Burning Shinto

Chapter 117 Unmatched

The last level of the first soul prison did not appear as an ordinary wing ghost, but a 100-meter-high terrible monster that claimed to be the evil emperor.

Qin Yanwu never thought that the opponent facing this last level would be such a horrible existence.

Master? Is that soul your master?" Qin Yanwu asked.

"Yes, the master is the most powerful. He created the soul prison and created us. My life is given by the master. Unfortunately, the master is no longer there. Since you have been inherited by the master, now you are also my master in name. But if you want me to recognize you, then you have to defeat me, otherwise you will always They are just idiots who get treasures and don't know how to use them. When the evil emperor talked about the master in his mouth, his tone was full of respect. In the end, it did not hide its disdain for Qin Yanwu.

No wonder the evil emperor would look down on the current Qin Yanwu. After all, its owner was so powerful that he could create life. Although Qin Yanwu in front of him was the inheritor of his master, his strength was so weak that he was not even interested in letting him do it.

Hearing the undisguised sarcasm of the evil emperor, Qin Yanwu suddenly felt unhappy and said secretly, you are just the keeper of the first and last level. How powerful can you be!

"You must think I'm just the guardian of the first soul prison. Where can I go if I'm strong?" The evil emperor said.

As soon as this came out, Qin Yanwu was shocked and secretly said that this guy can still read minds?

"It's okay to tell you now that the real strength of each of the guards of our nine-fold soul prison has been suppressed by the master by a strong means. Only when you reach a certain level can you release the soul prison. At that time, we can also go to the outside world for your use, but this is not what you can do now, and I am now Strength is just one ten millionth of real strength. The evil emperor sneered.

When Qin Yanwu heard this, he was even more shocked. It turned out that the strength of the evil emperor in front of him was suppressed, not the original strength. The current strength is only one millionth of the original strength. How terrible is the real strength?

At this moment, Qin Yanwu really admires the strong man named Soul. Not to mention how strong he is, the creation of such a horrible existence as the evil emperor is enough to prove that his ability is complete. What's more, there are still eight heads like the evil emperor. If all come out, how Horrible formation.

"I won't talk nonsense with you anymore. I can let you choose whether to fight with me or give up automatically?" There are obviously thorns between the evil emperor's words.

"Do you want me to give up? Dream, you are very powerful, but my favorite thing Qin Yanwu is to fight against the strong. The stronger I am, the more I am. Even if I fail, I won't die anyway!" Who is Qin Yanwu? He will not be defeated even in the face of adversity.

"Hahaha! OK OK! Your personality is the same as that of your master, and you finally make me see something. Hearing Qin Yanwu's words, the evil emperor was stunned at first and immediately laughed wildly.

"Come on, I haven't been active for a long time. Just think of it as waking up and doing warm-up exercise."

"Nonsense, look!"

Qin Yanwu shouted and launched the attack at the fastest speed. He believed that although the evil emperor was powerful, he also had the same advantages and disadvantages, that is, the huge body. Such a huge body must be very slow to move. As long as he fights slowly, it will definitely play a good role.

"The speed is good, but it's a pity that you underestimate me."

After saying that, the six huge arms of the evil emperor moved at the same time, and the six arms looked like hard black iron, but at this time, they were as flexible and elastic as rubber.


Six huge arms are like six dancing giant snakes, with terrible power and bombarded Qin Yanwu.


Qin Yanwu felt the oppression brought by the six arms. With a simple swing, he actually had such a terrible power. If he was hit head-on, he was afraid that he would not die and peel off. Therefore, he accelerated his speed again, found the gap when the arm attacked, and narrowly avoided the attack.

However, the attack of six arms is so dense that even if you can avoid it for a while, you can't be so lucky to avoid it again and again.


Sure enough, as soon as he avoided the bombardment on the left, the right side suddenly bombarded, and this time Qin Yanwu could not avoid it. He was directly hit by the arm. The whole person immediately flew backwards like a cannonball, hit a dark rock, and the whole person fell into the rock.


