Burning Shinto

Chapter 351 Head-on

After Qin Yanwu recovered, he did not dare to stay longer and hurriedly performed a magic step.

It's a lot...

The phantom shadow appeared step by step, and I saw six consecutive phantom splits appearing in different locations. I saw that the breath of these splits was exactly the same, and it was not so easy to find the body.


The silver-horned blood demon roared, and a layer of bloody sound waves suddenly spread. The trees on the surrounding peaks were suddenly cracked and shattered. Although the phantom splits were exactly the same, they would be directly destroyed when they encountered a slightly stronger attack.

The silver-horned blood demon's sonic attack is equipped with the power of blood evil, and its power is not weak, which smashes all the phantoms at once.

When all the six phantoms were smashed, the silver-horned blood demon was also slightly stunned. Naturally, it would not be stupid enough to think that the human had died under its sound wave attack, because it could clearly feel that those shattered by it were some energy remnants.

"Humans, dare to destroy my blood pool, you can't escape!" The silver-horned blood demon's eyes were like flames, and his body flashed, leaving only a bloody shadow.

This silver-horned blood demon actually said human words.

In fact, the silver-horned blood demon had already found Qin Yanwu and the four of them, but at that time, it felt that the four were not strong, and a new round of transformation ceremony was about to be completed, thinking about killing them after the ceremony was completed.

But he didn't want to fight. Qin Yanwu actually destroyed its blood pool directly, which made it unexpected, so he was furious.

At this time, Qin Yanwu has escaped thousands of meters away with the help of a trace of space between the phantoms. Such a body speed is really surprising.

However, Qin Yanwu did not dare to relax at all, because he knew that the blood pool was very important to the silver-horned blood demon. If he destroyed it like this, the other party would not give up.

Sure enough, this idea had just fallen, and a fishy wind and blood suddenly surged behind him.

"Damn, I caught up with it so soon!" Qin Yanwu was shocked. He has now urged him to move to the extreme. The silver-horned blood demon actually caught up so quickly. It can be seen that the speed of the opponent's body method is also very powerful.

"Humans, you can't escape!" A sound of anger came from behind.

"I actually know human words. It seems that underground monsters with wisdom already know how to speak!" Qin Yanwu was secretly surprised.


A sound of breaking the wind suddenly came from behind.

Qin Yanwu knew that the other party launched an attack without looking at it.

"If you want to kill me, it depends on your ability." Qin Yanwu shouted coldly, and then he didn't look back. He slapped back and aimed at the attack on him.


The palm wind collided with the attack, and a bang exploded, and the two immediately dissipated.

"I have a little ability. It seems that there is only a fourth-order martial arts master. I didn't expect the attack of this palm to be so strong. Jie Jie, it seems that there are some secrets in your body. Since you have destroyed my blood pool, then supplement it with your blood. I think your blood alone is enough to be comparable to hundreds of ordinary people." The silver-horned blood demon saw that the human blow in front of him was so powerful that he did not laugh, and showed an extremely crazy look.

Qin Yanwu also doesn't bother to pay attention to the words of the silver-horned blood demon. What he has to do now is to avoid the attack of the other party, instead of fighting hard, which is not good for him, because he can clearly feel that the strength of the silver-horned blood demon is extraordinary, and his current strength is not enough to compete.

"If it goes on like this, it will eventually catch up with it. You can't simply avoid it. Huo Wei has gone there for more than half an hour and has invited the strongmen in the big city. There are three people in the realm of martial arts in a small town under its jurisdiction. Then the strong people in the big city are not weak. The plan also has about the strength of the fifth and sixth levels, and the single strength may not be as good as the silver-horned blood demon, but if you attack it in a group, you should be able to kill it. Qin Yanwu's thinking is constantly running.

Qin Yanwu saw a forest road below and quickly flew down. He simply flew in the air. After all, he would be gradually brought closer by the other party. With the help of the obstruction of the forest road, he may achieve certain results.

"Human beings are insidious and cunning, but they want to distance themselves with the help of Lin Dao. Humph, naive!" The silver horn blood demon suddenly guessed Qin Yanwu's idea.

