Burning Shinto

Chapter 281 The Best King

The two sides have been in a match for less than five minutes, but it's over so soon.

Qin Yanwu never thought that Meng Bang was so powerful that he completely defeated Gongyangfeng with one move, and he killed the latter directly without hesitation.

This makes him a little curious. Do the people of the Blood Crane Guard have such terrible fighting power? Previously, Li Xuan also defeated Gongyang Wei in one move, and now it is Meng Bang.

At this moment, Qin Yanwu finally understood why there has never been a force in the White Crane City that dared to provoke the city lord's mansion, and there were such horrible guards as Blood Crane Guards, and no one dared to mess around.

The blood crane guard is a group of people who have survived in the sea of corpses and blood. Naturally, they have extraordinary terrible fighting power. Even if Gongyangfeng is a person who has experienced hundreds of battles, Meng Bang, who is the blood crane guard, can only die with hatred.

"Ah! You, you really killed Master Feng. He is the son of the old man. Aren't you afraid of revenge? A man from the Ram family was shocked.

"Revenge? Hahaha, you are also dying people, and you still say these useless nonsense. Meng Bang couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Handle them."

Under his order, the other four blood crane guards suddenly overflowed with murderous spirit, and their eyes exuded a terrible scarlet color, like a beast seeing its prey.


Then, there were bursts of sad calls in this space.

Originally, the overall strength of the five rams was stronger than that of the four blood crane guards, but the result was unexpected. The former was killed by the latter in extreme fear.

In a moment, all the remaining five rams were killed on the spot.

"Master Qin, these are the space rings of Gongyang Peak and others." Meng Bang recovered as before, with an indifferent face.

"Don't you want it? You know, Gongyangfeng is the fifth master of the Gongyang family, and there should be a lot of good things on him. Qin Yanwu looked at the six space rings handed over, first stunned, and immediately wondered.

"We don't need these things. Our duty is to obey the orders of our superiors, and in the city lord's mansion, our blood crane guards have the most resources." Meng Bang said at will.

"Well, thank you very much." Qin Yanwu no longer refused and accepted the six space rings.

Then, he started to pick up the more than 100 star meteorites scattered on the flowerbed one by one and put them into the space ring.

After collecting all the meteorite stones, everyone was looking for treasures in this space again. Before leaving, Meng Bang waved something in his hand to destroy the bodies of those people in Gongyangfeng one by one to avoid being found by others.

Qin Yanwu and Meng Bang searched for treasures all the way and found that the space was really amazing. The six people searched for more than half an hour before they saw some entrances similar to the passage in front of them, and some stairs could be seen in that entrance, which was the way to the upper floor.

In this half-hour search, no good treasures were found. Although there are also king-level mysterious weapons, most of them are of low-grade, and they are extremely ordinary. As for other things, there are also some elixirs, but they are also of low value.

This makes Qin Yanwu very puzzled. Is there nothing decent in this black tower? The things here seem to be worse than the treasures that can be found outside.

Come to the entrance of the passage.

and Meng Bang looked at each other, nodded and went straight into it.

After the six people walked up a not long ladder, they entered another space again, but this time they did not separate the six people.

As soon as I entered this new space, I heard a fight.

Looking along the sound, I found that the space was extremely narrow, only a hundred meters wide. At this time, there were dozens of people fighting, several of whom were familiar to Qin Yanwu. It was Yao Mengxiao and Cao Gang, and Li Lan, who had a loli face but a strong figure.

At this time, each of the three has its own opponents, and they are all in a fierce battle, and it seems that they are not fighting casually, but obviously exerting all their strength.

Bang bang!

The sound of fierce fighting keeps echoing in this narrow space.

"Hmm! Yao Mengxiao, I'm afraid it's not so easy for you to get this best king weapon. A man sneered and said that this person was none other than Teng Kui, the owner of the evil vulture martial arts hall.

The two sides fought fiercely for a superb king weapon.

No wonder, the lower and middle-grade king weapons are relatively common, but they are much less when it comes to the top, not to mention a best king weapon. The most expensive middle-quality king weapons are only tens of thousands of king Xuanjing. However, the price of the top-quality king weapons will increase more than ten times, and the best king weapons are even more expensive, and the worst is also counted. 100,000, and many times there is no price.

