Burning Shinto

Chapter 128 Mysterious Light

Qin Yanwu broke through to the realm of Wuzong in one fell swoop. For him, it is not difficult to break through to the realm of Wuzong. After such a long deposit, it is naturally a success.


Gently clenched his fist, and a force different from the past appeared and made a crisp sound.

"It's worthy of the realm of Wuzong. Now my strength is quite strong. If I meet the saber-toothed pig, I can retreat completely even if I am defeated. Not only have my strength been enhanced, but all parts of my body have changed. I feel more powerful than before, and the sea of mysterious power has increased by twice as before, Jane It's incredible." Qin Yanwu secretly marveled at his own changes.

"Black electricity." Qin Yanwu preached.

Heidian heard the sound and rushed in with a word. When Heidian saw his master, his pupils shrank slightly, because he felt the invisible pressure emitted by his master. This was a feeling at all before. Heiden secretly said in his heart that he was also a fifth-order warcraft, which was equivalent to the martial arts among human warriors. Zong Realm, but he will still feel this invisible pressure. The owner is too arrogant.

"Congratulations on your breakthrough to a new level." Black electricity sincerely said.

"Ha ha, this is just a matter of time. There is nothing to be happy about. My goal is far more than that. Well, I'm here to ask you to carry out the sect mission with me." Qin Yanwu smiled.

"No wonder the master came to me, so didn't Master Qin Yuan come?" Black Power is a little confused, because Qin Yanwu will follow wherever he goes, and the two are simply inseparable brothers.

"Well, Xiaoyuan has something to do. Don't ask too much. Let's go."

The black electricity no longer asked much when he heard the words. Qin Yanwu stepped on the back of the black electricity. If it was compared with the speed, Qin Yanwu asked himself that he could not compare with the black electricity.


The black electricity ran like a gust of wind, quickly, and soon left the Warcraft Forest and ran straight to the half-snow peak according to Qin Yanwu's instructions.

Half Snow Peak is located a hundred miles away from Fengzhou. It is an independent mountain and is surrounded by some residents. The residents there are almost without exception in the accommodation business, because Banxue Peak has many warriors all year round.

Half Snow Peak has this name because the peak is thousands of meters high and covers an extremely wide area, but this is not the origin of its name. The origin of its name is that the peak is divided into two parts, and the lower part is shaded by trees all year round. It can be said that this part is full of various trees everywhere, while the upper part is On the contrary, the upper part is snowing all year round, so this part looks like a snowy mountain in the distance. If people come to the dividing line, they will see half of the trees and half of the snow, which is very strange.

And Qin Yanwu's task this time is to go to the upper part, because the 'snow crystal blood fruit' grows close to the top of the mountain, and this spiritual fruit must be guarded by a 'blood velvet wolf', which can be said to be a companion warcraft, because the reason why the snow crystal blood fruit has a name is that it is used for irrigation is blood velvet. The wolf's own blood.

Xuejing blood fruit is a nearly six-grade elixirs. Its effect is more than ten times stronger than that of bloodline fruit. It has the ability to modify the bloodline tissue of the human body. Once you take this spiritual fruit, even if you are over 50 years old, the blood and flesh meridians in your body will be instantly transformed and return to your youth, so the value of snow crystal blood fruit is extremely high. Even if it is put in the auction, I'm afraid it will take a lot of Xuanjing.

All the way, from early morning to morning, I finally came to a place called Xuefeng Town outside Banxue Peak. This place is the only town outside Banxue Peak. Although it is only a small town, many martial artists come all year round, so it is extremely prosperous. The people here are also rich. Shishi, and Xuefeng Town is also within the jurisdiction of Fengzhou, the only town-level place directly under the management of Fengzhou, that is to say, except for Fengzhou, other big cities are not qualified to take Xuefeng Town under its command.

The biggest reason is that Banxuefeng has martial artists all year round. Its development is simply like a place to stay in a tourist area. Although Xuefeng Town is not big, Xuefeng Town's annual income is even more than some low-level big cities, at least more than Canglan City.

