Rich flowers bloom

073 forced to be a prostitute

"Girl, you see... Well, doesn't this mean that the girl's song is more popular? Besides, this is all fabricated by others, but in fact, there are not so many..."

"How much is that?"

M Mother Ruan wore a veil and the corners of her mouth**, but she couldn't shake a word. After a long time, she grinned: "If the girl thinks the price is low, let's discuss it again..."

"What's there to discuss, I didn't say I would go..."

"Oh girl," Mother Ruan jumped up in a hurry: "The emotional girl said that she had been playing with me for a long time. I... Did I run away in vain this time? Is it easy for me? Ask someone to come over and get over..."

She swirled in front of the chair like a hen, which made Cheng Xueyan and Bitong couldn't help laughing.

"I know what the girl is afraid of," Mama Ruan said decently, "The girl is a lady and a gentleman in Guanju Hall. If she has dealings with the people of our Jinyu Building, I'm afraid it won't sound good. Girl, don't worry, I can't guarantee anything else. The girl's reputation is the first. The girl just needs to set a date, and we will send a car to wait at the intersection. We have prepared a house for girls in Jinyulou, which is absolutely confidential. If the girl is still worried, I will ask them to find another room outside. Girls don't have to stay too long. At most, let them listen to it twice and go back to practice by themselves, making sure that they won't bother..."

Bitong heard that this became more and more real. Shouldn't the girl really agree?

"As for the tuition fee... Don't worry, I will never lose you!"

Cheng Xueyan deliberately pretended not to see Bitong's continuous glances.

"M Mother Ruan wants me to go like this?"

"Oh, girl, if you go, you will save dozens of people in Jinyu Tower. Your merit is boundless!"

"Isn't it easy to save you?"

How can Mother Ruan not hear this outside voice: "Girl, don't pay attention to those individuals and be careful to smash the girl's signboard. Er, no, it's bad for the girl's reputation. In terms of qualifications and financial resources, how can they compare with our Jinyulou? In a word, as long as the girl has nothing to walk to us, the weather will be fine..."


"Girl," Bitong hurriedly said, "I have to go to Guanju Hall to teach tomorrow. It's time to rest now."

"Then I'll say goodbye," Mama Ruan has been in that land for many years, and naturally knows that this matter has become eight points: "Girl, rest first, and I'll ask someone to bring words to the girl later."

Bitong shouted anxiously without waiting for the footsteps on the stairs to disappear: "Isn't the girl really responding to her?"

The sound of footsteps was heard loudly.

Cheng Xueyan didn't make a sound and moved to the balcony.

After a long time, I saw that Mother Ruan sneaked away.

"Bitong, what do you think if I add three taels to your monthly case?"

Bitong's eyes widened.

"Five two? Eight taels...ten taels......

Cheng Xueyan's smile is as attractive as silver.

"No," Bitong desperately resisted**: "Girl, it's not a matter of silver, if the lady knows..."

"What will happen if madam knows?"

For her, singing is the same wherever she teaches songs. As long as she earns money, it is really incredible for Bitong, who has been familiar with the so-called moral rules since she was a child.

"It will hit me... kill me, kick me out..." Bitong trembling when she thought about it.

"What if you take the initiative to leave the house?" Cheng Xueyan took the lid to play with the tea leaves.

"Take the initiative to leave the house?" Bitong was stunned: "How is that possible?"

"If you have money and ask your wife for the deed of sale, you will be free."

"Freedom?" Bitong smiled bitterly: "The girl can really tell jokes. When she comes out of Chengfu, she just goes to another house to be a girl. Besides, if she is kicked out, who else will want me?"

"Why did you go to another house? Why aren't you with me?"

"What the girl said, the maidservant didn't understand..."

"You have money and redeem yourself. I'll buy another house and we'll be together..."

Why is it a little like... Fortunately, Bitong's heart is pure.

"Girl, what are you talking about?"

"I mean, it's better to start your own business than to look at other people's faces!"

"Ah!" Bitong was struck by lightning.

How can a girl have such a strange idea? It's a man's business to start a business. Is it... Does the girl want to learn from Mr. Li...

"Girls must not have this idea. Even if you want to go out, the old lady will not agree."

"Bitong, can't you see the situation clearly? Can my wife tolerate me for a while, can she tolerate me for the rest of my life?

"What are the girl talking about? The girl is going to get married, Mr. Ling..." She saw a trace of sadness in the girl's eyes and quickly swallowed her words.

"Bitong, let me tell you, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment. It's better to work hard than to pin your hopes on others." Cheng Xueyan's expression gradually became solemn: "You will understand gradually. I just want to buy a property first and be prepared. If you have time to leave the house these days, just pay attention to where there is a house to buy, whether the location is good or not, and what is the price..."

"Girl really wants to..."

"I have decided..."

"But that kind of place..."

"Bitong, I'll give you ten taels a month, two months is twenty taels, and a year is..."

"Girl, it's not a matter of silver..."

