Burning Shinto

Chapter 264 Heart Core in Hand

The five-headed heavenly fire spirit beasts are coming fiercely. They have become Qin Yanwu's food, and they will definitely kill and swallow the latter to enhance their own strength.


The five-headed fire spirit beast roared and flew over. The superheat came with a hot wave, and they all chose their own opponents.

In their view, the human beings in front of them are only slightly stronger than Zhou Jing, and others are not enough to make them like it.

However, just as the five fire beasts were full of thinking that they would win at once, three huge figures appeared in front of them in vain to resist their attack.

Bang bang!

Several crashes sounded.

Although the three huge figures flew back a few meters before stopping, the attack of the Skyfire Beast was really blocked.


The Skyfire Spirit Beast's attack was blocked and retreated one after another. There was a trace of unwillingness and anger in their red pupils. They never thought that they would be blocked.

There is no doubt that the three huge figures are the three fierce battle puppets owned by Qin Yanwu. Since the capture of the magic shadow step that day, although they have been damaged, they have been repaired by him again by repair.

"Come on." Qin Yanwu has a high fighting spirit.


He saw a series of movements in his hand and constantly knotted different fingerprints. With the formation of the fingerprints, after a low hum, a shining array pattern appeared under his body.

Then, he waved his hands, and the three fierce puppets were like puppets, and their backs were easily pulled to their respective positions.

"Three Talents Puppet Array, Kai!"

With a low shout, the eyes of the three fierce battle puppets burst out, and suddenly the breath was stronger than before entering the array, which naturally played an increasing role in the array.


The breath emitted by the three fierce battle puppets suddenly made the five heavenly fire spirit beasts feel uneasy. Although they only know how to kill and swallow, they still have feelings in the face of danger.

However, despite their crisis sensitivity, their killing and devouring emotions will always be greater than other emotions before they reach the same level as King Wu.

Therefore, even if they felt uneasy by the breath of the three fierce puppets, they still did not choose to escape, but did not give up, and were bound to kill Qin Yanwu and others.

"I'm just sure of your point." Qin Yanwu raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Generally, after the Warcraft with the strength of the fourth-order martial arts master feel the breath of the three fierce battle puppets, they will choose to escape. Even the higher-level ones are no exception, but the spirit beasts will not, because they only know how to kill and swallow.

Qin Yanwu also grasped this point. In this way, he is much easier to deal with this kind of low intelligence, and his strength is not beyond his too many opponents.


Qin Yanwu shouted in a low voice, and the three people beside him also used all their best without reservation, and their mysterious power surged out. They knew that the opponent in front of them was not easy to deal with, and even if they tried their strength, they might not be able to defeat them, but if they delayed, they could do it.


Qin Yanwu's low shout made the five heavenly fire spirit beasts also become irritable.


I saw that the fire spirit beasts gushed out terrible heat energy all over their bodies, and the mysterious power of a fire began to gushe out of their bodies like a volcanic eruption.


In an instant, they launched a fierce offensive again. Their attack was not fancy at all, only the simplest and direct bite and killing, simple but with terrible power.

Perhaps, this is their skill, which is a skill with terrible deep power. If you despise it because of this, I'm afraid it will end badly.

The three black electrics did not hesitate to choose their respective opponents. The strength of the five-headed fire spirit beast is the same. It should be condensed at the same time, so the three of them did not deliberately choose which one, but chose the other at will. After all, no matter which one they choose, it is the same.

Bang bang!

Suddenly, the sound of war between the two sides sounded.

Black Power and others followed the original plan, that is, they did their best to drag the fire spirit beasts they faced, waiting for Qin Yanwu to kill them one by one.

Therefore, the main person in the war is Qin Yanwu.

He controlled three fierce fighting puppets and one of the Skyfire spirit beasts fight in an instant, and at the same time faced another Skyfire spirit beast, which is equivalent to one person fighting against two Skyfire spirit beasts.

If this were the same as before, he might not be able to do it, but now it's different.

In the battle circle, Qin Yanwu's figure is extremely fast. At this time, he has unfolded the magic shadow step by step. His current speed is almost unmatched in the same realm, even if it is a little faster than that of the same side on that day.


The fire spirit beast roared repeatedly, and it chased Qin Yanwu. Although the latter was far less powerful than it, the latter was extremely fast and could avoid its attack every time, which made it extremely annoyed.

"Come and chase me." Qin Yanwu hooked his finger.

He is going to deliberately provoke the fire spirit beast, so that the latter will unite with other companions.

If it hadn't been for the low intelligence of the Skyfire Spirit Beast, his little plan would not have worked at all.

When the fire spirit beast saw Qin Yanwu so arrogant, his red pupils turned angry on the spot, and his whole body trembled violently. The mysterious power of fire in his body erupted desperately. He saw it suddenly open its mouth, and there was obviously something rapidly condensing in his mouth.

Finally, this fire spirit beast is no longer a simple claw attack, but condenses a terrible fireball with its own mysterious power of fire.


It suddenly sprayed, and a fireball roared. When the first fireball spewed out, it kept spewing fireballs one after another, and its targets were all Qin Yanwu.

The original purple sky turned red as fire in an instant.

"Damn it! It seems that it's overplayed." Qin Yanwu raised his eyebrows and quickly showed the magic shadow to the extreme possible.

The fireball keeps spewing, and Qin Yanwu can only rely on the magic shadow to dodge, because he knows that once he is hit by the fireball, he is not seriously injured. You know, the fireball contains five-ths of the deep power!


The fireball fell to the ground and was immediately blown up one by one.

Qin Yanwu's forehead was sweating, which was not caused by too hot, but caused by tension. After all, he not only had to face the fire spirit beast that day, but also had to control three fierce battle puppets against the other fire spirit beast at the same time, which consumed a lot of spirit, and ordinary people could not support it at all.

Another fireball bombarded, and the fireball fell on Qin Yanwu accurately.


When the black electricity over there and others saw it, they immediately roared.

"Big brother!"

"Young master!"

"Brother Qin!"

The three shouted. They thought that Qin Yanwu was hit by the fireball.

Even the fire spirit beast was extremely excited at this time, thinking that he had finally killed the hateful human.

However, Qin Yanwu, who was hit by the fireball, began to dissipate and soon disappeared directly.

"Wow! I almost suffered."

Not far away, there was a voice. It was the "disappearing" Qin Yanwu who saw that he was not injured except for some burn marks on his clothes.

The three people of Black Electric suddenly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the situation.

"Let's solve your head first, general attack!" Qin Yanwu did not wait for the fire spirit beast to react, and his fingerprints changed, which immediately stimulated the strongest offensive of the three-talented puppet array.

Roar! Roar! jiu!

The three fierce battle puppets were as late as stimulants, and their pupils only burst out of amazing light, and immediately launched the strongest general attack.

With the sound of the lion puppet and the tiger puppet, they formed a left and right offensive respectively, and then both passed the two heavenly fire spirit beasts.


I only heard a sad cry. When I heard the sound, I saw that the two parts of the belly of the Tianhuo spirit beast after being attacked by the lion puppet and the tiger puppet burst apart, constantly gushing out a large amount of lava-like **. I think this is its "blood".

However, the offensive is not over.

The cloud vulture puppet roared, and its wings were horizontal, like a big knife, and suddenly cut the Tianhuo spirit beast in the waist.


After the fire spirit beast was cut in the waist, its whole body exploded on the spot. Then the lava-like thing began to condense quickly, and soon condensed into the size of a fist, emitting a magnificent energy fluctuating red sphere.

"It's it!" Qin Yanwu did not hesitate at all.


grabbed the red sphere, and then thought about it and retreated directly.