Burning Shinto

Chapter 121 Eight Wild Dragon Palm

Qin Yanwu and the three of them are located on the first floor of the Martial Soul Hall. Although it is only the first floor, it is not easy to come in and read the collected moves and skills. You know, you also need a thousand points of sect contributions to enter the first floor.

The contribution value of the sect is difficult to earn, but it is easy to spend. In the wilderness building, each task has a different contribution value of the sect, at least ten points, that is, collecting or helping the sect clean up. Among the tasks that the disciples can complete, there are at most 1,000 points. Although such sect tasks have a lot of contribution value, It is also very dangerous. Basically, you have to form a team to have the opportunity to complete it.

However, this task with the most contribution value reward can only be exchanged for an opportunity to enter the first floor of the Martial Soul Hall. Therefore, many of the outer disciples of the Great Wasteland Building are not bad, but they can only be promoted to the inner disciples in front of the outer disciples.

In the wilderness building, there are two requirements for being promoted to disciples. One is that its realm must reach the level of Wuzong, but it requires the contribution value of its own sect to reach 50,000. This first requirement is not difficult. As long as you are willing to practice hard, you will be able to achieve it, but the second requirement is difficult for many people. Five The contribution value of Wanmen is an astronomical figure for many disciples. After all, it is necessary to exchange the contribution value of the sect in cultivation. Therefore, only dozens of people can be promoted from disciples to inner disciples in a year, and none of these promoted disciples are strong in the outer gate. Some of them are even higher than those of inner disciples.

Therefore, Qin Yanwu and others completed the over-tasking task on the same day and obtained 2,000 contribution value, which is obviously very rich, and also proves the consistent style of the wilderness building to be fair and just, rewarded and punished.

Naturally, Qin Yanwu can't waste this free opportunity. There are thousands of moves collected in this first layer, and most of them are spiritual intermediate. If this level of mysterious skills are placed in Canglan City, it will be completely the treasure of the town, not to mention many of them are spirits. The level is higher, and some are even more comparable to the lower level of the king.

"Brother Qin, although our chance to come in this time is free, the rules are still the same. Two hours are not short or long. It may feel that time will pass as soon as you see it, so you'd better hurry up and find the magic skills that suits you." Shangguan Chan, who was beside him, reminded.

Huh? I remember correctly that you used to call me Brother's full name, why did you suddenly call me Brother Qin? Qin Yuan, who was beside him, said with a funny smile.

When Shangguan Chan heard this, her face turned slightly red, and she didn't know how to explain it for a moment.

"It's a matter, go away, Shangguan, don't be surprised. My brother is just not serious." When Qin Yanwu saw Shangguan Chan's slightly red face, his heart thumped, as if he had guessed something, and quickly slapped Qin Yuan to hide his embarrassment.

"No, it's okay. Can I call you Brother Qin in the future?" Shangguan Chan asked nervously.

"Of course, ah, didn't you say don't waste time? I'll go and see what suitable mysteries there are first. Qin Yanwu quickly opened the topic and walked away quickly.

"Idiot." Shangguan Chan saw Qin Yanwu's appearance and cursed in her heart, but her face was full of sweet smiles.

Where the Huo Xuanli bookshelf is located.


Qin Yanwu leaned next to the bookshelf and took a long breath.

"Isn't it true? No, I already have a heart. How can I think nonsense? No matter how stupid Qin Yanwu is, he can see that Shangguan Chan does have a good impression on him, but there is already someone in his heart.

"Hey! Let nature take its course." Qin Yanwu secretly said in his heart that this was the only way.

Leaving this aside, Qin Yanwu's eyes swept through the bookshelf full of mysterious skills. The bookshelf was all related to the mysterious power of the mysterious attributes, and the bookshelf in front of him was full of the mysterious skills of fire, and all of them were at the advanced level of spiritual level.