But there are already countless silver ingots flying in front of you...

"Bitong, although the golden jade building is a brothel, the lotus flower is out of the mud and is not stained, as long as we are clean..."


"Can you rest assured that I will go alone? Aren't you afraid that the old lady knows how to hold you accountable?


The left is also dead, and the right is also dead, but it seems that there is one side that can earn money... Bitong's brain calculates quickly and weighs the weight.

"But if the girl gives me all the money, you..."

"Do you think a song is really only worth ten taels of silver?" Cheng Xueyan sneered.

She has reminded Mama Ruan. Presumably Mama Ruan is also very clear. At present, it's not just her Jin Yulou who is making this good thinking...


After dragging and stuffing Bitong into the carriage waiting at the entrance of the alley, Cheng Xueyan had to comfort her with a sad face again: "Don't worry, Jinyulou is cautious. Besides, if she reveals our whereabouts, who will suffer the greatest loss? Not to mention that you can't earn a lot of money, can the old lady spare her?

In fact, she was also a little nervous, and she felt very good when she said this. It's really strange. She makes money with her own skills and doesn't do anything immoral. Why is she so guilty?

Along the way, she nervously looked out through the cracks in the curtains for fear of seeing any acquaintances, but in this time and space, how could she have any acquaintances?

A fragrant wind came in the distance, and she knew that the Jinyu Tower was about to arrive.

Raised a corner of the curtain and saw a vivid scene often seen on TV in front of him.

"Why don't you come in and play?"

"Qi officials, they want to kill you..."

"Jiang, what did you bring to see the slave this time?"

"Shopkeeper Qiu, if you don't drink two more cups today, they won't forgive you..."

Someone passed through the front of the car, and the driver tightened the reins, and the horse became dishonest, causing people to look this way.

She hurriedly put down the curtain.

For good, the car quickly turned into the alley.

It can't be said that Jinyulou is very thoughtful. The carriage is very ordinary in appearance, but the interior decoration is very comfortable, and the place where she temporarily teaches is in the back room of Jinyulou. Although it was a wing room, it was extremely neat and elegant, and there was no trace of dust, and as soon as I entered the door, there was a cool breeze wrapped in a faint fragrance, dispelling the sultry heat on the road.

"Big girl, oh no, does the girl look like it?" Mother Ruan's face was full of smiles.

It is absolutely confidential for Cheng Xueyan to go out this time. She is a lady, and few people have seen her. Even if she sees it, she is afraid of which one she is. In case she is also a disguise, it is also a little memory of her previous life.

"The ladies will be there in a while. The girl will sit down first. I'll ask Hanyan to make tea for the girl."

After a while, a ten-year-old girl with beautiful eyebrows came in with a small black lacquer tea plate, put a small cup of gold enamel on the red sandalwood table, and brought another celadon tea bowl to Bitong.

I don't know whether Jinyulou is really rich or just prepared for her arrival. The utensils in this room are extremely famous, and the little girl who serves is also well behaved. In this regard, the pride on Mother Ruan's face is obvious.

After a while, a burst of broken footsteps and soft laughter came from the courtyard. Cheng Xueyan reflexively felt that she smelled a fragrance.

Really, a group of colorful yarns are piled up at the door. If you don't look closely, you really can't tell which is which.

"If you haven't come in yet, but the girl has been here for a long time..." Mami Ruan said anno.

"What kind of girl, isn't she Mr. Cheng from Cheng Shangshu's daughter Guan Juguan? Mother Ruan, if you don't want us to talk about it directly, why do you make such a big detour?

A woman in a green dress curled her lips into the door carelessly and sat in the chair rudely, making Bitong roll her eyes on the spot.

This is the owner who wants to attract other people's attention everywhere. Cheng Xueyan thought to herself and couldn't help looking at her.

Her lips are very beautiful, like a diamond horn, and coated with red rouge, which makes people can't help but want to kiss.

Cheng Xueyan looked at her lips and the way she fiddled with the veil. Suddenly, she felt that this person seemed to have seen her somewhere.

Her outspokenly embarrassed Mother Ruan and Cheng Xueyan.

"What nonsense? However, I was invited so easily. You have to put away your thing in front of the guests. Don't be presumptuous!"

"Yes, yes, Tris's box to Cheng... No, I made amends to Miss Ran'er..."

She just moved her buttocks on the chair and lazily made a gift with her hands.

Tris? Tris...

......" Mr. Xue..."

A ball of fragrance leaned softly... Her red lips were like diamonds, lightly stained with wine, and a little shiny agar hung on her lips. She seemed to know that it was ** and stretched out the tip of her tongue to add it.

"What if you can't drink? If you are a man, you must learn to drink..."

As she spoke, her hand slipped from her shoulder and seemed to fall on her chest inadvertently: "Since Mr. Xue doesn't give face, Tris is not difficult..."

Tris... It turned out to be her!


PS: Happy holidays\(^o^)/Today to celebrate the National Day, come back late, update late, sorry