Burning Shinto

Chapter 91 Strong

The name of the fierce beast cottage is indeed feared by many people, especially in some places that have been plundered by it.

"The fierce beast cottage is coming, and I don't know if the owner of Qin City can resist it?"

"Hey! Yes, it has just passed the chaos, and now it has encountered such fierce stars. The luck of Canglan City in recent years is not very good.

"I'm afraid that this fierce beast cottage is for the young master of the Qin family. He won't mess around, and I don't know if the owner of Qin will hand over."

"Bullshit, how can the Qin family be so backboneless? If they do this, they will not resist on that day, and they will not have today's status."

Everyone in the city talked about it. After the last person spoke, everyone today nodded deeply and extremely agreed.


Outside the gate, Mu Xiong saw that the Qin family had not come out for a long time and stepped directly on the ground. The ground was stepped out of a hole by the strong man, and the city gate was also violently shocked, which scared the people to avoid one after another.

"Qin Zhenyu, hand over your Qin Yanwu boy, otherwise, even if I, Mu Shi, give something today, I will want you to bleed into a river in Canglan City." Mu Shi's heavy voice came directly, like a beast roaring, deafening.


The heavy gate slowly opened. Qin Zhenyu appeared in the city with a group of people from the Qin family, followed by Ling, Zhao, Yang and his clan. After all, this time it was the arrival of the two big villages of the fierce beast cottage and had to be cautious.

The fierce beast cottage and others saw the gate open and walked in one after another.

"Old man Qin Zhenyu, the current lord of Canglan City, I don't know what happened to come to my Canglan City. As the owner of Mu Dazhai, I'm afraid he won't be so reckless." Qin Zhenyu held the fist against the tall and powerful Mu Shi.

"Hmm! I didn't expect Canglan City to change the new city owner so quickly, and if I remember correctly, Qin Zhenyu, you were just one of the five families at the beginning, but now you have become the city owner, and you have entered the fourth-order martial arts master. It's really powerful and a good method.

Mu Shi's eyes showed fierce light, and immediately said nothing else. He said fiercely, "I must have come to you today, Qin Zhenyu, who knows what's going on. Although my fierce beast is domineering, he will not invade the main city wantonly. Your grandson killed my son Mu Lang on the same day. As long as you hand him over, I can't use force today, otherwise don't blame me for being rude. "

Qin Zhenyu heard that although he had known that he had come for this matter, he still said: "On that day, Linglang was invited by Mo Jiazhi to have a life-and-death confrontation with my Qin family. The rules had already made it clear that once the dead had no regrets on the stage, since Ling Lang knew this, he still played and died at the hands of my grandson, which was nothing..."

"I didn't come here to listen to you talk nonsense. On that day, you obviously knew that Mu Lang was my son and wanted to kill me. I must not let my fierce beast cottage in my eyes. Now that I come in person, will you Qin Zhenyu make friends or not?" Mu Shi waved his hand to stop Qin Zhenyu from talking.

Qin Zhenyu looked ugly when he heard it, and then said, "What does the owner of Muzhai want to calm this matter? If he has the ability, I, Qin, will definitely do it."

Qin Zhenyu is not a weak person, but now he is the lord of Canglan City. Behind him is not only the Qin family, but also the people in the city.

"calm down? I, Mu Shi, came today for only one purpose. I will kill my son's people in public and let everyone know that my fierce beast cottage people are not killed if they want. Mu Shi was ruthless and had only one purpose in his heart.

"Impossible. If Mu Shi wants something else, such as Xuanjing, I can still give it. Even if the number is large, it doesn't matter, but if you want my grandson, there is nothing to talk about." Hearing Mu Shi's persistence, Qin Zhenyu also crossed his heart and changed his attitude. He used to call Mu Zhaizhu, but now he directly called Mu Shi's name.

"Oh? Qin Zhenyu, do you think that Canglan City is bleeding today? Then you, the new owner of the new city, can be said to be recorded in history. Well, my son is dead. Let's vent what you need. Today, I'll take your Canglan City to start. Mu Shi said fiercely.

