweated coldly on their foreheads from time to time.

"Qin Yanwu? Are you the first generation of the young generation of the Qin family? The young man sitting on the chair touched his chin and sneered.

"Who are you? Haven't I heard that there is a person like you in the Mo family? Qin Yan Wuli ignored Mo Wei and others in the ring, but turned his head to look at the young man sitting in the chair, who was not much older than himself, at most 17 years old.

"Ha ha, my name is Fu Kai, a new disciple of the Mo family. I heard that you are very powerful, so I specially set up a small ring here. I didn't expect to see you for three days." The young man said confidently, and his words were obviously provocative.

Qin Yanwu carefully observed the man and knew in his heart that Fu Kai was obviously not a new disciple of the Mo family as he said, and sneered in his heart.

Mo Wei heard Fu Kai's words, so he walked over and whispered to the latter, "Brother Fu, you have to teach Qin Yanwu a good lesson. He has crippled my brother's hands. You should also treat him like this and give us a breath."

"Yes, but the reward is more. After all, this is not a simple product called Qin Yanwu, and I have to work hard." Fu Kai laughed.

"Well, this ring was originally promised by my father. You must win, otherwise my father's side can't explain."

"Hmm! Don't worry." Fu Kai said with a gloomy face.

This so-called ring is the idea of Mo He, the father of Mo Wei and Mo Jun. Of course, the Mo family also acquiesced. After all, Mo He invited Fu Kai to sit in the town. Fu Kai's strength is not weak. He has just entered the first-level martial arts. With him, few of the young people of the Qin family can obviously compete with him.

Qin Yanwu looked at the two with a cold face and seemed to ignore them, because he knew that they were bound to negotiate conditions, and the young man named Fu Kai was bound to challenge himself. He was too lazy to talk nonsense and wait.

"Qin Yanwu, right? I'm a disciple of the Mo family. Since I held this competition, and you are the best member of the Qin family, I don't know if you have the courage to compete with me. Of course, I'm older than you. If you really fight, how can I give you a move?" Fu Kai walked forward and sneered.


The crowd under the ring exclaimed one after another.

"This is Fu Kai, who looks very powerful. I don't know if Qin Yanwu of the Qin family can resist it."

"The one who dares to speak like this should be very strong. It seems that Qin Yanwu is in trouble."

"Hmm! Young Master Yanwu is so powerful that he won't lose. The two nymphomaniac women just said viciously.

All of a sudden, the crowd under the ring were discussing the outcome of the battle.