Burning Shinto

246 half-way intercept

Qin Yanwu learned from Yao Mengxiao that the Gongyang family is the only powerful force belonging to Baihe City, but the headquarters is not in the city.

The so-called ram land in Baihe City is just the place they use to collect disciples. Other than that, it has no practical effect, and there are no masters in it.

Therefore, although the Ram family took the mysterious skill of "Phantom Shadow Walk" this time, they will never put it in the White Crane City, so they will naturally return to the nest, whose nest is five miles away from the White Crane City.

Although the magic shadow step is far less than the real Xuanqi elixir, it is also extremely rare. At the auction that day, this mysterious skill was auctioned at a high price of 40,000 Wangpin Xuanjing.

Now the few people behind the left are obviously from the Ram family. They want to secretly give the magic step to the nest.

"Brother, what should I do now?" Black electricity asked.

"Don't pay attention to the people in front of you. I guess the magic shadow steps are mostly on those people in the back, otherwise they don't have to be so sneaky." Qin Yanwu raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said.

"Well, it makes sense." Black electricity nodded.

"Go! Follow them first and see what tricks they play. Qin Yanwu waved his hand.

Black Dian and Xiaotao followed.

At this time, six people rushed in the jungle road not far from the left. They looked around from time to time and hid quickly as soon as they found any movement.

"Master Feng is still thoughtful, and the evil vulture martial arts school and others will really do it when we go out of the city." A middle-aged man.

"The evil vulture martial arts school is as strong as our ram family. Although this magic shadow step is only a physical and mysterious skill, I'm afraid that the strength of the family will be stronger in the future. Naturally, the evil vulture martial arts hall will not sit idly by. With their personalities, they will definitely grab it." Another person said that this person is an elder surnamed Fang Tong of the Gongyang family. His strength is the strongest among the six people, with the strength of the fifth-level martial arts master.

"Quickly return to the family and don't let Master Feng fall into a deadly battle. The earlier we reach the family, the less they have to fight." Fang Tong hurriedly urged.

The other five people looked at each other and knew that they could not waste more time, so they also stepped up to catch up.

However, not far behind them, there are three figures following them. It is Qin Yanwu.

"They really want to send the magic steps back to the nest in this way." Qin Yanwu followed while expanding the range of perception. Although he only faintly heard the words of the people in front of him, he had confirmed that the magic shadow step was in their hands.

"It's less than two miles away from the Ram family. If we want to take action now, otherwise it is likely to enter the eyeliner of the Ram family." Black electricity reminder.

"Well, follow the strategy I just mentioned." Qin Yanwu said to Xiaotao, who was eating barbecue.

"Hey, I know." Xiaotao was instructed to leave the other two quickly.

The six people of the Ram family in front of them are still nervously rushing, because as long as they are within the eye range of the Ram family, even if there is any accident, they can drag their help.

However, just as the six people rushed on their way, a child appeared not far away. The child's face was so sloppy that he could not even see clearly, and his breath was very weak, like a beggar who had not eaten for many days.

Huh? There is a child in front of him. The middle-aged man is humane.

"There is a child in this kind of mountain forest. Did he come out for fun?" Another said.

"Don't worry about it, keep going." There is no pity in Fang Tong's eyes.

But just as they were about to pass the sloppy child, the child directly grabbed one person's footsteps and cried loudly: "Woo, uncle, I'm lost. I'm so hungry. Can you take me away?"

"Fuck, let go." The middle-aged man didn't expect that the child could catch himself running fast at once.

"Fight away from him." Fang Tong shouted.

"He was caught to death." The middle-aged man is humane.

"Then kill him, do I still need to say that? This is not the time to waste time. Fang Tong's face was angry.

"But he is just a child." The middle-aged man can't bear it. Obviously, he is not the kind of person who kills people without blinking an eye.

"Lu Kai, kill the guy in the way." Fang Tong shouted angrily at the man beside him.

