Rich flowers bloom

080 new owner of the old house

Ye Rong always has scruples in her heart and wants to invite Cheng Xueyan to sit down, but she is afraid of staining other people's clothes.

Cheng Xueyan opened her mouth first: "Where is your makeup?"

Ye Rong suddenly realized that Tris must have stuffed something for the girl. According to her temperament, she must be. She wanted the girl to teach her all the beautiful songs. At this time, the girl should come to herself for "meaning". In fact, she was prepared, but she only forgot about being angry.

At that moment, he took out his makeup and said, "Girl, just choose!"

Cheng Xueyan was stunned and immediately laughed. She pressed her on the chair, waved the bronze mirror in front of her, smiled mysteriously at her in the mirror and said, "Don't you want to suppress Tris tonight?"

Ye Rong still doesn't know what to do. Bitong understands that the girl is going to dress her up.

Our girl's identity actually wants to serve such a person... She suddenly fell into an ice cellar and wanted to pull the girl away immediately.

In fact, Cheng Xueyan didn't do anything. She just picked a few broken crystals and set a pair of butterfly wings in the right outer corner of Ye Rong's eye.

Ye Rong happily held the mirror and looked left and right, and almost cried again. Fortunately, Cheng Xueyan reminded her that "the butterfly will fly if she cried again" and resisted.

"Girl, how can I thank you?"

She chose left and right with makeup, and only felt that even the golden and green cat's eyes were not worthy of a girl.

"I'm here for this?" Cheng Xueyan held her busy hand: "Silver is very important, but not the most important..."

She was shocked by this noble sentence and hurriedly recalled whether she had said it.

"Didn't you say you want to marry a good person? Do you like someone?"

Ye Rong suddenly blushed and bowed her head without saying anything.

Just look at this performance, it must be there.

Cheng Xueyan did not ask, but said, "If there is, don't miss it..."

Speaking of this, I thought of Ling Su again, and there was a sadness in my heart.

Ye Rong pinched her belt for a while and suddenly looked up and said, "Girl, it's a pity that you always wear black clothes!"

Seeing that Cheng Xueyan helped herself in return, she did not look down on her like others. She was more and more moved and just wanted to say something from the bottom of her heart.

"Although the girl is... it's not like this. When we first saw the girl's black body, Tris and I both felt very different, but the girl always dressed like this, which always made people feel... In fact, happiness is the most important thing in life. Why should we suffer for some irrelevant people? To be honest, even if my sisters and I want to marry a good family as soon as possible, we also know that according to our status, it is reluctant to be a concubine. At that time, I will be happy with that man for a few years, and I may be forgotten. But why do we still hope so much? Isn't it just to be happy in those years? When people come to this world, no matter how many people they meet and who they meet, they can only return alone in the end..."

Cheng Xueyan didn't expect that she would have such an opinion. Perhaps people who have lived in this environment for many years are used to separation and combination, so they can see the world very clearly.

"This is all what Sister Lefeng said," Ye Rong was very honest: "She is different from us and always says something inexplicable, but when we are sad, we think it makes sense.

Back to the house, Cheng Xueyan had been thinking about these words and sighed several times, and felt much brighter.

He got up and sat at the table, took the diamond flower, and was suddenly shocked... The man in the mirror was so thin. He touched his cheeks and felt that his bones were in his hands.

It used to be thin, but it didn't seem so scary. Now it's just a piece of paper reflected in the mirror, and with this black dress, it's shocking.

Ling Sururu saw it...

She quickly turned out the rouge, but put it down again. She hurriedly took off her black clothes and threw it aside. She was stunned with only her smoky purple breasts and trousers. She spread the rice paper and drew it with Goose Hao dipped in ink.

Bitong put down the curtain and came in. As soon as her mouth opened, she saw the girl splashing ink. She was immediately stunned and didn't care about anything. She hurriedly pulled the tablecloth and wrapped the girl up.

"Girl, can't..."

She also heard what Ye Rong and the girl said, but the girl listened to her inshentation that she broke down like this.

"There are only two of us here, and there are no outsiders. What are you afraid of?" She didn't mind and blew the ink on the rice paper: "If you have time, make it."

Bitong looked at it and said, "Is the girl going to make clothes again? Is it still black? It's already autumn, and the house is about to send out clothes and materials. At that time, the maidservant will inform them and ask them to keep the black material they picked for the girl. I've seen a Shu brocade before, and the ink color is rose purple..."

"Don't be black," Cheng Xueyan interrupted her: "This time it's white."

Bitong opened her eyes wide and looked at her in disbelief: "Girl, that's..."

Yes, it was worn when she was dead. At present, Chengfu is prosperous and peaceful. If she is plain, she will be accused of bad intentions.

"You do it first. I have my own way."

Seeing the girl's calm face, she didn't say much. The girl is indeed a person who has a way, otherwise her purse can't add 50 taels of silver in a month. Fifty taels is enough for her to work in Chengfu for five years.

