Rich flowers bloom

104 Heli Chickens

Tang Fanrou saw that Cheng Xueyan's face suddenly changed. She thought that she was uncomfortable again and quickly asked. She only said that the carriage was bumpy and a little dizzy.

I entered the temple gate, but I saw that the temple was as lively as that day. It turned out that the Yulan Festival was approaching, and people wanted to sacrifice their ancestors, so rich families invited monks to set up altars to recommend the dead as merit.

Tang Fanrou also gave a thousand taels of sesame oil money. Shunqian and told the host that this was his master's intention. He took out another 300 taels and pulled the host aside to speak.

Cheng Xueyan gritted her teeth and took a hundred taels. Tang Fanrou sighed that she was kind and commendable.

The two of them are invited to come with incense, and they will worship every temple.

Cheng Xueyan found that worshipping Buddha was not as simple as kowtowing incense. Xiang should be clamped with your thumb and forefinger, close the remaining three fingers, and raise the incense flat to the eyebrows with both hands, showing piety. Not only on the surface, but also at the bottom of your heart, you should visualize the Buddha and Bodhisattva appearing in front of you and be sincere.

Worship is more complicated. The placement of the two feet and the distance between the toes and the tip of the feet are stipulated, and you should also pay attention to the procedure when kneeling down. Cheng Xueyan didn't know what to do, and then she saw that there were more pious people around her who worshipped twelve times in a row.

In my heart, I beat the drum and said to myself. Bodhisattva, don't blame me. Those who don't know are not guilty. My heart is still very pious. Then I quickly recalled my sins. Suddenly, I found that impersonation was the biggest sin. I quickly repented that this was a misunderstanding. If the Buddha has a spirit, let her and the real Cheng Xueyan quickly exchange it back. Door...

Tang Fanrou got up, but saw that she still closed her eyes and knelt on the futon and her lips squirmed. She retreated to the side and waited for a while. When she got up, the two turned to another place.

One morning, Cheng Xueyan only felt that her knees were sore, her waist was weak, and she was dizzy. Tang Fanrou was very energetic and quite interested in going to the mountain to eat vegetarian food.


Cheng Xueyan's smiling and concerned eyes immediately flashed in front of her, and her heart ached, but at this moment, a muffled thunder rolled in.

The two looked at the sky together and saw a sunny day. They didn't know why the thunder came, so they still planned to go up the mountain, but as soon as they reached the mountainside, they saw a cloud rolling around like Zhu Bajie coming to Gao Laozhuang.

hurried back to the foot of the mountain and got into the car to rush back.

There is no wind, but the clouds are surging like a tide. In an in an flash, they cover the whole sky and suppress it down, as if they can pick a hole as soon as you raise your hand, and then there will be evil beasts pour out.

"This cloud is really strange," Tang Fanrou lifted the brocade curtain on the window and looked out and said to herself, "Can it really rain?"

It's really strange. The cloud is just depressed, but there hasn't been a star rain for a day, as if they are looking at something with a gloomy face.

But at the end of this sentence, a gust of wind came from an unknown place, and the rolled sand made the bottom of the carriage crackle. The horse was shocked and hissed, and the whole car suddenly bumped violently.

The thunder went back and forth overhead, as if looking for something. Once it was found, it would not hesitate to throw a sharp sword and split it in half.

Tang Fanrou was a little scared. She quickly trembled and urged the driver to hurry on her way, and then held Cheng Xueyan's hand: "Don't be afraid, there is an second mother..."

Cheng Xueyan only felt that her hands were shaking, so she held it back: "It's okay. It's this season. Even if it rains, it won't rain heavily..."

She took the veil and held it in her palm. Her wet eyes looked at the heavy rain, as if it had fallen in an unknown place.

Cheng Xueyan stopped talking.

Bitong brushed the dust from the long stone stool with a handkerchief and helped Cheng Xueyan sit down.

Pan'er also operated like this, but Tang Fanrou refused to sit down and only looked out persistently.

Cheng Xueyan only felt strange, but she didn't know anything about it. She looked at the rain curtain for a while and suddenly smiled and said, "How about we play chess?"

Bitong and Pan'er opened their eyes and shouted together, "I can't play chess!"

"The chess I'm talking about is not Go. It's called 'five chess'. It's very simple. You can learn it as soon as you learn it!"

There is no mood to learn chess at this time, but since the master said it, the two had to come over.

Cheng Xueyan finished explaining a few words and ordered them to pick up branches and stones and play on the spot.

Everything was the same as in her previous life. She taught others with great interest, and then she won a few games. She was very happy, but then she began to lose. No matter how careful she was, she couldn't take care of this side and that.

The two girl was a little complacent about winning successively, but the loser was the master, so she didn't dare to be too flamboyant and only looked at her face carefully. He wanted to lose to her deliberately, but the master said, "I won't be happy if you fake..."

It's really difficult!

After a few more rounds, she finally lost interest and leaned her back against the railing: "I won't play anymore. You can play."

The two girl were finally relieved, looked at each other and smiled, and played happily without their masters.

The rain didn't seem to stop, even the occasional slowdown. There was a monotonous sound in my ears, and the air cooled down unconsciously.

She looked at everything in the gray and suddenly became sleepy.

Wrapped in a thin blue silk dark flower top, leaned his head against the pillar, closed his eyes, but opened sharply...

There was a sound... A rapid sound gradually approached.

Mountain flood?

She stood up.

But if you listen carefully, it's just the sound of rain.


Without thinking about it, I only heard a shout from the rain: "Hurry up, there is a place to shelter from the rain..."

Then there were several small dark spots hidden or appeared in the rain, and finally broke through the heavy rain and rushed this way...

But there are four horse riders.

They jumped off the horse, tied it up urgently, and got into the long pavilion.

I was too anxious to notice that there were two carriages parked outside the pavilion, until I came in and found that there were women in the pavilion. I quickly restrained my voice, gave a slight salute, and went to rest.

When Bitong and Pan'er saw someone coming, they no longer disputed who played tricks. They stood up honestly and stood solemnly beside their respective children.

The four refused to be quiet. First, they whispered and gradually let go of the volume, causing Bitong to frown.

It turned out that hunting was in the rain, and the hunting suit was soaked through, and the colors could not be seen were attached to the body, outlining a strong body.

Cheng Xueyan remembers that she went to the racecourse to ride a horse before she married Ling Su in her previous life. She was so timid that Ling Su laughed so loudly...

Unconsciously, a faint smile appeared on his lips.

When she came to her senses, she found that there was silence around her.

In surprise, I only felt a few bundles of eyes turned to myself and looked over. It turned out to be the four men, one of whom was still smiling.

The siren sounded... What are they going to do?

She turned back with threats, and from the perspective that no one turned over, she could see that the eyes were not lethal at all. The man sitting in the middle smiled more and stood up.

He is quite tall. Although his clothes are wet and his hair is dripping, he is not embarrassed, but he has a different kind of romantic style. Although the other three are also correct, they are inevitably inferior to him. He stands among them and stands out from the crowd.


PS: Who is this outstanding chicken? Will his appearance lead to any changes? Update the vote later and reveal the answer tomorrow. There is only one day. If you want to buy it quickly O(∩_∩)O~.

It will be busy all day tomorrow, and the update will be a little late in the evening, but it should not be later than 18:30. I'm so envious of the god, alas%>_