Moreover, Xuefeng Town is directly under the management of Fengzhou. Ordinary people dare not be noisy at all. If they want to stay in a local hotel, they must be regular, otherwise they are likely to be punished. Of course, fighting outside the door is indispensable. After all, even in places like Fengzhou, ordinary fights are from time to time.

At this time, it was almost noon, and there were many people on the streets of Xuefeng Town.

As soon as Qin Yanwu arrived, he attracted the attention of many people, because the black electricity he was riding was so eye-catching. It was not easy for ordinary martial artists to have a warcraft partner. However, a young man under the age of 18 actually rode a black panther nearly five meters high, which was really surprising.

Who is this young man? Unexpectedly, he was riding a warcraft. The warcraft seemed to be a cloud electric leopard, which is famous for its loyalty.

"I think it should be the descendant of which force, otherwise it is impossible to have a Warcraft partner at such a young age."

"Well, it seems that this Banxue Peak is another fight."

After seeing Qin Yanwu, the people in the street talked about it.

Huh? What's going to happen to Banxuefeng?" Qin Yanwu's perception ability is so powerful that he suddenly captured some information from the crowd.

When he came down from the back of the black electric, this man and beast showed extra attention.

In order to get more information, Qin Yanwu came to an ordinary decorated inn, but there were many people sitting inside, and the black electricity was guarding outside the door.

"This guest officer, I don't know what you need? Is it accommodation or food? A shopkeeper came over with a smile on his face and asked.

"Two, by the way, shopkeeper, is there something going to happen to this half-snow peak? There seems to be a discussion around.

Qin Yanwu asked, and suddenly the people sitting around the inn cast their eyes one after another, with some joking and some doubt in their eyes.

"Oh, guest officer, you didn't know that there was a strange light somewhere in Banxuefeng. Everyone thought that it was a strange treasure, so many warriors came here under impersonation. Of course, this is just speculation. There is no practical evidence to prove that it is a strange treasure, but the name of the foreign treasure is too attractive, because Whether this is true or not, many people have the mentality to find out. The shopkeeper answered truthfully.

"Oh? Is a strange treasure born? No wonder when I arrived, I found that there were still many warriors on their way. It turned out that there were such things, so can the shining place be in the right place? Qin Yanwu asked again.

"This, this is not true. It is said that the range of light is very large, and I don't know if it is really a strange treasure." The shopkeeper said.

Qin Yanwu nodded slightly, and then took out a best Xuanjing and gave it to the shopkeeper. The latter suddenly smiled and was happy, and then walked away to prepare wine and dishes.

Huh? Didn't you expect to encounter such a thing? It seems that the task is going to be slowed down. What can you do if you don't take advantage of the excitement? Qin Yanwu said secretly in his heart.

Late night.

"There is a strange light in the half-snow peak again!"

I don't know who shouted loudly. Suddenly, the whole Xuefeng Town shook. All the warriors either poked out their heads to look or went directly to the street, and Qin Yanwu flashed and came to the roof.

Sure enough, there is a light somewhere in the lower half of the snow peak. In the middle of the night, the light seems to be extra conspicuous, and the light seems to exude a strange atmosphere. Although it is a little obscure, it can be felt by people with a little strength.

"This breath is a little close to the breath emitted by the original Yuanlingzhu. It is indeed a foreign treasure. The foreign treasure has this breath, but the breath emitted from such a long distance is much stronger than the Yuanlingzhu directly faced, and the grade must not be low." Qin Yanwu was excited.

The foreign treasure is called the spirit of heaven and earth, and the foreign treasure generally emits the same breath. This breath is called the innate breath. The more powerful the foreign treasure, the stronger the innate breath it emits, which also proves that the more powerful the ability of the foreign treasure is.

The light of the semi-snow peak in the distance does exude an innate atmosphere, but the distance is a little far away, so it is a little obscure, but it is enough to prove that the light is emitted by some strange treasure.