I was so excited that I finally remembered that I was scared and forgotten by the girl when I first entered the door.

"Girl, madam, please go to Zang Zhenxuan for a talk..."


Zang Zhenxuan is built on the east side of the whole compound, and the style is also a little old, but more simple and thick. Although this is Du Mizhen's residence, it is neglected and the color of the house is dark, which looks incompatible with several other courtyards. There are still a few bricks missing in several places on the outer wall, but they are so loose.

This used to be the place where Cheng Xueyan's mother Chu Qianrou lived, formerly known as Qian Fangxuan. After her death, Cheng Junhuai often stayed here all night to see things and think about people. Later, Du Mizhen gave birth to her son Cheng Cangpeng, so she suggested to Cheng Zhunhuai to move to Qianfangxuan. Everyone knows that whoever lives in Qianfangxuan means who will become the head of Cheng's house, which has nothing to do with the status of the main room. Of course, Du Mizhen has made great contributions to Chengfu. It is natural to move in. Although they all know that this is the case, they all hope that she can't move in and wait for Cheng Zhun to be furious, but... Then those sentimental people sighed. Originally, they thought that the master would not forget Mrs. Chu, but they didn't expect that it would only pass these few years. Just fall in love.

Du Mizhen moved into Qianfangxuan as she wished, and the first thing she did was to replace the plaque on the door beam with Zang Zhenxuan, but she only did this one. Yuan Qianfangxuan hasn't moved anything, and I don't know why. Qian Fangxuan was in disrepair and many places were damaged. She just let it dry, as if she wanted the house to collapse as soon as possible.

However, since she moved into Qianfangxuan, Cheng Zhunhuai has only come here. No one knows whether he is empathetic to Du Mizhen or to pay tribute to his wife.

At present, Cheng Xueyan came to this collection of Zhenxuan and looked at her dilapid eyes, knowing that this was the residence of her mother she had never met in this life. Somehow, she felt uncomfortable in the bottom of her heart and her eyes were sour.

Entered the door, but I felt more sour when I saw the moss everywhere in the dark.

The carved door is mottled and faded, squeaking when pushed open, like a ghost film. Fortunately, there is no musty smell in the house, thanks to the sunlight all over the room, which is warm and softly smearing everything like an old photo.

Nothing has changed except the owner of the house. Cheng Xueyan suddenly understood Cheng Zhuhuai's decision...

The half-old red sandalwood carved flower bed is set up with a half-old stone green flower chair. One corner has been polished, and it looks like Du Mizhen sitting on it is also a little new.

She wears a home-style silver silk skirt and a brown silk threaded skirt, which is very suitable for the tone of this room, and even the golden hairpin on her head looks dusty. The fan fell to the side and insisted on beating the beauty's leg, not squinting, and his behavior was as stiff as a decoration.

She looked at it. Although the decoration in the room was covered with traces of years, it was still as elegant as before. Although the woman died young, the table was still stubbornly engraved with her breath. She thought that Du Mizhen would not live comfortably, otherwise her expression would not be so smiling.

"This is where your mother used to live, but do you still remember?" Although her voice is soft, it is a little strange.

"I... don't remember much."

This answer is quite appropriate.

Du Mizhen sighed, let the fan fall back, and then motioned her to sit down.

"Yes, when you were three years old, Mrs. Chu went there. I'm afraid you can't even remember her appearance. That's a wonderful person..."

Cheng Xueyan was not sure whether she heard a sneer.

"You look like her..."

A bunch of eyes shot over, and she was inexplicably shivered by the warm body of the sun.

"And you have never been to this room, but I stay here every day and enjoy everything she left..."

Cheng Xueyan felt the indignation and jealousy of a woman from these words, but she didn't want her to change her words.

"Actually, we are a family and should walk around often. I'm busy. Even Xueyao and Cang Peng are only taken care of by the aunts. You should come often, otherwise others will think that I treat you badly..."

Cheng Xueyan hurriedly got up and saluted: "Madam treats Xueyan very well, but Xueyan knows that she has to take care of both the affairs of the house and the Guanjiu Hall. She can't bear to cause trouble. Moreover, this body is always good and bad day by day. I'm afraid that my wife will look at it and worry..."

Du Mizhen showed a look of approval and said concernedly, "Are you better these days?"

"Much better than ever, thanks to Bitong's care..."

Bitong didn't expect the master to mention herself at this moment, which was a little panicked.

Du Mizhen looked at her with satisfaction: "After that, go to the account room to pay five taels of silver."

Bitong hurriedly knelt down in fear and thanked him for the reward.

"I'm relieved that you can be good, otherwise how can I be worthy of your dead mother?"

Du Mizhen wiped her tears with Pa.

Although Cheng Xueyan knew that she was hypocritical, she had to comfort her, and then even said that she was not: "It's all Xueyan's not good, which makes my wife sad..."