Rich flowers bloom

051 Jinghong glimpse

Cheng Xueyan, who was laughing, suddenly felt that someone was touching her hair. She turned around and bumped into Du Yingzi's curious look: "This thing is..."

"Full of stars," the corners of her mouth were bent just right: "How about giving it to your aunt if she likes it?"

"Okay, okay..." Du Yingzi's eyes moved to the two pearl pendants hanging on the side of her shoulder, but she refused repeatedly: "How did this make it? How does this make it?"

Although she said that, her eyes refused to leave, but as soon as Cheng Xueyan said it, she shook her head, which made people puzzled.

Today's morning will be a little chaotic, and Du Mizhen was also absent-minded. After a few hasty instructions, she dispersed.

Cheng Xueyan was led by Bitong to Guanju Hall.

However, although it is to teach singing, it only takes two days to teach one lesson, one hour each, which is very relaxing.

However, there are seven courses of piano, chess, calligraphy and painting women's red poetry and boudoirs. In the morning and afternoon, they have to pay a tuition fee of 1,000 taels of silver every year. Now there is another singing art course. It is said that the tuition fee will rise, and these do not include accommodation and food... Luxury! But the monthly salary for my husband is only 20 taels... Corrupt!

Wearing Huadu willow, you can see a two-storey building from afar, and the red gold and green plaque is very elegant - Guanju Hall. Looking at the signature, it turned out to be the first emperor's handwriting.

Guanju Hall covers a huge area, but it looks like a big house, which is serious. Only an ear room is protruding out from the south side, and the book "Zhufangting" is a special place for gentlemen to rest, with maids to serve.

There was still half an hour away from the end of the hour, and Cheng Xueyan was too lazy to walk around, so she and Bitong walked towards Fangting.

After only two steps, I saw that Fangting surrounded many girls, all of whom were gorgeous and gorgeous.

No, I know I'm coming today, so I'm waiting here?

Thinking like this, I couldn't help hesitating and wanted to find a pair of large sunglasses to cover my face. Looking at Bitong's beauty, why doesn't she look like a bodyguard? How can the girls resist it after a while?

Bitong was calm enough to help her go there.

She had to cover most of her face with a fan and look nervously.

No, why don't they look this way? What are they looking at there?

The two walked to Fangting and only heard a burst of chirp. It was nothing more than who squeezed who and who stepped on whose feet, but they did not find that there were two more people behind them.

One door and two windows in Fanting are now squeezed by beautiful Luoshang. Everyone leans their necks and tries their best to look in, and they don't want to break through the wall.

What's so strange?

Her curiosity was also aroused and she looked up.

Only Bitong is the calmest at this time, which is completely inconsistent with her character.

In this time, several M Mothers drove out, persuaded and intimidated, and finally dispersed the crowd. The one who left first was annoyed and complained, and the one who stayed at the door and window for the time being was impatient and eager to try.

Finally, there was a gap, and Cheng Xueyan hurried up.

The long windows of the lacquered lattice are covered with water-green soft smoke window screens. It can be seen that several chairs and stools are neatly arranged inside, which is quite like an office. Pens, ink, paper and inkstone are placed on the tables, and are also neatly arranged.

There is a red-green ink hanging on the north wall, and a large blue and white porcelain bottle stands under the table below, and several scrolls of picture scrolls are half exposed. It is expected to be a real position. At the back of the chair, there is a wooden carved fan board, and on the other side, there is another set of tables and chairs, which is also covered with rice paper that has not yet been collected, and there are several big words in the book, which should be Du Yingzi's seat.

There is only one screen in the room, and it is only separated between these two people, and it is clear in my heart when I think of what I usually see.

There is a case that is extremely neat, with a small enamel-inlaid gold box next to it is a glazed flower bottle with a few roses. Needless to say, Qin Gulan will sit here. And the table on the other side is messy. It must be Ning Zhiyuan. The literati are unruly, but I don't know why they put such two people with completely different temperaments together.

There is a desk in a slightly distant corner. I don't know whether it's because of the location problem or the light problem. The table and chair are a little lazy. I don't know who's office space.

She looked over one by one and wondered which seat was her?

It's just an office place. What's there to see? However, it is understandable that when I was in school, I was also full of curiosity about the teacher's office. I took the opportunity to be an entertainment committee member and ran to the office twice in three days, as if I had walked there...

As I was thinking about it, I suddenly found that the noble concubine's couch on the south wall seemed to move.

She was shocked and thought she was dazzled, but then Fang found that there was a man sleeping on it.

No wonder the girls gather around here. It turns out that there are such gardeners in this time and space who forget to eat and serve themselves. It's really touching! I just don't know which gentleman he is...

But if you look closely, you can see a porcelain bottle lying on the ground next to the noble concubine's couch, and there seems to be a faint smell of wine floating through the window screen.

It turned out to be...

