Burning Shinto

Chapter 276 Blood Secret

Gong Yangwei's body shook, his whole body crackled through the sound, and a huge force surged out of him. At this time, he obviously planned to fight with Li Xuan.

"Bram Wei, do you really want to fight with me here?" Li Xuan said indifferently.

"Hmm! Don't talk nonsense. Either call the boy out or beat me and take him away. There is no other choice. There was a flame burning in his eyes.

It is said that Gongyangwei is famous for fighting in Baihe City, especially when he and Li Xuan used to be old opponents. At this time, the two sides met again, which gave him a strong desire for a war.

Li Xuan and Gong Yangwei are both martial arts in the middle of the seventh level. This can be said that they meet the enemy. I'm afraid it's not a matter of a moment to win or lose.

"People, I'm from Baoding. Since you have made up your mind to fight with me, I have no choice but to accompany you." Li Xuan was not afraid at all.

"Hahaha, that's it. Come on, have a good fight." The ram's laughter was shocking.

"Protect Master Qin and don't let meaningless people touch him." Li Xuan ordered his subordinates in the rear.

"Yes!" More than a dozen blood crane guards shouted in unison.

Qin Yanwu was also a little stunned, but he didn't expect that the two sides were going to start a war. In his opinion, it was obviously not the time to fight. After all, the purpose of entering Ziwuling is to search for treasures. At this time, once the two fight, I'm afraid it will be difficult for a while, and there will be no time to search for treasures at that time.

However, Li Xuanqian came to save him, and he was naturally embarrassed to leave, and it was obviously impossible for the Ram to let him leave. The ram people in the rear stared at him all the time to prevent him from escaping.

Since there is no way, he can only give up this plan. He also wants to see the battle between Gongyangwei and Li Xuan. Both of them are famous strong men in Baihe City. The former has always been the main warrior in the Gongyang family, and the latter is the leader of the blood crane guard. It is said that the blood formula of cultivation is extremely domineering. Since it is a skill and a mysterious skill, The combination of the two makes Li Xuan so strong.


I only heard a loud noise. Li Xuan and Gong Yangwei, who were still standing on both sides just now, actually collided with each other quickly. The two powerful forces stirred in mid-air. Even the people around them did not react for a moment.

"It's so fast. Both of them are very strong!" Qin Yanwu sighed for a moment that if he had such strength, he would not have been as aggrieved as before.

Bang bang!

The two kept bumping into each other in the air, and the huge roar exploded in the air. Their speed was so fast that their eyesight could hardly be seen clearly.

After dozens of times in the blink of an eye, the two separated and looked at each other at a distance of more than ten meters.

Gong Yangwei is covered with golden light, and there seems to be countless sharp blades waving all over his body. In the place where he is, there is a cutting sound. Obviously, he is the operator of Jin Zhixuan's power, and his Jin Zhixuan power is extremely fierce, with a feeling of cutting everything. You can be seen at a glance. He exerted a strong deep force, which is definitely much more powerful than Qin Yanwu.

And Li Xuan was covered with blood-red light. The original appearance of the teacher was gone at this time. His eyes were as red as blood, and his blood was amazing. The blood in the human body below seemed to be attracted by him.

"Hahaha, the blood formula is worthy of being infinitely close to the imperial level, but unfortunately it's a remnant, otherwise I'm really not your opponent." Ram Wei laughed wildly.

"What! Imperialjie! Oh, my God, no wonder it's so strong!" Qin Yanwu was shocked. He didn't expect that the blood formula was actually different from the imperial class. Although it was a remnant, the imperial class was not even in the wilderness building.

The imperial rank is the imperial rank. Even if it is a remnant, it is much more powerful than the royal rank. From the evil transformation of Weishan on that day, it can be seen that it is only a remnant, but it is more powerful than any low-level king rank.


The two people in the sky burst into an amazing breath again. The golden power around Gongyangwei continued to spread like countless sharp blades, while Li Xuan was the same as just now, but the feeling was indeed more and more horrible.

