Burning Shinto

Chapter 346 Rest

Qin Yanwu looked at the suddenly considerate girl in front of him. Her soft and fragrant hair stroked his face, which made him laugh.

"What are you doing?" Huo Wei said anx when she saw Qin Yanwu laughing inexplicably.

"I didn't expect that the delicate Miss Huo also knows how to take care of people." Qin Yanwu said with a smile.

Huo Wei blushed, pouted and said, "Who wants to take care of you? It's just that you're just free. You have saved me three or four times before, so I reluctantly looked at you."

Qin Yanwu smiled and did not expose the girl's reservedness, and he was indeed quite weak at this time. This time he was too seriously damaged.

"I'll get you some water." Huo Wei said to Qin Yanwu and left with a light posture.

Qin Yanwu looked at the shadow of Huo Wei's departure, and then slowly closed his eyes and his mind sank into his body. The traumatized meridians in his body have been almost repaired in a coma during this period. However, although the injury in his body has recovered well, whether it is mysterious power or soul power, it is also empty at this time. Obviously that In order to kill Lie Ying, he used all his strength.

However, these are not important. After recovering from the injury, you can naturally recover after practicing.

After a while, Huo Wei came in with a glass of water, then gently handed it over and said, "Drink first. You have been in a coma for two days."

"Hmm." Qin Yanwu took the water and drank it.

"Slow down, it's not that there isn't." Huo Wei curled her lips.

"Bear by the way, why are you here?" Qin Yanwu was puzzled.

"It's embarrassing to say that you insisted on us leaving that day, and we also knew that there was not much help. So after leaving the island, we hurriedly notified the people of the sect to come to rescue, but later I heard that you actually killed Lie Ying. Although I was surprised, I was worried, so I hurried back and later learned that you were killed by two. We were relieved when the people of the big forces were saved. Huo Wei was a little resentful. Obviously, she was still angry that Qin Yanwu forced them to leave before.

"So that's it. What about Sister Huo Wan?" Qin Yanwu suddenly asked again.

"We informed one of the sect that he was our second uncle, named Huo Ling. The second uncle was extremely angry about what the Lord's mansion of Weifeng City had done, so he directly turned the Lord's mansion of Rifeng City upside down. Now the owner of Weifeng City is no longer there." Huo Wei hummed angrily.

When Qin Yanwu heard this, he was immediately dumbfounded. He didn't expect that the second uncle in Huo Wei's mouth was so strong. As soon as he arrived, he flattened the main mansion of the Fengcheng City. It can be seen that his strength was absolutely strong.

"Hee, the second uncle is a second-order martial king. No one can resist it at all. Even if the Ying is about to be killed, if the Weifeng sea was not too chaotic, the four major forces in Fengzhou would have been rectified." Huo Wei said proudly.

Then, Huo Wei told Qin Yanwu in detail about some things that had happened in the past two days, which surprised the latter.

"Second-order Wujun, there is indeed no one invincible in the sea, but it is not that the four major forces in Fengzhou do not want to rectify the sea area, but deliberately let it go like this. It is not good for a place to be chaotic, but it is also a good place to practice." Qin Yanwu shook his head and said.

"Ha ha, it's worthy of being a person who has been rumored during this period, and he really has something extraordinary."

At this time, a laughter came, and a middle-aged man in dark gray clothes came in. Although the middle-aged man was restrained, Qin Yanwu could still vaguely feel the man's strength. This man must be Huo Wei's second uncle Huo Ling, a strong man with the strength of the second-order martial arts king.

And there are still several familiar figures around this man, Huo Wan, Dong Lei and Ye Zhanlong.

"Second uncle." Huo Wei smiled and walked over, holding the middle-aged man's arm, who stroked the girl's hair with a spoiled face.

"Yanwu, it's great that you're fine!" When Huo Wan and the three saw that Qin Yanwu finally woke up, they also hurried over and said with concern.

After this incident, the three obviously had a closer relationship with Qin Yanwu.

When Qin Yanwu saw the three people, he also nodded with a smile.

