Burning Shinto

Chapter 97 The Way to Kill

What appears around is the wing ghost mentioned in the dark monument. This kind of thing is obviously not a creature from the outside world. In addition to the amazing evil spirit, there is also a black fog around it.

"Are these so-called wing ghosts transformed by those black fogs?" Qin Yanwu was puzzled.

"Kill!" The surrounding wing ghosts roared, their palms turned into claws, stepped on the black fog, turned into a strong wind, and directly killed Qin Yanwu.

They shouted a series of words "kill". Their three eyes full of fierce light only locked Qin Yanwu, and the speed was amazingly fast. In the blink of an eye, they came to Qin Yanwu from a hundred feet away.


How dares Qin Yanwu neglect? Each of these winged ghosts brings him a great sense of danger. With his perception, it can clearly know that each of these winged ghosts has the strength of a three-star orange-level soul master. If it is one, Qin Yanwu can easily solve it, but now it is fifty. No matter how confident Qin Yanwu is, he is not confident. I may dare to say that I can solve it all.


The wing ghosts around gathered around. Qin Yanwu put one pair of hands, and the soul power suddenly unfolded, controlling the range of all the wing ghosts within the range of soul power.

Immediately, with an open hand, countless air bombs exploded in front of those wing ghosts. The wing ghosts that had been rushed over were hit one after another and instantly blown backwards by air bombs.


seemed to have suffered some injuries, and all the wing ghosts roared and shouted sadly.

Qin Yanwu heard bursts of sad screams around him and thought that he could solve a few wing ghosts, but when the dust around him dissipated, he saw the intact wing ghosts, and they were still fifty, none of which had been reduced.

"How can it be that even the three-star orange soul master will be seriously injured in front of my current soul master realm? These winged ghosts have not even done any damage, which is too abnormal." Qin Yanwu saw that the fifty-winged ghost was still fine under his air bomb, and his scalp suddenly felt a little numb.


How could the wing ghost pay attention to what Qin Yanwu thought? Seeing that the person in front of him did not move, he rushed over again in an instant. The sharp claws directly tore the air and roared and made a terrible attack on Qin Yanwu with amazing power.

"Get out of here!"

Of course, Qin Yanwu is not a fool. Standing at the mermaid, he shouted loudly, his soul power was more condensed, and there was a louder sound around him. The more powerful air bomb exploded in vain than before. Most of the fifty-headed ghosts were blown upside down again by the violent explosion, but some of them drilled through the cracks and did not attack. The reduction and increase increased, and his claws grabbed Qin Yanwu's body fiercely.

" hiss!"

Qin Yanwu jumped back, but the claws of the wing ghost could still catch his waist position. When Qin Yanwu retreated 100 meters away, he suddenly felt an extreme pain in his heart. This pain did not come to the flesh, but to the depths of the soul. The pain made him grin, and his face was a little twisted. Song.

Qin Yanwu's body, who was in the regretful forest empty land, also trembled slightly after suffering this injury. It can be imagined that the injury even affected the body. Of course, it does not actually cause physical injury, and this phenomenon is just a manifestation.

"Pain, he. Mom. It's an indescribable pain!" Qin Yanwu pressed the waist position where he was caught with one hand. Although there was no blood flowing there, and there was nothing missing, there was a little floating phenomenon in his figure.

"I am now in a soul state. I'm afraid that every time I get injured, this body will be weakened, and the soul state will be floating. Once I get hurt too much, I'm afraid the trial will fail." Feeling the physical condition, Qin Yanwu has more or less understood how the trial failed.


The wing ghosts around attacked again. They seemed to have not been active for a long time, and their expression was a little excited, and they kept saying the word "kill" one by one.


Qin Yanwu still used air bombs as a counterattack, but the effect is negligible. The greatest damage to these wing ghosts can only blow them up until they are unable to move for a while, but after a while, this endless struggle has lasted for nearly 30 minutes.

"No! Air bombs have no effect at all. How can we kill these damn things? While fighting back, Qin Yanwu thought hard.

Gather together to become a soldier!

These four words suddenly appeared in Qin Yanwu's mind.

"by the way, I'm so stupid. The air is compressed into a bomb. This method is no longer mastered by my current soul master realm. At the level of the orange soul master, it is to condense external things into new objects as attack or defense."

