Rich flowers bloom

101 picturesque

"That would be... It's really strange." Cheng Xueyan was puzzled.

"Girl," Bitong looked at her face carefully: "You don't remember anything?"

"What else can I think of?" Cheng Xueyan was very distressed and suddenly changed her face: "Do you think there will be nothing wrong with that person?"

"Who?" It's Bitong's turn to be confused.

"It's the one who was trampled on by me last night, but died almost beforehand..."

Cheng Xueyan tried to reduce her crime.

Bitong tried to calm herself and carefully observed the master's expression. When she was sure that she did not remember Gu Haoxuan, she was finally relieved.

"No," she comforted her master. Her voice somehow became extremely soft and beautiful, but it seemed to be a little evil: "He will be fine!"

Bitong's firmness suddenly reminded Cheng Xueyan of the famous advertising slogan... Believe me, it's not (wrong)! But...


"Haven't the girl ever heard that 'good people don't live long and leave thousands of years of scourge'?"

Bitong's gentle smile is also a little ferocious as sound.


The slippery body is small and round, with a little gold in the sun, and a circle of gold around the thin neck, so the small head looks dignified and noble. Looking closely, the corners of the mouth are upturned, as if smiling.

Gu Haoxuan picked up the yellow wax turtle in the palm of his hand.

Out of the sun, the little turtle suddenly turned dark yellowish brown, and only the circle of gold was particularly dazzling.

I sneaked back to the house last night and heard a soft noise when I changed my clothes. Looking closely, it turned out that the little turtle fell to the ground. His head and body fell to one side and stared at him.

He somehow kept holding it and took it home.

Looking at its poor head, he bent down to pick it up and put it on the sandalwood table.

I turned off the candle and stared at the light cyan Chengchen in the night light for a long time. When my mind drifted, I saw an ink-colored flower slowly blooming...

...The jade curtain fell lightly, as if the white clouds floated by, and there was a fairy riding the clouds. Her eyebrows were like light ink, and her eyes were like cold stars. In amazed, the cherry lips opened slightly, like the first bloom of morning flowers...

He sat up from ** with a layer of sweat on his back.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a clear light in the room. His eyes couldn't help moving to the table, and the little turtle's fragile head was facing him.

I lay down again and closed my eyes. After a while, I saw her again. Although I was shocked, I didn't lose my color, but it was a little more amazing...

He turned over boredly and grabbed the fragrant elastic soft pillow to cover his head, but it seemed to hear a song... Yueer hung high, bent like your eyebrows. Miss your heart, just move forward and don't retreat. I say you, you know that the flowing water is not ruthless, taking you to the palace in the sky...

It's really enchanted!

Angryly, she threw the pillow to the ground, buried the whole person in the quilt, and held her breath, but saw the blue man stretching out his hand to her, and she also stretched out her hand...


The quilt also fell to the ground.

She hit her head fiercely, and Venus roared in her ears, but saw her anxious face shaking in front of her... How about you? What's wrong with you?

turned over, fell to the ground, encountered several injuries, and suddenly became dark in pain.

I got up from the bed, but saw the little turtle on the table looking at him stupidly...

It's all you...

He grabbed it and threw it out of the window, turned back and lay back**, and then her face continued to cling to Chengchen and said to him, "How are you? What's wrong with you?"

I'm crazy!

He turned over and sat up again, breathed, got up, opened the door, slipped out of the window, and found the turtle smoothly, but... what about the head?

After turning over for a long time, when I went back to my room to get the candlestick, I saw the little big head looking up at him with a questioning neck on the table.

The two looked at each other for a long time. He lit a candle, sat at the table, and put his body and head together.

is still a little worse.

He thought for a moment and opened the drawer.

This is his treasure chest.

Pull it for a while and pick out a piece of gold.

At first, it was not thin enough, so he picked up the crane-top double flower branch candlestick and smashed it twice.

There is a movement outside the door.

The footsteps approached, but stopped at the door.

is to read peaches.

He put down the candlestick and stared coldly at the door.

After a while, the footsteps rose again and gradually faded away.

He knew she wouldn't come in.

With a sneer, he fixed the gold piece to the turtle's head.

The gold piece shines brightly. After looking at it for a long time, it seems that even the little turtle is shrouded in a circle of holy light, and then... her face appears in the light...

He sighed faintly and put down the turtle.

He knew he was sorry for her.

Three years ago, my father made a marriage for himself. She was Cheng Xueyan, the daughter of Cheng Junhuai, the minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies.

This woman was named Emperor Jing as early as 13 years old. She was the boudoir of Guan Ju's daughter appointed by the previous emperor. She is virtuous and elegant, and her appearance is outstanding. Many famous families want to marry her, but this big good thing fell on her head. According to reason, he should be happy.

