Burning Shinto

Chapter 59 White Flame

The next morning.

Qin Yanwu slowly opened his eyes, and one night of practice made him more familiar with his current cultivation. The cultivation of the sixth-level peak martial arts master is undoubtedly a must-win for the life-and-death duel half a year later. After all, in Canglan City, there is obviously no 20-year-old person who can reach this level. Even if he is confident that he can fight. Sheng, he knows very well that his greatest ability now is to leap Level Challenge.

Skip the level challenge, four simple words, are easy to say, but it is very difficult to do it. The reason why martial artists are divided into different realms is that there is an obvious power gap between realms, and even a small realm is obvious, which leads to the fact that low-level people are often unable to defeat those with high realms.

However, in this world, nothing is absolute. Just like in the Warcraft community, some high-blooded Warcrafts can have the ability to challenge. The dragon clan is the best example. The dragon clan is the most powerful clan, and its bloodline is also the highest. In the world of warcraft, there are few clans that can rival it. It is said that even the most common dragon clan has a fifth level at birth, which is equivalent to the martial arts level among human warriors. This is What a domineering existence.

In the past, Qin Yanwu did not have the ability to leap over challenges, and at most he could fight against people who were a small level higher than him, but it was impossible to defeat them. However, since he got the strange iron block, he has the ability to challenge beyond the level. The last competition with Feng Xing is the best example. How dare anyone else agree, let alone defeat it? You should know that at that time, his cultivation was two small levels different from Feng Xing, and this gap is already very large among warriors.

Therefore, Qin Yanwu believes that even in the life-and-death duel a few months later, he can be sure to defeat even against the martial arts masters at the seventh level or even at the peak of the eighth level. As for the ninth level, it is a little suspenseful. After all, at the ninth level, he has begun to contact the realm of great martial arts, that is to say, he has been able to use Dawu superficially. Teacher's ability.

The greatest ability of the great martial artist is that Dantian will form a sea of gas. As a source of energy, it can provide a large amount of energy as timely supplies in the battle. As long as you reach the ninth level of the martial artist, you can start to condense the sea of gas. Of course, if you don't reach the great martial arts in a day, you can't really condense the sea of gas, but There is less morphing.

However, those who reached the ninth-order martial arts at the age of 20 are obviously not in Canglan City. This possibility is almost zero, so he is not worried about this.


Qin Yanwu slowly exhaled a sigh of confidence with a confident smile on his face. This kind of self-confidence is a feeling that he has never had before.

Subsequently, Qin Yanwu had two more things in his hand, one is a two-meter-long weapon, which is one of the prizes of the champion of the hunting competition, and the other is the spiritual-level advanced mysterious martial arts "Jiaolong Split Terrain" auction on the same day with 30,000 top-grade Xuanjing. Everything is very important to him now.

"I've been back for so long, and I haven't used the tiger whistling gun well. It's time to be proficient in this mysterious weapon, and I also need to understand the dragon split terrain given to me by my grandfather. After all, it is a spiritual level, higher than the family's unique skills." Qin Yanwu thought for a moment and made up his mind.

Since winning the champion of the hunting competition, although he got his long-awaited high-level halberd mysterious weapon, what happened later has been delayed and he has not really become familiar with it. Now he is finally a little free, and he got the Dragon Crack Potential also needs the cooperation of halberd, which is just right.

"Black electricity." Qin Yan walked out of the room and shouted.


Then a dark shadow flashed, which is the cloud electric leopard black electricity. Generally, the black electricity will be around Qin Yanwu's residence, so as long as the latter shouts, it will appear quickly.

At this time, after the cultivation of Qin Yanwu, the breath was obviously stronger than before he came to the Qin family. The body was stronger, and the leopard pupil was sharper, especially the most special thunder on the forehead. The black lightning in the pupil became more and more dark and shining, giving people a strange and unpredictable feeling.

Qin Yanwu went not to practice martial arts with black electricity, but the place where he practiced the family's unique skills at the beginning - regretted Lin. He felt that he was obviously more able to understand everything there, which was helpful for cultivation.

"Ha, this is the best place for me. The smell around me is as usual. It's really comfortable." Qin Yanwu quickly came to the familiar place with black electricity. The open space was obviously much larger, which was obviously caused by his last practice.


Qin Yanwu made a casual move, and a two-meter-long long gun was held in his hand. It was the low-grade magic weapon 'tiger roaring gun'. It is reported that the head of the gun is refined from the magic core of many tiger warcraft, with a tiger's fierceness and wildness.

Holding a tiger whistling gun in his hand, its body, especially the head of the gun, really exudes a fierce and wild atmosphere, which is very consistent with its name.

"Good thing, this kind of sharp weapon is really extraordinary, and it is not in vain to give it a name. If you are familiar with it, your strength will certainly be enhanced a lot." Feeling the breath brought by the tiger roaring gun, Qin Yanwu suddenly refreshed and stimulated the mysterious power in his body, which was not invaded by the fierce wild spirit.


Qin Yanwu urged Xuanli to resist the invasion of the fierce spirit, and the tiger roaring gun suddenly made a low sound. It seemed that he was resisting and refused to give in, but he soon calmed down, as if he had surrendered. He smiled and said, "How can the fierceness affect my mind? Just obey me and give maximum use to it."


Immediately, Qin Yanwu shouted, and the mysterious power of fire appeared in his hand, but the flame he exerted was not red, but white. It was the sacred white. In addition to being still hot, it was also extremely dazzling, which scared him.

"Huh? How did the flame I cast turn white? Although he has heard of many colors of flames, he has never heard of white, let alone sacred white.


The white flame directly whistled the tiger gun. Surrounded, as if burning, the tiger roaring gun actually made a sneer, and some dark ** dripped from the gun body to the ground.

"This..." Before he finished being shocked by the white flame, he saw this scene, which immediately made Qin Yanwu a little unable to recover and watched the white flame continue to burn without stopping.

After a while, the tiger roar gun no longer flowed out of the dark **. The whole gun seemed to have been rebuilt and refined, looking sharper. The fierce spirit was completely gone, and it was replaced by a domineering atmosphere. If there is a refiner here, he will be surprised to find that the quality of the tiger roaring gun has jumped by one layer, that is to say, the quality of the tiger roaring gun has been upgraded to the middle grade, which is extremely rare.