Burning Shinto

Chapter 286 Proposal

Qin Yanwu felt the strong breath emitted by the changed fingerprints of the woman in blue, but it was strange that although the woman in blue had been shouting to kill, she did not feel any murder.

"Hey, it's a little interesting. It seems that this Miss Beichuan doesn't really want to kill." Qin Yanwu smiled at himself in his heart.

However, although there is no murderous intention in the other party's move, it does not mean that the move is not lethal. If you think so, I'm afraid the end will be very miserable. Any move has lethality and no murderous intention, but the recruiter does not have the desire to kill.

If Qin Yanwu doesn't make any action, that move can still kill him on the spot.

Therefore, he would not sit back and wait for death, otherwise he would not have taken the initiative to attack just now.

"Don't blame me for dying."

The woman in blue said in a delicate voice, and saw nine fire lotus formed behind it. The fire lotus showed a bright green. The nine fire lotus were burning soul flames, each of which emitted amazing soul power fluctuations. This soul skill looks very beautiful, but its absolute power is also very amazing.

"The power of this soul skill is not weak. With the power of today's spinning bursting drill, I'm afraid it can only be said that it is comparable."

"That's not necessarily. Although your soul skill is not bad, spin burst drill, drink!"

"Nine lotus seals in the fire!"

Two people drink at the same time.

The woman in blue patted her palms, and the nine fire lotus behind her roared out at the same time, forming a strange offensive. Wherever she passed, the air around her made a sneer.

Qin Yanwu was not willing to show weakness. The broken cloud halberd came out, and a power of drilling everything burst out, and a huge spiral drill tore the air away.


The moves performed by both sides burst into great power and suddenly collided with each other, followed by a loud noise.

The huge spiral drill suddenly broke four fire lotus. Then, under a loud noise, the two neighboring fire lotus also burst. This is the special feature of the mysterious skill of the spiral burst drill. It wants to attack the target and hurt the neighboring target. If the spiral burst diamond at this time reaches the ultimate power, then nine The fire lotus will definitely be broken, but it is not powerful enough now, and there are still three left.

"What a magical magic skill that actually broke my six fire lotus at once, but unfortunately, it's still not powerful enough. Hey, wait to be eroded by the flame of the soul. When you automatically admit defeat, I will help you untie it." The woman in blue snorted coldly.

In the view of the woman in blue, although the power of the six fire lotuses has been broken and the power exerted has been weakened, the remaining three fire lotuses are not able to resist at will. Once hit, the flame of the soul will naturally invade the body of the attacked person, causing the pain of soul erosion, which is absolutely unbearable for ordinary people. The pain

Qin Yanwu was also slightly shocked. He didn't expect that the other party's soul skill was so powerful. You know, the spiral burst drill at this time had exerted the power comparable to the king's intermediate mysterious skill, but he could not break the nine fire lotus, which really surprised him.

However, at this time, the power of the opponent's soul skill has been greatly reduced. Ordinary people may think that it will be difficult for Qin Yanwu to fight back after he shows his mysterious skills. Even if he can counterattack, I'm afraid it will be difficult to stop the invasion of the soul flame on the lotus.

However, Qin Yanwu's reaction is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

"Hey! Do you think you'll eat me? You must think so. When I am invaded by the flame of the soul, I will beg you to forgive me. Qin Yanwu took the opportunity to retreat, and the three fire lotus were still chasing.

When the woman in Qingyi heard Qin Yanwu's words, she was stunned and secretly said that this guy could read his mind and actually guessed what she had just thought.

"Hmm! So what? You still have no way out now. The jade nose of the woman in blue hummed and said.

"I'll show you a more powerful soul skill." Qin Yanwu raised the corners of his mouth slightly and did not pay attention to the refining of the three flowers at all.

His left hand raised, and his soul power surged out. Although he was not as good as the woman in blue, his soul power was far better than the latter.

The woman in blue felt the strong soul power and was immediately shocked. She secretly said that this guy was really only the yellow class. Why is the soul power so strong, just like the sea?