He knows what kind of person he is in everyone's eyes, and also knows that many people are secretly scolding a flower for inserting it. The reason why he is unhappy is not because of what people think about it.

Marriage will happen sooner or later. Even if it is not the daughter of Cheng's family, there will be other boudoirs. Anyway, that's the case. No matter who marries is nothing more than to see him, and this is not allowed.

Dad is busy with official business, and naturally he has no time to stare at him every day, which relieves Dad's worries. Moreover, "get a family and a career", they all think that as long as he gets married, he will be "normal".

He has to say that she is so beautiful that she can't even depict his painting that is highly respected by the imperial people, but it is only beautiful. She followed the rules and did her duty every day. If it was really dignified and elegant in the legend, her father liked her very much. He only said that he had the vision to marry such a daughter-in-law, and even the mother who was used to being picky could not say a word "no".

But he doesn't like it.

She is so quiet that sometimes when he returns to his room occasionally, he will be shocked to find that there are more beautiful pictures in a corner. He had long expected that those boudoir etiquette training would be such figures, but once he really saw them, he was uncomfortable all over, and he would collapse at the thought of living the rest of his life with a wooden beauty.

Since she loves quiet, he doesn't talk, and she doesn't feel anything wrong, as if she's telling you, "What does it matter to me if you like to say it or not?" She is not obedient to her eldest brother like her sister-in-law, nor does she take good care of her second brother like her second sister-in-law. She is really just like a painting for him, and she seems to be just a father-in-law to her.

This is a strange thing.

He secretly observed her and found that once she sat quietly in a corner, she would be in a daze. Sometimes she sat straight from the bright sun to the red sun and the room was full of brilliance. Her persistence surprised him, and she did not find such a big living person around to observe her.

She has something on her mind, and he can be sure.

Later, he pretended to be nothing and asked Niantao... At the beginning, she was still called Bingtong and learned that there seemed to be an unprecedented relationship before she left the cabinet...

So it is.

She is actually the same as herself, which is due to her parents' orders. She just marries and marries. She is nothing more than the same as all men and women. Who cares who is the pillow?

He began to sympathize with her and occasionally wanted to make her happy, but even if her eyes were on him, she always fell to an unknown place and pretended to avoid being an idle person.

He knew the reason, but he was not angry, but gradually lost the mood to make her happy.

She continued her daze, and he continued his pleasure.

Time flies. A year passed, and he didn't feel anything, but one day his mother suddenly said, "Since it's been a year, why hasn't there even a movement in his stomach?"

He was shocked and looked at her quickly.

She was calm and still didn't say anything.

The mother's face became heavier and heavier.

It's also true. The eldest brother has been married for seven years, but there is only one daughter, and there are many wives and concubines, but they are all so "no movement". The second brother doesn't have to count on it. Now he only looks at his house. Originally, his parents and adults were eager to have an excellent grandson of the two families, but now...

"I said that such a figure can't give birth to a boy, but I don't want to have a girl..." The mother was angry: "At the beginning, it's better to choose the second girl of the Huo family. Look at them, hold them for three years, and then look at our side... But you don't do it. Don't think I don't know what you're thinking..."

The mother's fire immediately shifted to her father.

Because of this matter, his father was not as confident as before. He was silent, but then he called him into the study and scolded him: "I told you not to go out and stay at home. Why is this? Let me tell you, from today on, don't step out of the door, or you will look good!"

Usually, his father disciplined him strictly, and this time he was even more pervasive. As long as there was a reason, he would dispose of his family law and shut him up. But even so, there was no movement.

My mother couldn't stand it anymore. She scolded and complained and asked for medicine everywhere. She also led her to ask for divination. Finally, she went to his room and dropped the medicine jar and dumped: "Take a concubine!"

Her face has not changed at all, as if everything had been expected.

However, this sentence actually stirred up and down Gu's house, and she was not daze. She was often helped by Bitong to wander around the house, and even stayed in other rooms at night to deliberately create opportunities. At this time, Bingtong went out and turned out...

In addition to being shocked or shocked, he is... what is it? In this case, why don't we go separately! I heard that the man surnamed Ling has not married yet...

xiu shu!

Naturally, my mother will not object, because it was inconvenient to explain all kinds of things before. She just buried her resentment in her heart. Now that the collective outbreak, the words are getting worse and worse, and she even wants to divorce her by herself.

She took the book and was not angry or surprised. Her face was a little whiter than before. She only called Bitong and left the Gu family calmly...

Later, I only heard that she was very ill. This is not what he inquired about. Can the people of Dijing not be excited when such a big thing happened to Gu and Cheng?

After that, there was no news, but I didn't expect to meet her today, or in Jinyu Tower...


PS: By the way, do you think the man in black is a little familiar? The one named Han Jiangzhu, who met the heroine by Xihu Lake during the Dragon Boat Festival...