It's windy and a teacher. Who is this person?

It is said that Ning Zhiyuan is a very alcoholic. He spent several nights in Fanting because he was drunk, but he just saw him in Furong Hall, and he was very energetic.

At this moment, the man sleeping on the couch turned over. Although his movements were neglected, they were extremely beautiful, as if he did not want to adjust his sleeping position, but simply wanted to ** this group of viewers.

Really, a girl couldn't help shouting and was extremely excited: "He woke up, he woke up..."

As for it, it's really puzzling.

At the moment when the doubt had not been withdrawn, the man finally turned over in beautiful slow motion, like a crane resting and spreading its wings to fly, and the scattered hair also slipped in front of his forehead with the movement, as if the clouds and moon were coming out...

"Ah, it's him?"

At the time of exclamation, the man stepped back half a step, and the back of his head just hit the door of Bitong who came up after hearing the sound, and the two masters and servants shouted pain in unison.

Bitong covered her forehead and still didn't forget to take care of the girl, but Cheng Xueyan pointed to the window like a soul...

"What's wrong with the girl?"

Bitong was puzzled, but when she looked over, her face was not surprised.

It's just that this episode made the girls who stayed here see Cheng Xueyan, so there was another excitement.

Mama easily suppressed them and took them back, and invited her to sit in Fanting with a smile.

Everything came unexpectedly and caught people off guard. After the surroundings returned to calm, she couldn't help looking inside again...

He's gone...

My heart seemed to be empty. When I was eager to find it again, a maid with a combed bun, a milky white coat and a dark green coat, and a long skirt of the same color came over with a small black lacquer tea plate.

Although she is dressed as a maid, she is not very colorful, but she is dignified, decent, and a little reserved.

Even a maid has such a demeanor. No wonder Guan Juguan is famous in the imperial capital.

The little maid smiled and bowed her knees to salute.

Bitong helped Cheng Xueyan enter the door, and the maid followed closely. When Bitong served Cheng Xueyan, she sat next to the red sandalwood case on the east side and served tea.

Cheng Xueyan's eyes quietly slipped around the room, and even saw it in the corner, not to mention Zichen's figure.

"How's Sister Ruizhu doing?"

Seeing Bitong smiling and calling this maid about the same age as her "sister", it can be seen that Ruizhu's status is not small.

"What's good? It's nothing more than delivering tea and water, which is better than my sister's free in the inner courtyard.

Ruizhu is also polite this time, but it sounds like a crushing person. Although she seems to be humble, she is actually showing off.

Bi Tong stopped talking, but still smiled.

"If Mr. Xueyan is fine, Ruizhu will leave."

She did not call herself a "big girl" but "sir". She thought that Guan Juguan was not an inner courtyard and needed a formal title in official business. Although Cheng Xueyan opposes the name of self-practicing, she is so calm and uncomfortable. It seems that a maid sees more of the world and feels that she has a great status and doesn't even care about her master. So even if she was clean and neat, she didn't like it, so she didn't look at her and waved her hand to let her retreat.

Ruizhu bent her knees slightly and walked away with the tray in her hand. Her back was extremely straight and she was very high-spirited.

"This Ruizhu has not been seen for a long time, and she is getting more and more arrogant." Bitong was ridiculed before, and naturally she was angry: "It's just that you put her here to serve the gentlemen, how can you have an identity? Even if she is decent, can she still be a girl?

Bitong said that she was angry, but found that the girl didn't listen to her words. The girl is looking around the house as if she is looking for something.

No wonder she doesn't remember anything. She should be curious, but... Is there anything strange under the table?

Cheng Xueyan raised her body from under the table and glanced at the bottom of the noble concubine's couch, not even letting go of the square space under the chair.

It's really strange that a big living person disappeared like this. Did he see a ghost during the day? But just now the group of girls were still chattering around the house...

"Did the girl lose anything?"

When Bitong saw her standing in the middle of the room with her pout and frowning, she couldn't help looking for it.

"Bitong, do you know why those girls gathered around here when you came?"

"It turns out that the girl is strange about this." Bitong blinked and smiled, "Alas, what kind of character in Guanju Hall can make the girls so sensational?"

An answer popped up in Cheng Xueyan's heart - "I", but she soon realized that she was self-indued.

"No wonder the girl doesn't remember, but we haven't been surprised for a long time." Bitong moved to the window.

Under the window is a black chess table, on which there are half of the pieces of chess. Both black and white pieces have been covered with a thin layer of dust, but there is only one white piece left outside the chessboard clean and dust-free.

Cheng Xueyan was surprised. The room was neat and had someone to clean it. Why did she miss this chess case?

She walked over and was about to pick up the white son outside the plate, but was stopped by Bi Tong: "Girl can't..."

She was shocked: "What?"

"What's more, others can't touch..."

Mr. Kuang... Is it Kuang Zichen?