Ram Wei raised his hands in vain, and a magnificent mysterious force gushed out of his body, and then spewed out from his hands. In the blink of an eye, a big knife stood up, 100 meters long.

"Optimus Prime!"

With a loud voice, Gong Yangwei held a big knife, and then cut it down suddenly. The big knife suddenly cut through the sky, and the purple fog was torn apart by the big knife. At this time, the sky seemed to have been cut off by the big knife.

This terrible attack suddenly made most of the people below change their faces. In their opinion, this knife may kill all of them in an instant.

Only the people of the Ram family had an arrogant smile on their faces.

"Why is Brother Li still standing still?" Qin Yanwu was worried that the knife of Gongyangwei was absolutely not small.

"Don't worry, he is not the kind of person who sits and waits for death." One of them is a bloody crane.

Qin Yanwu heard that he didn't know where their self-confidence came from. If he didn't react, the knife would fall directly from his head.

Just a few meters away from Li Xuan, he moved his palm, and a sticky bloody force surged out of his hand. As soon as this force came out, a shocking smell of blood suddenly spread around him.

Then, his hands were imprinted, and the sticky blood power also changed rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a blood dragon. The blood dragon was actually a little similar to the legendary ancient dragon, and its momentum was also extremely amazing.


With a roar, the blood dragon was completely formed, with a huge body 100 meters long hovering in the air.

"Blood God's Secret - Blood Dragon Swallows the Sky!"

Li Xuan shouted deeply and did not dodge in the face of the golden knife. He rushed up. Then his palms suddenly burst out, and the blood dragon suddenly roared and hit the golden knife.


The blood dragon roared continuously, and the surroundings trembled violently by the roar. Facing the golden knife, there was a trace of disdain in the dragon's pupil.


In an instant, the two sides collided with each other, and the huge explosion shook hundreds of meters, and some weak monsters fled quickly.

The people below also felt the two terrible forces, and their faces suddenly changed greatly and quickly urged the mysterious resistance. But strangely, the two forces did not affect them, but made their bodies tremble a little.

"Abandoned move! Break it for me!"

Li Xuan's voice resounded at this time, and he burst out again, and his bloody power climbed again, as if it were endless. The blood dragon became even more crazy, and its giant claws suddenly hit the golden knife.


A crisp cracking sounded, and countless cracks began to appear on the 100-meter golden knife.

"How can it be!" The power of the ram holding the golden knife is unbelievable. This is his strongest killing move, and he uses all his strength, because he knows that he must not have any reservations in the face of Li Xuan, but even so, his golden knife has been cracked.

"Five me!" Li Xuan ignored the shock of the other party and shouted awe-inspiringly, and the bloody power suddenly exploded.


The golden knife exploded and turned into countless golden fragments.


At the moment when the golden knife collapsed, Gong Yangwei's whole body was hit hard, and the qi and blood in his body surged up. An unspeakable pain broke out of his body, making him unable to spew out a mouthful of blood.


Ram Wei suddenly flew to the ground and smashed a big hole on the ground, but his strength was indeed not weak, and he still stood there, but everyone knew that he had lost.

Li Xuan slowly fell to the ground, and the terrible bloody power on his body suddenly disappeared, and his whole body returned to the appearance of the teacher again. There was no bloody madness just now.

Qin Yanwu was shocked. He didn't expect that the battle would end so quickly. Li Xuan's strength was beyond his imagination.

"You, have you broken through? Otherwise, it can't be so strong. In the past, we were all five or five in the war with you, and no one can do anything about it!" Gong Yangwei stared at Li Xuan with resentment in his eyes and roared.

"Hmm! Get out of here with your people. Don't try to challenge my patience. Li Xuan did not deny or admit it.

When Gong Yangwei heard this, his eyes were even more resentful. In his opinion, Li Xuan was only so strong if he broke through.