Rich flowers bloom

031 Cloud Dance Flower Spin

There is only Cheng Xueyan left in the room.

The sudden silence makes people feel like they are trapped in an unrealistic state.

She looked at the people in the mirror again, strange and familiar, but she couldn't see through what she was thinking.

I thought it was nervous, but now it is blank, boundless, and there is no landing, like a vast snow field, only sporadic snow passing by.

It's okay, you don't have to think about anything, just remember to do your best.


Listening to the sound building, there are a roar of people.

The girls from Guanjiu Hall came early and sat together in a corner that was good to each other.

For them, it doesn't matter what is about to happen on the stage. The key is that they can talk to good girls.

On weekdays, the discipline is very strict, and every move must be standardized. Even if the personal relationship is very close, you have to give three points of courtesy. Moreover, if there is a well-bred Mother, she will often be reprimanded. They don't care whether they come from a famous family or not, their father, brother, uncle and uncle are all selfless in the court. Today, so many people are sitting together. I'm afraid that they can't take care of this side and that side, so they hide the fruit pastry wrapped early in their sleeves and take them out secretly while the Mother is not paying attention. Either take a bite or share them with each other.

The same fruit point seems to taste more delicious after exchange.

If M Mother doesn't find out, they will be happy. But M Mother's eyes seemed to be made of needles and soon stood in front of them.

"Do you want to prepare a large scale for four people on the first day of autumn?"

So he silently laughed and handed over the fruit obediently.

Cheng Xueyan looked at the grand event under the stage through the curtain in the background, and marveled that there were so many girls in Guanju Hall, all of whom were like flowers and jade. They were crowded together, as if they had moved the flowers of Xinyuan to this side. The flowers were all kinds of charm and fragrance, which was refreshing.

But she suddenly became nervous and was so nervous that she couldn't even make a sound.

It's not that she has no experience on the stage. When she was in school, she couldn't do any chorus group dance, but she stood alone on the stage... She only looked at the empty stage, and her heart jumped nowhere. And the buzzing of the stage, although it was comparable to the sound of a warbler, it made her dizzy. She took a step back, as if she were stepping on cotton and almost fell down.

For a while, I actually want to escape like this, or as Bitong said, find someone to marry, so that you don't have to worry about the future, no matter who he is, as long as you can ensure food and clothing.

The hands were already sweaty, and the curtain was squeaky.

Run away, give up...

The hand holding the curtain is getting tighter and tighter, but my heart has jumped over the dark stage and escaped farther and farther away...

Suddenly, a quiet flute sound passed by, like a little forest wind...

His heart stopped violently. When he followed the sound, he saw Cheng Cangyi's close-fits close-body, the little boy, leading another little man lying on the shelf on the top of the stage and making a grimace on her.

It turned out to be them, which made her take the whistle as...

At this time, the board in the center of the stage moved slightly, and Bitong leaned out half of her face from below and signaled to her that everything was ready to stop.

can no longer escape. So many people are doing their best to help you, even if they don't do their best for themselves, for others, and for these days!

also for those who are not yin and yang, those who sneer, those who stand by and wait for jokes... Well, today I will fight with you!

A gust of wind blew from nowhere, lifting the curtain, revealing Cheng Sherman hidden behind the heavy curtain.

In order to cooperate with this song, she also wore a snow coat, which coincided with Cheng Xueyan.

Her hand crossed the strings at will, and a string of piano sounds flowed like clear water. He raised his head slightly and smiled at this side. His appearance was quiet, elegant and picturesque.

When the wind passed and the curtain closed, Cheng Xueyan's lips were already covered with a smile.

The light is getting dark, but as if there is nothing, the sound of the piano slowly rises, low and soft. The wind seemed to hear the call, gently spread across the stage, and brushed the floor curtain with layers of light waves, like flying skirt corners.

There are sporadic petals falling from the sky, like snow, ethereal and helpless.


A voice seemed to come in the snow. Although it was soft and ethereal, it was like a gust of wind from Penglai Fairy Island, falling into the complicated world, silently spreading the coolness to everyone's heart, ironing every star restlessness, but suddenly breaking, leaving only a very thin silk gradually drifting away.

I don't know when the room calmed down. Everyone held their ears, stared wide, and looked around for the direction of the hairline.

" much attachment has floated; snowflakes have flown, how much love has flown..."

As if they had finally found the destination of their hearts, everyone looked at the stage and only heard the sound of nature, but there was no trace of the fairy.

"The lotus blooms in the middle of the snow, how sweet and how much wish. Silently waiting for lovers, but I hope that the feelings will never change, snowflakes, flying... flying all over the sky..."

Snowflakes are flying, as if turning into a fairy in white, dancing in front of her eyes.