Because the top-grade king weapon has a chance to be promoted to the best, while the best king weapon has a small chance to be promoted to the imperial-level mysterious weapon, while the lower-grade and the middle-grade have no such potential, which is the essential difference, and any level of the mysterious weapon is the same. Therefore, even if Qin Yanwu quenches the broken cloud halberd with a white spiritual fire, he can't upgrade it to the top grade.

The best king's weapon, even in the Great Wasteland Building, but it is said that the Zhenzong treasure of the Great Wasteland Building is an imperial mysterious weapon, and only the leaders of past dynasties are eligible to have it.

"Do you think you can stop me with you two?" Although Yao Mengxiao looked a little solemn, he still disdained.

At this time, Yao Mengxiao's opponent is not only Teng Kui. She is also facing another strong man, and she is also a familiar face. It is the Ram Wei who was defeated by Li Xuan before.

If Teng Kui is alone, he may not be Yao Mengxiao's opponent. Now he can only barely compete with Gongyang Wei. Because Yao Mengxiao's whole body was shrouded in a purple flame at this time, it was the purple spiritual fire. After she used the purple spiritual fire, even Wu Zun in the middle of the eighth level may not be her opponent, not to mention Teng Kui's skills were restrained by her.

Therefore, even if Teng Kui and Gong Yang Wei, the two can barely compete with Yao Mengxiao together.


Yao Mengxiao raised her cold eyebrows, and an amazing breath burst out in vain. She saw that the purple spirit fire on her body began to run like a ghost. As she operated like this, the purple spirit fire appeared to be in a completely different form from the mysterious power of ordinary fire.

"I'll let you see the power of the spiritual fire."

Yao Mengxiao shouted, and the purple spiritual fire suddenly spread around, almost covering the whole space. Suddenly, the temperature around began to rise rapidly, and some people even found it difficult to breathe.

"What a strange move is this? It can actually burn oxygen." Teng Kui suddenly felt a great reduction in oxygen around him.

"No, only people on our side will be like this." The Ram Wei beside him was a little frightened.

Sure enough, those people of the Ram family and the Evil Vulture Martial Arts Museum had a little painful expressions and obviously felt that they had difficulty breathing, but the people on Yao Mengxiao's side were undoubtedly ordinary and did not show that kind of pain at all.

"Damn!" Teng Kui roared, and an evil force surged out. A dark blue black vulture shadow behind him roared out. Then he slapped it, and the huge force suddenly hit Yao Mengxiao.

"This is your greatest support, the evil vulture demon Xuangong. Unfortunately, this skill was completely restrained by my spiritual fire. I'll let you taste the purple spirit fire." Yao Mengxiao's face was disdainful.


The purple spirit fire looked violent, and a huge purple fire lion behind her roared out and made a powerful voice.

The next moment, Yao Mengxiaojiao shouted, and the jade finger flicked gently. The purple fire lion rushed down and suddenly attacked the black vulture shadow.


The two giants collided with each other, and the amazing waves dispersed, and the people around them in the fierce battle were unable to move normally.


The two sides were deadlocked for less than a moment, and there were bursts of harsh and sad screams in the whole space. At this time, the shadow of the black vulture was burned by a purple flame, and the ferocious and horrible faces were distorted in their eyes, which looked quite terrible.

"No matter how strong your evil vulture magic is, you can only submit to my purple fire and break it!"

With Yao Mengxiao's soft shout, the black vulture burst into a little black light.


At the moment when the black vulture burst, Teng Kui's inner house was hit hard, and his whole body seemed to have been hit by a huge force. He flew down, and his mouth spewed blood one after another.

After Teng Kui fell to the ground, he looked at Yao Mengxiao above with resentful eyes. At this time, he was simply extremely resentful. Originally, the evil vulture magic Xuangong was very strong. Even in the face of the early stage of the eighth stage, he could fight against the martial arts master, but he was restrained by the latter's spiritual fire, resulting inability to exert his power under normal circumstances.


After defeating Teng Kui with one move, Yao Mengxiao flashed and came to the top of a huge stone plate, above which there was something suspended. Correctly speaking, a pair of purple rings, which exuded a wave of powerful ripples of energy. Presumably this is the best weapon in the dialogue between the two sides.