"There are dozens of books on a bookshelf alone, which is equivalent to the treasure of the town in Canglan City! In the past, my vision was really too small. Now I know how big the world is. I'm afraid there is a bigger existence than Fengzhou. Let's see if there are any good mysteries first.

When Qin Yanwu saw the bookshelf full of mysterious skills, he sighed in his heart, and then began to read it locally.

Although the intermediate mysterious skills of the spiritual level are no longer of much use for Qin Yanwu, not to mention the low-level spiritual level, so they have naturally skipped all of them and only look at the advanced spiritual level.

"Fangry Fist!"

"Starfire is all over the sky!"

"Yiyun dominates legs!"

"Inhale fire and destroy the palm!"


A variety of mysterious skills came into his eyes, which made Qin Yanwu a little dazzled. Each of these high-level mysterious skills is powerful, which can be said to be similar to the strongest move in the fierce beast treasure book, or even more powerful.

Just like this "fierce cloudy legs", the attack is like ten thousand horses galloping, continuous, making it difficult for people to resist its offensive.

It's like "starfire all over the sky", this move is stronger, and it requires a high mysterious control ability, because it is condensed into something like a spark with its own mysterious power. This seemingly inconspicuous spark can produce continuous destructive power once it touches others, which is more powerful than Qin Yanwu's air bomb is much more powerful.

"It's amazing. Every mysterious skill on the bookshelf here is obviously carefully selected, otherwise it will not be put into the Martial Soul Pavilion at will. If those who have not been selected are put in, I'm afraid there will be more than so few!" Qin Yanwu secretly exclaimed.

There are four bookshelves belonging to the mysterious power of the fire attribute, two of which are low-level spiritual level, one is intermediate and advanced together, and the last one is the fire mysterious power skills, which are neatly divided, and the disciples in the sect can see it at once.

The reason why there is still this low-level mysterious skill in the Martial Soul Hall is naturally reasonable. Not everyone can be as wide as Qin Yanwu's mysterious sea of power, and in some battles, it is not every time to perform the strongest mysterious skill. Before defeating others, you will die, so some low-level And low-consumption mystery skills are a good choice.

Therefore, most of the power of the martial soul pavilion is low-level. Although this is the case, these low-level mysterious skills of the spiritual level are carefully selected. Their power is comparable to that of intermediate level, but only low-level consumption. It is a good choice for disciples in the sect, and the most important thing is cultivation. It's much easier to get up.

Although these mysterious skills that I saw at a glance are all spiritually advanced, and their power is not bad, they obviously play a little role in Qin Yanwu, because he has a sea of mysterious power that is different from ordinary people, and his mysterious power is not comparable to ordinary people, so he can withstand a large consumption of mysterious skills.

However, the power of all the mysterious skills he just saw is obviously inferior to his self-created "Red Yan Double Dragon Strike", even if some of them are said to be comparable to the lower level of the king in the introduction, because the "Red Flame Double Dragon Strike" has been able to attract a trace of king's breath, and those comparable have not yet reached this. The degree, so it can't meet his requirements.

"This book is good and not bad, but it still doesn't work. If so, I might as well use Chiyan's double dragon strikes many times." Looking at this mysterious book, Qin Yanwu shook his head repeatedly.

After a while, I have finished reading all the advanced spiritual level, but there is no book that can satisfy Qin Yanwu, so I just took out a mysterious skill in the corner of the bookshelf.

This mysterious skill was stuffed in the corner of the bookshelf. It seems that no one has read it for a long time. It is obviously different from other books. Qin Yanwu was also bored to read it.

"Hmm!" At this glance, Qin Yanwu was shocked, because this mysterious skill really attracted him.

The title of the book on the cover of the book alone has deeply attracted Qin Yanwu's attention. The title of the book is like a fire dragon coiled around, which is extremely imposing. The book exudes a strong mysterious atmosphere of fire. It seems to be a mysterious skill at this level, but it is stuffed in the corner.

The name of this mysterious skill is amazing, called - Bahuang Dragon Palm!