Rich flowers bloom

017 knowingly

"Mr. Ning, why did you fall asleep again?" Du Yingzi blushed.

"It is said that it is going to be discussed, and nothing has been discussed for so long." Mr. Ning wiped his beard, and suddenly his little eyes lit up. He stood up and bowed to Cheng Xueyan.

He is so old, but he still salutes himself and bows to the end. Cheng Xueyan was a little flustered, but she heard Mr. Ning say, "The old man Ning Zhiyuan is a teacher of poetry in Guanjuguan. Alas, although it is a cold window for ten years, I can only get a gentleman to do it. I'm really ashamed..."

Since you are asleep, how can you know what's going on around you? This Mr. Ning is really interesting.

"Mr. Ning is really modest. Big girl, Mr. Ning was a flower exploration in the Qianyuan period. He could have been an official in the dynasty, but Mr. Ning is an extraordinary man who regards fame as dung..."

"Mr. Du is praised," Ning Zhiyuan interrupted Du Yingzi without looking at her: "In fact, he is not an official material, but he is still a mortal, otherwise he will not beg here. As the saying goes, 'the people take food for heaven'..."

"Mr. Ning, we..."

As soon as Du Mizhen, who had never opened her mouth, Ning Zhiyuan hurriedly saluted her: "Madam wants to discuss something. Old man, just shut up."

Everyone laughed again.

"Oh, I almost forgot myself. Look at me, I'm always so brainless." Du Yingzi knocked on the head in a pretentious posture: "I teach calligraphy. Whether you call me husband or aunt, I have always said nothing. Ha ha, piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry and female red boudoir, this time we finally gathered together..."

At this point, she couldn't help grink at the window position.

There is a red sandalwood table, next to which is a sandalwood chair, which is empty.

Cheng Xueyan didn't know why she looked there, but when she withdrew her eyes, she happened to meet Cheng Xueman's eyes and seemed to have a trace of loss.

"Xueyan, have you even forgotten the most basic gift of the boudoir?"

Cheng Xueyan looked at Du Mizhen, who spoke, with a blank face, but suddenly found that her today's dress was not as grand as when she first saw it, with a rusty red satin coat, with moonlight fine moonlight patterns, and a long flower skirt with precious blue embroidered moon-colored lace underneath. The gold and silver jewelry was also very thin, wearing only a pair of pearl earrings, slightly higher than the round bun inserted on the back of the head. A long bead hairpin of a tourmaline and a red gold silk bead hairpin, coupled with a few red gold lotus flowers, shining slightly with her hidden anger.

"All the gentlemen have saluted you. Why don't you know how to return the gift?"

Cheng Xueyan remembered that she was just used to nodding to others. In contrast, it was a little disrespectful.

"Oh, sister, Xue Yan has just recovered. We don't care."

Du Yingzi enthusiastically took Cheng Xueyan's hand and led her to the empty seat next to Cheng Xueman.

Cheng Xueman looked at her softly and smiled lightly.

"You can't always lie in the Yanran Pavilion on the pretext of being sick and be a god who doesn't care about the world. Chengfu can't raise people who eat rice!"

Du Mizhen's voice is fierce.

Cheng Xueyan was very overwhelmed by this drink. Looking at the crowd, it was none of her business. Only Qin Gulan looked at her.

"I think you are in good spirits. Let's prepare later and go to Guanju Hall tomorrow."


Cheng Xueyan was shocked. Did she talk about "Women's Precepts", "Women's Principles" and "Women's Training"? She couldn't understand it. Besides, she still emphasized the superiority of men and women's inferiority. Isn't this killing her life?

"If you don't replace you in these three years, Sherman actually did a good job. Unfortunately, the new emperor ascended the throne not long ago, and the female student is sealed every three years, otherwise it is impossible for you to just want to return to the Guanju Hall..."

"I don't want to go!"

Du Mizhen was waiting to say something, but she was suddenly interrupted. She was still so resolute, or from Cheng Xueyan, who had always been as soft as a glutinous rice ball, and was surprised for a moment: "What are you talking about?"

"I don't want to go to Guanjiu Hall, let Sherman continue to do it..."

Not only Du Mizhen, but everyone was shocked by her abnormality.

"Why, you are ordered by the Holy order, do you want to..." Du Mizhen's hand on the armrest suddenly clenched, and her body couldn't help leaning forward. The fine fragments on the collar trembled, like a rooster about to participate in the fight.

"Sister," Du Yingzi beside her suddenly pressed her hand: "That's what the big girl said..."

Du Mizhen immediately looked at her in disbelief. Why did this cousin suddenly stand on Cheng Xueyan's side? Is she also sick?

"Well, sister, you always tell us that we can't sprinkle salt on other people's wounds. Why did you forget it today?"

She shook her head helplessly: "Do you remember what is said in the Female commandment? If the big girl really follows the commandments, how can she..."