The silver-horned blood demon did not follow Lin Dao, but still chased in the air. In its view, it doesn't matter whether he enters Lin Dao or not. Anyway, when Qin Yanwu comes out of Lin Dao, he can still catch him and kill him.

"Damn! This guy is smart enough. Qin Yanwu was a little depressed.


Suddenly, something on Qin Yanwu's body shattered. He took out and saw that it was a jade charm. This jade charm was given to him when he came out on the mission that day. He said that as long as there was anything to crush the jade charm, it could quickly converge. However, after entering the ruins of Fengjian Sect at that time, it was blocked by the inner space, and Crushing the jade charm doesn't seem to have much effect, so it has never been used.

At this time, the jade charm was broken, that is to say, Huo Wan and others were not far away.

"Just now, the senior sisters left, and I think they met Huo Wei and the strong man in the city who came in a hurry, thousands of kilometers in front of the left." Qin Yanwu slightly estimated that although this was just his simple idea, in his opinion, Huo Wan would not crush the jade charm for no reason, either the same as he thought, or he was in trouble. No matter which one, he had to rush over.

Qin Yanwu didn't think much about it, hurriedly shifted his direction and ran in the direction to the left.

Huh? Want to change the route? Humph!" The silver-horned blood demon snorted coldly, flashed and followed again. It seemed that it was going to eat Qin Yanwu and refused to give up.


Under the rush, there were bursts of explosions behind, and the trees in the forest road fell down like harvested straws at this time.

It turned out that the silver-horned blood demon was attacking, trying to hinder Qin Yanwu's footsteps.

"Your mother, I really think I'm easy to bully!" Qin Yanwu cursed angrily and rushed out and left Lin Dao. He knew that if he continued to stay in Lin Dao, he would slow down his pace.

As soon as he walked out of Lin Dao, he directly saw the evil silver-horned blood demon more than ten meters away.

Looking at the silver-horned blood demon on the front, Qin Yanwu suddenly condensed slightly. The former gave him a little tyrannical feeling, like falling into the sea of bloody corpses.

"It's really worthy of being a monster under the ground. This breath is terrible." Of course, Qin Yanwu was not really scared, but a little surprised.


The next moment, Yanhuang halberd got started in vain.


It has reached more than a thousand revolutions in an instant. For Qin Yanwu now, it is easy to perform a rotary burst drill.

The silver-horn blood demon blood pupil shrank slightly, and it can clearly feel the amazing lethality contained in the halberd. This human youth is really not simple, and the fourth-order martial arts can actually make it feel a sense of threat.

"Even if your combat strength is extraordinary, there has always been a lot of difference between you and me, which is irreparable." The silver-horned blood demon smiled cruelly.

As the Silver Horn Blood Demon said, it is nearly three small realms higher than Qin Yanwu. Even if Qin Yanwu's combat strength is strong, it cannot completely make up for the gap.


Hearing a roar, the silver-horned blood demon no longer chased, but was about ten meters away from Qin Yanwu. Then he saw the bloody power surge out all over its body, and an unspeakable strong sense of oppression came to his face.

"You have to hurry up! Otherwise, I will really face the monster head-on after this blow. Qin Yanwu stopped attacking at this time, in fact, but also to delay the time. He knew that instead of avoiding like this, it was better to launch an attack. It was too passive and sometimes not a good thing. The most important thing was that he could feel that Huo Wan and others were also getting closer to him at this time.


A huge spiral drill broke through the sky, like a giant pillar, with a power to pier the sky.

"Thousands of turns!"

With a shout, the halberd attacked directly, and the huge rotating force directly tore the air around it, with an amazing offensive to attack the silver-horned blood demon.

"The moves are not bad, but it's not enough! Drink!"

"Blood slaughter halberd!"

The silver-horned blood demon's hands were imprinted and shouted loudly. The blood-colored power condensed above it and turned into a huge blood-colored halberd, which was covered with blood and exuded a tragic atmosphere.


As soon as the blood halberd appeared, it penetrated through the sky, brought the strong breath of blood, and collided with the red spiral drill.


The explosion-like loud sound resounded in mid-air, and the impact of two forces broke out, and the surrounding scenery was suddenly torn to pieces by this force.