Although air compression into bombs is also powerful, after all, it is a rough method of compressing air with soul power, and the soul power consumed is not large. The most important thing is that it can't really show the strength of the soul master. The strength of the soul master is that it can manipulate everything outside world as an attack with soul power. The level of realm, the soul power can even control the power of nature, which is the real strength and fearsomeness of the soul master.

After figured it out, Qin Yanwu looked around at the dilapidated weapons scattered everywhere and immediately expanded the scope of soul power. Under the influence of soul power, those dilapidated weapons began to vibrate slowly from the ground.


Qin Yanwu shouted, and the soul power was used to the extreme, and those weapons suddenly gathered under the control of the soul force.

"It's time for me to fight back!"


Qin Yanwu used his soul power and used those dilapidated weapons as a means of attack. Although these weapons have been very old, they seem to have been extremely high-quality black weapons for a long time. Their sharpness has only been weakened by the years, but they are still powerful.


A winged ghost was as fragile as paper in front of a weapon condensed into a big knife. It was cut in half in an instant. It immediately exploded and turned into the dark fog in the sky, which was obviously the real death.

"Good! The combined soul power of the condensed new weapons is simply terribly powerful, but it also seems to consume quite soul power!" Qin Yanwu was excited when he saw the first dead wing ghost, but he knew that it was not the time to be really happy.


While the winged ghosts are constantly being killed, Qin Yanwu has become more and more proficient in the use of this ability. Although he has not yet reached the point of condensing into soldiers, it is much better than the previous use of a lot of soul power to condense new weapons.

Ten heads, eleven heads, twelve heads...

The wing ghosts around are constantly decreasing, but at the same time, Qin Yanwu's soul power is also quite consumed. Although this is only a trial, the soul power is also limited. Otherwise, to the extent that he realizes "gathering things into soldiers", he can easily kill all wing ghosts.

While Qin Yanwu was still fighting hard, there was a young figure fighting in a familiar jungle, and this jungle was the Warcraft forest near Canglan City.


A tiger beast with the peak strength of the third-order roared, with a fishy wind, and slapped the teenager. The teenager sneered, his face was indifferent, and a punch came out. The crackling electric current sounded where his fist passed was obviously the mysterious power of thunder, and the thunder and lightning emitted by the mysterious power of the thunder was actually black and red. The tiger Warcraft was originally powerful under one palm, but it was blown up by this punch. It was dying and did not die.

Immediately, the young shadow came to the tiger warcraft. The two were completely different proportions, but the teenager easily grabbed it. His pupils suddenly flowed with black and red strange light. The energy around the tiger warcraft suddenly began to disappear. Those energy was sucked by the teenager. For a moment, the tiger warcraft did not seem to look good. What changes, but as long as you explore carefully, you will be surprised to find that all the energy in Tiger Warcraft has disappeared, like an ordinary beast.



The teenager took a long breath, and the strange pupils that originally flowed with black and red light changed back to their normal appearance. Then his body shook, and there was a sound like breaking the diaphragm in his body. The breath of the teenager began to change dramatically, and a lightning whirlpool appeared around his body. A moment later, the lightning whirlpool disappeared. Lost, the breath of the teenager is stronger than before.

Under the sunlight shining through the tree, a satisfied smile appeared on the teenager's face. The sunny boy-like appearance did not have the previous indifference. If Qin Yanwu was here, he would certainly be surprised on the spot, because this teenager was not someone else, but Qin Yuan.

At this time, Qin Yuan seems to be more powerful than before. In fact, his power is not even comparable to some excellent disciples of the Qin family. The change just now is to break through from the peak of the martial arts to the great martial arts master. That is to say, Qin Yuan has entered the realm of the first-order martial arts master, which can be said to be out of reach. Even Qin Yanwu is willing to worship him. Feng, you know, Qin Yuan hasn't learned how to practice for many days. This speed of promotion can only be described as evil.

"Finally broke through. The progress of practice in the past month is not bad. Fortunately, I found my strange ability. Killing and killing is my only way out. Only through killing can my strength continue to be strengthened. When my strength is strong, I will partner with my eldest brother to see who dares to bully me. "I'm going to live in Canglan City!"

Qin Yuan raised his hand, gently crossed his strange eyes, and smiled. From his words, he could feel that he still respected and worshipped Qin Yanwu.