At the moment when the soul power emerged, a harsh low sound sounded. In an instant, the dark light wheels roared out around.


Qin Yanwu shouted and waved his hand, and the 20 soul-extinginging light wheels cut away and suddenly launched the most fierce and terrible attack on the three fire lotus.

Bang bang!

Twenty soul-killing light wheels surrounded the three fire lotuses like sharp blades cut together.


With Qin Yanwu shouting, twenty soul-extinging light wheels immediately attacked and cut towards the three fire lotus.

Seeing this, the woman in blue can also clearly feel the powerful soul power fluctuations emitted by the 20 light wheels. Although she was a little surprised, she did not panic. Her fingerprints changed and she no longer chased, but launched an offensive.


The two soul skills collided in an instant and burst into a crashing sound.

"It seems that my soul master level is still not enough, otherwise, how can 20 soul-killing light wheels fail to destroy three fire lotus at once." Qin Yanwu looked at the two soul skills that fought together and found that although the soul-killing light wheel was numerically dominant, it did not destroy the three fire lotus at once. If it was a complete nine fire lotus, maybe it could not be defeated!


With a blast, the soul skills of the two also burst one after another at this moment. The three fire lotus of the woman in blue were destroyed, and there were only three soul-killing wheels of Qin Yanwu.

Qin Yanwu looked at the remaining three soul-extinging light wheels and suddenly felt a little depressed. This soul skill was originally very strong, but it was limited to his own soul master level, otherwise, it would not be as ugly as it is now.

"The soul skill is not bad. I didn't expect that you, a small yellow soul master, have such a powerful soul skill, and if you are right, it should be a pure soul skill. Compared with my soul skill, it is essentially powerful. Unfortunately, your realm is not enough, otherwise I will really retreat from it." In the tone of the woman in blue, she was full of appreciation for the soul skill of the soul-extermination wheel. After that, the jade hand raised gently and patted it. The attack formed by the three soul flames shattered the remaining three soul-exorescent wheels.

Seeing that the only three soul-killing wheels were easily smashed by the woman in blue, Qin Yanwu**ed the corners of his mouth a few times.

At this time, both sides have opened their distance, and the black beads are in the center of the right side. It can be said that the distance between the two sides and the black beads is similar.

Originally, Qin Yanwu was relatively close to the black beads, but because of the battle just now, it led to the current situation.

Qin Yanwu glanced at the black beads in the hand of the skeleton, which were still lying quietly on the hands of the skeleton and did not seem to react because of the battle between the two just now. From this point, it can be seen that this black bead is extraordinary. Once something is under the wave of power just now, it is bound to have an impact.

"It's really troublesome. I can't beat this woman. If I really work hard, it's not worth it. After all, I don't know what the black bead is. Although it doesn't look like an ordinary thing, it's not my style to work hard for an unknown thing!" Qin Yanwu thought in his heart that he was a little distressed.

The woman in blue opposite also turned her eyes to the black beads at this time, frowned, and seemed to have the same idea as Qin Yanwu.

"Beauty on the opposite side." Qin Yanwu shouted.

"It's slippery. Don't think that if you praise me, I will give you something. It's impossible." The woman in blue snorted slightly and said.

"Well, in this situation, I think none of us can do anything about it. I'm afraid you don't really want to die. In this way, I have a proposal. I don't know what you mean?" Qin Yanwu spread out his hands and said directly.

"What proposal?" The woman in blue said with great interest, because she knew that what Qin Yanwu said was not false.

"We are now about the same distance from the black beads. Let's start at the same time to see who touches the beads first and get what they touch first. What if we can't use any means to stop each other during this period?" Qin Yanwu said lightly.

When the woman in blue heard this, she frowned and seemed to be thinking about the proposal.

After a while, the woman in blue seemed to pay attention and said, "Okay, just follow your proposal, don't go back on your word, or you will be a turtle son of a bitch."

The two finalized the method of ownership of the black beads.