"Good!" Lu Kai's eyes turned and showed a murderous intention.

"Uncle, don't kill me. I'm just lost. I'm so hungry. Just give me something to eat." The child cried.

Lu Kai came to the child, with a chill at the corners of his mouth, then picked up the child and said, "Don't be afraid, you won't be hungry soon."

The middle-aged man couldn't bear to look and retreated back.

Lu Kai raised his finger casually, because he thought that the child in front of him could be killed with just one finger, and it didn't take too much effort at all.

However, before his fingers touched the child, his face stiffened, and then a burst of paleness surged up. He looked at his chest in disbelief, when a small hand poked into his heart.

He looked up at the child with difficulty, and there was a chill on his face that was completely different from his age.

"No..." Lu Kai moaned in a low voice.


A cracked sound came from his chest, and Lu Kai's face was still frightened, but by this time, his vitality had completely disappeared and was obviously dead.

Fang Tong behind saw that Lu Kai was still not doing anything. He suddenly surged up in anger and shouted, "Lu Kai, why are you still not doing it!"

But Lu Kai is dead and naturally can't respond.

Fang was so angry that he came forward and pulled away Lu Kai, but when he saw the latter's front, he only saw a body with fear and a blood hole in his chest.


The moment Lu Kai fell to the ground, including Fang Tong, he stayed for a moment.

A young shout suddenly came from in front of him, and Fang Tong woke up, but he was facing a small meat fist with terrible strength.



Although Fang Tong reacted in time, it was still half a beat slower, and his counterattack power was obviously weaker. Suddenly, he was beaten back a few meters by the small meat fist, and there was a sharp pain in his hand, and obviously the bones on his fist were broken.

"Fuck!" Fang Tong's eyes were as red as blood and roared.

He looked at the man who attacked him with a ferocious face, and the man was the sloppy child like a beggar just now.

This child is not who, but Xiaotao who left quickly before.

Qin Yanwu's plan is very simple, which is to let Fang Tong see that Xiaotao is a child and relax his mind. However, he also knows that Fang Tong is not that kind of person, and his purpose is just to delay them. If there is a chance, he will naturally do it. If he can kill one person, there will be less trouble.

Now it can be seen that this strategy was very successful, not only killing one of them, but also injured Fang Tong.

"Ky this little bastard!" Fang Tong was about to crack and shouted.

Hearing Fang Tong's roar, the other four people gathered around one after another. Now they dare not look at the child in front of them anymore.

Lu Kai is a martial arts master in the early stage of the third-order. Generally, even if the second-order martial arts master wants to attack him, even if he can hurt him, it is very difficult to kill him under the sneak attack. However, at this time, he was killed by a child who seemed to have no power.

You should know that in the early stage of the third stage, Wuzun's physical strength was already very strong, but he was easily pierced by a child, which can be guessed that this child is definitely not as simple as the surface.

Just as the four people were about to take action, two figures appeared in Xiaotao, who were Qin Yanwu and Heidian who rushed here.

"Five adults are not shy to deal with a child. They can take action against a child. It really destroys human nature." Qin Yanwu lowered his voice and said hoarsely.

"It's you!" Fang recognized Qin Yanwu at the same glance. Of course, he recognized the figure hiding under the cloak at the auction that day.

Fang Tong wanted to see the face under the cloak, but he could only see the dark and didn't know who the other party was.

"Do you know that we are rams? Those who kill us are not afraid of revenge?" Fang Tongqiang suppressed his anger.

"Afraid! But as long as you are all killed, it won't be fine." Qin Yan's martial arts.

"What a big breath, but I have a question, why did you kill us?" Fang Tong had a chill in his pupils.

"If you ask knowingly, you naturally want the magic step in your hand." Qin Yanwu said directly.

Hearing this, the other party actually knew that he had a magic walk in his hand. It seemed that he had found that the people of the ram family who had left before were just bait.