"Disciple Qin Yanwu has met Elder Huo." Then, Qin Yanwu quickly wanted to get up and salute, but was gently pushed back to the pillow by the middle-aged man.

"Don't be polite. You have also made great contributions to saving Xiaowei and others this time. After returning to the sect, you will definitely be rewarded." The middle-aged man smiled faintly.

"Since we come out together, we should help each other." Qin Yanwu is modest.

"Well, if you know how to be modest, it's not good to be happy. It's not bad, but there are rewards and penalties for the wilderness building. Since you have made contributions, you will naturally be rewarded." Huo Ling, a middle-aged man, showed a trace of approval and said.

"Just rest here. I have told the two forces that they will take good care of you. Well, it's time for me to leave." The middle-aged man, Huo Ling, pondered and said.

"Uncle, won't you go back with us?" Huo Wei said reluctantly.

"Ha ha, this situation was sudden, so I came in a hurry. Now that the matter is done, I have something to deal with, so I won't leave with you." Huo Ling, a middle-aged man, smiled and said.

"Xiaowei, the second uncle also has something important to do. Don't delay his time." Huo Wan, who was beside him, said.

"Oh." Huo Wei had to answer.

"Since the task has been completed, after Qin Yanwu fully recovers, you can go back and hand in the task. I will tell the contribution hall in advance."

"Of course, you can also continue to stay in the windy sea for a period of time. As Qin Yanwu just said, although it is chaotic, there are also opportunities, which is a good place for all parts of Fengzhou. For example, this time, the treasure of King Wu actually appeared, and even I was surprised, and it was also the sectarian treasure of the Sword King of the Wind Sword. It was really unexpected, but unfortunately the inheritance was destroyed. However, in those years, the windy sea was the most prosperous place in Zhuozhou, just like today's Fengzhou, among which there were some sects created by the strong king of Wu.

When Huo Ling said that the inheritance was destroyed, Qin Yanwu looked a little embarrassed. After all, the three inheritances were destroyed by him, which simply gave people a feeling of violence.

"Well, that's all. Think about it yourself. I should also leave."

After saying that, Huo Ling made a few words and left.


In the next few days, Qin Yanwu recovered with all his strength.

In three days, Qin Yanwu's recovery speed was amazingly fast, and the originally empty Xuanli and soul power were completely recovered in these three days, and the injuries in his body were also healed, and there were no hidden dangers left after the injury.

If others have suffered such a serious injury, it will be difficult to recover in a few months, and there may even be hidden dangers. Therefore, I'm afraid that Qin Yanwu can't find a second person except him.

After feeling the physical situation, Qin Yanwu found that his mysterious power and soul power were much stronger than before, but there was no sign of breakthrough. He was still the same as before. After all, he needed more energy to break through than ordinary people. Even after such fierce battles, It is difficult to make another breakthrough in a short time.

As for the soul power, not to mention, it was only with the help of the soul rosary that the soul power was raised to the level of energy and Lie Ying. Now that the utility of the soul rosary has disappeared, he naturally returned to his original strength and is still a one-star green soul master.

Three days later, in the morning, after Qin Yanwu and Huo Wan had breakfast, they invited Mantu and Old Fan to come.

"Two, with your help this time, I can survive." Qin Yanwu said sincerely that if it hadn't been for the two of them coming forward this time, he would have died at the hands of Lie Cheng and others.

"Ha ha, you don't have to do this. You also have to be grateful to us. Everyone is even." Old Fan said with a faint smile.

"Not bad." Mantu also said that the two of them had been explained by Huo Ling before, and their attitude seemed to be a little respectful at this time.

"Well, whatever you say, thank you two for your care of Yanwu these days. It's time for us to leave and go back to the sect to reply." Huo Wan, who was beside her, said indifferently.

"Yes, yes, let's escort you out of Fengcheng." Mantu said quickly. He knew that the woman in front of him was the relative of the strong Wujun, so he naturally did not dare to neglect her.

So, under the escort of Mantu and Old Fan, Qin Yanwu left the Wind City and went back in the direction of the Great Waste Building.