Qin Yanwu's mouth made a painful cry. This time, he hit it firmly, without any ambiguity, and his strength was fierce and terrible, much more terrible than the pressure of a mountain.

"How can it be so strong that it is so terrible? It's just a simple attack, and it doesn't seem to have used all its strength. It's terrible. At least this strength is also the yellow class. This first and final level actually has to face an opponent higher than itself." Qin Yanwu felt a burst of pain, and there was even more fear in his heart. This is the first time he has felt so powerless since he broke through the first soul prison checkpoint. In the past, even if he failed, at least he still had a chance of winning, but this time he felt that there was no chance of winning at all. I'm afraid that the success rate of less than 1st is still high.

"No, even if I fail, I have to find out what's special about this big guy or look for its weaknesses."

Qin Yanwu came out of the rock and stood in front of the terrible opponent of the evil emperor again.

Seeing that Qin Yanwu had not given up, and his eyes were still firm, the evil emperor could not help but begin to praise the future new owner, but the appreciation is appreciated, and it will not release water.

"Come again!"

Qin Yanwu roared, with one pair of hands, and immediately stimulated his soul power to the extreme.


Under the influence of this soul force, the ground around made a loud noise, followed by the broken weapons and dark soil on the ground, and gradually formed two giant beasts, which were two earth dragons.

Huh? This soul skill is good. I didn't expect you to condense the outside into a dragon, and it's an ancient dragon. It seems that you still have a lot of secrets, but this is not within my control. Looking at the two gradually forming earth dragons, the evil emperor was also slightly shocked. Unexpectedly, Qin Yanwu could condense the ancient dragon, and its momentum and charm were very close to the ancient dragons it had seen before.

"The earth dragon is angry, kill!"

With a deep shout, Qin Yanwu manipulated two 100-meter-long earth dragons and launched the strongest attack on the evil demon emperor. This soul skill is his most powerful means so far, and it is also the strongest move since he mastered the soul power. He is very light. What he is facing at this moment is no longer those ordinary wings. The ghost is an extremely powerful winged ghost lord, so there is no room for any hesitation. The most effective way to attack is to do it with all its strength to win the strongest blow.

The two 100-meter-long earth dragons were amazing, and the ground around them roared and were shaken by the two giant beasts. Such a power, even the evil emperor had to take it seriously. Although the two were similar in size, a huge beast-like battle was launched in this soul prison space.

Roar! Roar!

The two earth dragons roared, opened their blood, and suddenly devoured the evil emperor, and their slender bodies also rolled up the latter at the same time.

This scene is like a giant fighting with two giant dragons, and the scene is particularly fierce.


The evil emperor snorted angrily, and the six huge arms grabbed the two earth dragons wrapped around his body, and immediately pulled them hard. The two earth dragons suddenly made a broken sound. Qin Yanwu, who was the controller, suddenly hummed as if he had been hit, but still did it with all his strength.

"All demons!"

The evil emperor shouted angrily, and the black fog all over his body suddenly surged up. These black mist suddenly formed a terrible and ferocious devil-like monsters. These ferocious devils exuded an extremely evil atmosphere, which was frightening.


The ferocious devil scrambled to attack. The magic gas around him, like a corrosive agent, quickly penetrated into the body of the two earth dragons. The two earth dragons were invaded by the magic gas and suddenly made a sad roar. The earth and rocks and broken weapons used to condense the body began to gradually fall off at this time, and there was a kind that could disintegrate at any time. Trend.

"Break it for me!"

As soon as the words of the evil emperor came out, a more terrible energy fluctuation broke out. Under the impact of terrible energy, the two earth dragons began to gradually collapse, and the previous strong breath of the two earth dragons has disappeared at this time. It can be seen that the strength of the evil emperor is really strong and terrible, and even Qin Yanwu is the strongest. The soul skill is also difficult to play an effective role.