She was "sad" and couldn't go on. Du Mizhen's tight lips finally showed a smile, and everyone was relieved. For a moment, the eyes of sympathy or ridicule intentionally or unintentionally hit Cheng Xueyan.

Cheng Xueyan lamented, Cheng Xueyan, Cheng Xueyan, what kind of mistake did you make? Why should I bear it? However, she suddenly remembered that Bitong had said yesterday that the divorce was related to a maid named Bingtong. Since it is a third party, why does it seem that the victim does not follow the woman's way?

As soon as she was about to argue, she heard Du Yingzi say strangely, "But our daughter will never abide by the woman's way. What's more, how can a gentleman who specializes in teaching the Women's commandment know how to commit it? However, 'unfilial has three great futures', which is the same, but it can't be forced... Alas, it's a pity that Xue Yan's lovely appearance..."

So that's what happened!

Cheng Xueyan was stunned for a long time. In ancient times, infertility was a great shame, but it is estimated that they don't know that whether they can give birth to offspring is not just the responsibility of women! It is also that people's ideas are too old-fashioned. How many families in modern society have joined the "Dink" family with too many children? Child... Anyway, she doesn't like it. It's noisy and expensive. She's just a little vampire. There's no better!

"Shadow posture..."

Although Du Mizhen's tone was reproach, his eyes were full of approval.

"Yes, I just said that my sister was forgetful, but I... should really fight, should fight..." Du Yingzi slapped her cheek.

There were sporadic bursts of laughter.

However, this kind of gloating is not what Cheng Xueyan wants to see.

"But don't forget," Du Mizhen put away her smile and looked at her frosty face: "Chengfu won't raise people who eat rice! Outsiders think that our Cheng family has a great cause, and they also undertake women's schools according to the imperial edict, and countless gold and silver have been put into storage. But they only saw the surface scenery. Who knows how to settle more than 120 people in this Chengfu? Let's not talk about food and clothing, even if it is the income of this Guanji Hall. The emperor's kindness is vast. Moreover, the Cheng family is ordered by the emperor to undertake a female school. Naturally, they serve the emperor and the Tianhao dynasty. How dare they be selfish? Over the years, at most 100,000 taels of silver have been recorded every year. Don't think too much. Which one has you ever lost, from the master to the subordinate? A day is not much, but a month, a year, a few years... Has anyone calculated this account? During the Spring Festival, all links still need to be scored, and there are also visitors, which is a huge expenditure. Everyone has to reward them one by one according to their status. How much does this add up? In case of life, old age, illness and death, you also need to spend. Looking at the size of Chengfu, each hospital needs to be repaired after many years, and it has to spend a large amount of money from the account every month. This is just what I saw, and what about those uncountable emergencies? Now there is still a master in the court as an official. If we return to our hometown in the future, what should we rely on to maintain the livelihood of this big family? Outsiders think that the Cheng family has a prosperous life. I have just talked about how to allocate this aspect, but since some people think it's good, it's inevitable that they will be jealous. Therefore, if there is something wrong with Guanju Hall, it's hard to guarantee that no one will take advantage of it. At that time, won't we drink the northwest wind? I won't say anything more. If you insist on this, then let's say the ugly words first, and the monthly routine of Yanran Pavilion will be reduced from now on, including Bitong's monthly money in your room will also be paid by you..."

Bitong was shocked, but she was looking at Du Mizhen's harsh eyes and immediately lowered her head.

Du Yingzi hurriedly stroked Du Mizhen's rapidly undulating chest, and the two gemstone gold rings on her fingers were shining: "Sister, calm down, calm down. This big family depends on her sister. What if she is angry..."

Cheng Xueyan's brain is running fast.

She can't judge whether Du Mizhen's words are true or false. It seems that there is a lack of people who love to show off their wealth in this era, but some facts are in front of her after all. She came to run an image design house before. Although the area is not large, she only employs six employees, and the monthly accounts are not expensive, but there are few left except for rent, utilities, personal monthly salary expenses, product purchase and update, equipment wear and tear. It's true that I'm looking at the scenery outside, but only I know the situation inside, and if anything happens at home... Last year, my mother-in-law went to the hospital because of cerebral thrombosis and spent 10,000 yuan for only a week...

Therefore, it is also true that Du Mizhen looks like this. However, if the monthly case of Yanran Pavilion is really cut off because you don't go to Guanju Hall, Bitong's monthly case has to be paid by yourself...

There seems to be a lot of gold and silver treasures in the room, but she doesn't understand what the exchange rate of time and space is in terms of currency, but if all those jewelry are sold... Oh, it seems that this era should be used, but anyway, she is reluctant to give up. Besides, she will lose money. I will still live for many years. According to Du Mizhen's just estimate, not only the monthly case, including the annual reward, the maintenance of the Yanran Pavilion, and other unexpected things will be responsible for you. It won't be long before you will be empty, right? Although his father is a minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies, he is not at home, and even if he is at home, he may not be able to manage these things. Men are always careless. Besides, he seems to be a little "fearful"...