Burning Shinto

Chapter 309 Three Powers

At the huge gate, there is a continuous influx of people and boiling voices, representing the high popularity of the city.

"Let's go to the city, too."

Huo Wan waved her jade hand and took Qin Yanwu and others into the city along the flow of people, and after entering the city, the popularity became more popular.

"Let's find a place to settle down and then go to the trading area in the city, where there is the most circulating information, and there is also the largest auction in this area, where we can make some preparations for exploring treasures."

Huo Wan first took Qin Yanwu to find a place to settle in the city, and then went straight to the trading area located in the center of the city. This area is the most prosperous area of the whole Fengfeng City. All kinds of mysterious weapons, elixir, mysterious skills and so on are *. As long as you can afford the price, what you like is yours.

Huo Wei has a girlish nature. As soon as she saw the dazzling variety of things, she became a little excited. She looked around, but she was pulled by Huo Wan.

Huo Wan smiled helplessly and said, "Most of the things here are ordinary. In the deepest part of this trading area, there is an auction house where you can meet good things. We can also go to see that kind of place. Anyone with strength will go to that kind of place. We can also see what has gathered in this Fengcheng by the way. Power and the strong."

Under the leadership of Huo Wan, Qin Yanwu and their group was extremely eye-catching along the way. As for this, it has little to do with the three men, Qin Yanwu and Ye Zhanlong, which is completely caused by the faces of Huo Wan and Huo Wei. The temperaments of the two women are different, gentle or delicate, especially some classics. The men who passed by all looked at each other with a smile on their faces.

Qin Yanwu's three men followed them, sensing the hot eyes around them and smiling helplessly. It seemed that beautiful girls were the most eye-catching everywhere.

A group of five people quickly shuttled through the trading area, and finally stopped in the depths. There was a huge hall. In the hall, there was an endless stream of people coming and going. At the door, there were well-equipped guards. If you want to enter this auction house, everyone needs to pay a certain entrance fee. It can be imagined that the specifications inside are obviously more high-end.

Huo Wan casually paid the entrance fee of the five people, and then led the four people Qin Yanwu into the hall. As soon as they entered the hall, the sight became vast. Through a corridor in front of them, and then a huge auction house appeared in sight. Today, in the auction house, it was already full of people. Extremely popular.

Qin Yanwu and others found a seat near the front row, and then Qin Yanwu's eyes glanced in front of him. Generally speaking, that kind of seat must be seated by some people with strength and identity. Just like in Baihe City at the beginning, VIP seats need to meet certain requirements. Only then can you enter.

At this time, there are already some people who are either lazy or sitting carelessly, waiting for the beginning of the auction.

Qin Yanwu's sharp eyes swept ahead, and soon his eyes condensed in the front of his left hand, where a young man in blue shook his fan and looked leisurely. Next to him, he snuggled up to two women in revealing clothes, smiling gently with him.

Next to the young man in blue, there were two old men, one fat and one thin. They closed their eyes and remained motionless. They just sat next to the former and looked like they were protecting the young man in blue.

"That should be the young city owner of the Wind City." Huo Wan, who was beside her, suddenly whispered.

"Does Sister Huo Wan know him?" Qin Yanwu was stunned.

"There is an embroidered seal on the left chest of that guy, which is the symbol of the lord's mansion of Fengfeng City, and beside him, there are also two fifth-level martial arts veterans to protect him. I'm afraid that no one can get this treatment except the young lord of Fengfeng City." Huo Wan made a faint sound, and her voice suddenly became cold, and there was a strong disgust. This was not for Qin Yanwu, but for the young man in blue who was swimming with two women's plump and delicate bodies beside her. It could be seen that she seemed to be quite disgusted with this kind of lustful person.

Qin Yanwu suddenly realized that he did notice the extraordinaryness of the two old men, but after all, he came here for the first time, and naturally he didn't know what the Fengcheng would be.

"The people of the Barbarian Martial Arts Museum also came." Huo Wan moved slightly and looked to the right side of the front. There were also several figures. The leader was a middle-aged man in yellow. His face was cut out like a knife, but his eyes were extremely sharp. The looming mysterious fluctuation was not weaker than the two old men. Next to him, he also followed several young people. Men and women, with a black beast pattern on their chests.

"Barbarian Martial Arts Museum?" Qin Yanwu also followed, but when he came to the windy sea for the first time, he obviously expressed extreme strangeness to these forces.

"Within thousands of miles of the sea, there are three strongest forces, the Fengcheng, the Barbarian Martial Arts Museum and the Xuanhai League. Of course, in addition to these three forces, there are also some hidden forces, but these three forces are relatively famous, but they do not show the weakness of those forces. Generally speaking, they guard their respective territory and rarely come to each other's territory, but now they have appeared. I don't know if they have also received the news of the treasure. Huo Wan was a little worried.

"There is nothing we can do. The birth of the treasure will eventually cause some strange movements. They are all land snakes in the windy sea. How can they miss such a good thing? However, I think they have constraints on each other, and those in power inside should not easily penetrate, but there are also many strong people in these three forces." Dong Lei said helplessly that if the treasure attracts too many people's attention, their harvest will be greatly reduced.

"Next, it depends on whether the people of Xuanhai League will come."

Huo Wan nodded gently, but her words had not completely fallen, and her pretty face was a little strange. Qin Yanwu also noticed it. He turned his head and saw that not far away, a group of people dressed in dark blue with sea beast patterns on their robes slowly came. The one ahead was an extremely thin old man. His eyes were deep, he slowly walked into the auction house, and then sat down straight in front of it.

Seeing this, Qin Yanwu also understood that these people should be the people of the Xuanhai League mentioned in Huo Wan's mouth.

This time, the three most powerful forces within a thousand miles of the windy sea have actually appeared.

Huo Wan looked at each other and frowned slightly at this time. It seemed that the difficulty of this task would be slightly increased.

Qin Yanwu also stared at the three forces, and his eyes suddenly condensed slightly, because he noticed that the leaders of the three parties, after coming here, their eyes coincidentally condensed to the auction platform, and there was some essence in the depths of his eyes.

"These guys?"

Qin Yanwu frowned and looked at the auction table, and his mind flashed slightly.

Are you waiting for the auction to start? Is there anything here that they like?


The sound of copper gongs suddenly echoed in the huge auction house at this time. Suddenly, many figures in the auction house straightened up slightly and looked at the auction table with enthusiasm. They knew that this was a sign of the beginning of the auction.

In this stormy sea, there are countless adventure teams. They fight against countless fierce monsters in the stormy sea every day, while exploring treasures. Generally, as long as the quality is passed, most of them will flow to the auction house in this stormy city, so here, it is basically calculated. It is the place where all kinds of good things are most likely to appear within thousands of miles of the sea.

And many people come here. After all, sometimes, a high-level mysterious weapon can save their lives in that kind of cruel battle, which is crucial for many adventure teams. After all, no matter what, life is always the most important thing.