Snow-like, crystal clear and shining;

Like a butterfly, light and graceful;

like lotus, elegant and noble, fragrant;

Like a star, quiet and bleed, it can't be expected...

She is a fairy, occasionally facing the mortal world, singing in the wind, singing in the music, dancing in the waves, floating like clouds...

Everything is so quiet that she can only hear her own voice.

This sound is indeed rare and beautiful in the world. It is cold and soft, charming and elegant.

She danced with the song. In the light, she saw snow clothes wrapped in silver stars, brushing up pieces of flowers and fragrance.

is a fairyland, a dream, and it is difficult to distinguish.

She just sang and danced emotionally, as if she was the only one in the world, and it doesn't matter whether she has melted into a piece of snow or a lotus.

Her dancing skills are not superb. Fortunately, this song does not need to be overexpressed. If you forget everything, then... spin it...

"...The past is like a dream. How many sweet and nostalgia, even if they are so far apart, the true feelings will always stay in my heart. Snowflakes, flying...flying all over the sky..."

Rotation, rotation... I saw the falling Ying flowing... I saw the snowflakes dancing...

The music was slow, and a whirlwind suddenly blew on the stage, blowing the fallen flowers all over the ground, pervading the white fairy, but suddenly a white and pearl-pink lotus flower bloomed out in the flying snow all over the sky, just like a shocking cloud.

Flowers and snow are flying, and the clothes are fluttering...

In the confusion, she seemed to hear a familiar flute, which was flying to her side through layers of snow fog with the melody of Lotus in the Snow, dancing with her and flying with her...

A dazzling light flew in front of her, and she didn't have time to see what it was, because the music was approaching the end. The sound of the piano and the flute intersected, slowly surrounded, and the light on the stage became darker and fell into an unprecedented black...

I couldn't tell the direction in the rotation, and my feet were a little confused. I stepped on the edge of the skirt slowly and was about to fall.

But there seemed to be an extra hand around his waist, so he gently held her and held her in his arms... In a trance, it seemed that someone gently pecked her lips. The man's lips were a little cold and gentle, but with deep tenderness. A faint sweet fragrance suddenly poured into the heart, refreshing the heart, intoxicating and sobering...

When I looked around in panic, the light had brightened again, covered with thick petals and scattered petals falling from the air, but... only myself...

The stage has been boiling, and no matter how strict the manny is, she can't control the order. The girls rushed to the stage like enchanted.

I don't know why Cheng Xueyan couldn't figure out who took her to avoid the background.

Outside the curtain was a crying cry. The blocked girls desperately grabbed the fallen flowers on the stage and stuffed them into their sleeves, but the dried flowers were smashed in such excitement. Some smart people picked up their skirts and carried the dried flowers, and no longer care about any etiquette.

"You stepped on my skirt..." "You hit my arm..." "Why are you blocking me..." "Oh, my hairpin fell off..." It was a mess, and the scene was once out of control.

The ancient fans are also crazy! Cheng Xueyan gradually regained herself to her senses, and then realized a problem... I became a star?!

It continued to be noisy outside. Cheng Xueman came out from the heavy curtain with the help of Bingtong. He bowed Yingying and his eyes were wet: "Sister sings so well..."

Cheng Xueyan hurriedly took her hand and thanked her sincerely, "Thanks to you today..."

"Where are you talking about, sister? My sister is a red flower, and my sister is just a green leaf..."

"If you say that again, I will be angry." Cheng Xueyan pretended to be annoy: "Today also attracted you to appear. I don't know Er Niang..."

"My mother has always taught me that we are a family and we should work together..."

When moved, the child led another young man in deep blue to come here, holding a basketball-sized "chasing light" in his hand.

This chasing light was thought of by Cheng Xueyan the day before yesterday, in order to attract everyone's attention to a point. The bamboo is used as a hoop, covered with jade-colored light yarn, and three river candles are placed inside. Three bronze mirrors are placed on the top and both sides to strengthen the light and index the direction. Even so, the light is still dim, but there is also a dreamlike hazy feeling. Moreover, the chaos outside shows that it is quite successful.

"Big girl," after the two saluted, the child stared at the little man next to him and grinned: "Ming'er wants to ask for this 'chasing light'. Let me ask the girl."

The little man named Ming'er blushed and secretly pulled the corners of the child's clothes behind his back, but the child laughed even more "unkindly".

"Take it." Cheng Xueyan readily agreed: "But be careful when playing..."

"He doesn't want to play, he wants to..."

Ming'er blushed even more, pushed the child away, and didn't forget to thank him.

Cheng Xueyan noticed that Cheng Xueman's eyes had been staring at somewhere, and her face seemed to have a layer of joy, and then turned into loss.

She was puzzled and looked at it for a while, but she saw the curtain swinging gently.