The two sides don't agree, and there is a feeling that a war is imminent.

The two sides looked at each other and did not take action immediately, because both sides knew that once the war started, even the winning party would pay a lot for the battle, which was very clear in their hearts. Mu Shi, in particular, thought that his arrival today could threaten Qin Zhenyu's friendship, but he didn't expect that the other party was as stubborn as rumored, which really distressed him.

There are not many onlookers around, because they know that once the war begins, there will inevitably be a tragic battle here, and they will only die faster. Therefore, they returned to their residence early and can only hope that Canglan City can avoid this bloody disaster.

"I'll ask again, hand it over or not?" Mu Shi roared, so angry that he could hardly suppress it.

"I also said again that material compensation can be made, but if you want the life of my grandson, there is nothing to talk about." Qin Zhenyu's words were also firm and abnormal.


At the moment of the stalemate between the two sides, the gate was closed. Not to mention the fierce beast cottage, even Qin Zhenyu was surprised and secretly scolded the guy who closed the gate.

"C Close the gate? Do you want to be trapped here and kill us? That's good too! You don't have to leave." Mu Shi saw that the city gate was closed and said with a sneer in his heart.

"Wrong, I closed the city owner. I don't want you to leave." At this time, a sound sounded, and everyone asked and looked away.

Qin Zhenyu's face changed dramatically when he saw the person who made a sound, and he was even more worried, because the person who came was Qin Yanwu.

"Yan'er, didn't you tell someone not to come out?" Qin Zhenyu said eagerly.

"Grandpa, this matter is caused by me, and Sun'er can't hide." Qin Yanwu said indifferently.

"Hey! Well, I knew I couldn't stop you." Qin Zhenyu sighed and knew the character of his grandson.

Mu Shi saw who came from Qin Zhenyu's words. He was furious and roared, "Are you the murderer of my son? Now that it's out, it's ready to die."

Mu Shi's powerful breath completely locked Qin Yanwu not far away, which is already clear that he must kill the latter.

Feering the locking of the other party's breath, Qin Yanwu was not afraid at all, and a faint sneer appeared on his face.

Huh? So bold, no wonder you dare to kill my son, but no matter how brave you are, you have to pay for my son's life today. Mu Shi was also slightly shocked to see that Qin Yanwu's face did not change. If others were locked by his murderous breath, he would have trembled with fear.


Mu Shi snorted coldly, and a mysterious force came and aimed at Qin Yanwu's critical point.

Although Qin Zhenyu has been on guard for a long time, he didn't expect the other party to take action unexpectedly. Now it's too late to take action to stop him, so he can only quickly step forward to block the mysterious impact.

"Hold honestly!"

However, Qin Zhenyu was about to leave, but he was bombarded by another powerful mysterious force. It was Mu Xiong, who was like a giant bear, who stopped him.

"It's not good!"

Qin Zhenyu hurriedly responded. The other party was at the same level as himself and was careless, but he could not stop Mu Shi's attack, and he suddenly shouted bad in his heart!

However, just when everyone thought that Qin Yanwu was bound to be hit hard by Mu Shi, a shocking scene happened. The mysterious impact that was powerful enough for the third-level martial artists to retreat was still blocked by a 16-year-old teenager.


Qin Yanwu shouted in a low voice and slapped him, and the mysterious impact in front of him was suddenly smashed.


Seeing that the Xuanli impact collapsed, all the people present took a deep breath, and then took a deep look at Qin Yanwu with an incredible look on their faces.

It is estimated that even if Qin Yanwu benefits after that war, at most, he will break through to the first-order martial arts. There is a lot of difference between the first-order and the fourth-order martial arts. Even if it is avoided, it is a little difficult to avoid it, let alone directly block it, which is no longer within the scope of ordinary people's cognition.

"How can it be!" Mu Shi saw that his sneak attack was actually blocked, and he was still a 16-year-old teenager. His face showed shock and his heart was completely shocked.


Qin Yanwu patted his hands, and immediately showed an indifference on his face, showing murderous intent in his eyes, and then said a word indifferently.

"I didn't just say that if you close the gate, you won't leave."