Rich flowers bloom

112 Don't have secrets


The jade fox suddenly remembered something, and then she felt loose all over.

Almost at the same time, she pushed him down and turned around to escape, but she was quickly held in her arms. She didn't see how hard he tried, but she couldn't move. And even if he is so close, the charming and innocent smile on his evil face makes people not realize that this move is obscene.

An expert once said that if you are hugged by a malicious man, don't move around, otherwise your thoughts are likely to become reality in an instant.

Her heart was ached, and then she gave up struggling, but her whole body was still tight.

"You haven't answered me yet?"

So obsessed like Xiaocang Peng, she suddenly felt funny, but still looked tigery: "How did you get in?"

"What do you think?"

He raised his fingers and picked up a wisp of hair around his temples and played with it as if nothing had happened. Even so, she still couldn't move as if she was stuck.

She suddenly had a bottom in her heart that if he really wanted to do something to him, he had no power to fight back, and now he looks leisurely... Does this mean that she is not charming at all?

There will always be some moments in one's life that are particularly entangled.

She was struggling, but she saw him lean back and looked at her up and down with admiration: "Well, yes, I should greet her like this when I came..."

Because it is autumn, it is obviously too thin to wear only one belly pocket at night. This time, she wears a moon-white butterfly pattern translucent cloud silk sleepsuit, and now it seems to be showing something to the jade fox...

My face suddenly burned, and I was busy covering up with something, but in vain.

Although the jade fox swept her eyes with amazement, her eyes did not stop at some important parts, and then bullied her face, looked at her face carefully, shook her head and sighed, "Beauty is a beauty. Even if you fall in a mass cave, I can catch you out at a glance!"

Cheng Xueyan curled her lips secretly. Did she fish for me or Mu Lingxuan? Why did the hairpin fly to her head impartially?

However, since he was not malicious, she also had some interest in making fun of him.

"You are also a little red in the green bush, which only makes the bees and butterflies busy..."

The jade butterfly smiled proudly.

"I just don't understand. How did you get into the cage?" It's her turn to look innocent.

The proud smile stagnated, turned to chagrin, let go of her hand, turned over and lay aside.

Cheng Xueyan knew that such a confident man was the most unstimulated by others to stimulate his lovely self-esteem.

She was a little proud and continued to add fuel to the fire: "With your good skills, how can it be... Is there a mountain outside the mountain?"

"Is there any other master in this imperial capital besides me?" The jade fox broke out so easily: "Beauty is a disaster! Beauty disaster!!"

"What, is there any woman more beautiful than me in this imperial capital?" Cheng Xueyan asked in his tone, and she felt that this positioning was numb: "Is it you..."

"Nonsense!" He suddenly turned his face and scraped her nose defenselessly: "There is no woman more beautiful than you, but there is a woman more poisonous than you..."

He turned over and sat cross-legged, tidyed up his hair and clothes, and said, "It's really true that women's hearts and beetail needles!"

Speaking this, he suddenly realized that the people around him were also women, but when he saw that she was not angry, he continued at ease: "It is said that He Qi's messenger paid tribute to the emperor with a purple pearl..."

"Zi Tianzhu?" She marveled, is it the purple sky pearl that Bitong said can lead to the marriage of the third generation? Is there really such a treasure in the world?

"Yes, this purple pearl is extremely rare..."

"Did you steal beads and get caught?" She didn't want to listen to the story again and hurriedly helped him skip this passage.

The jade fox suddenly became annoyed: "I can't say that. In fact, I wanted to see what the bead was like and spread it so magical... Later, I heard that the emperor rewarded the purple pearl to his beloved woman, that is, the lotus nobleman who was crowned last month, as if his surname was Liang..."


She immediately remembered Cheng Xueyan's former best friend, the woman who brought her a delicious "Sulyin" smile, and she finally got what she wanted...

"I don't know what the name is, that woman..." The jade fox's tone was full of disdain: "As soon as I touched her room, I was found by her. I thought I was waiting for the little emperor. But if the emperor needed a concubine to wait on the bed, he would have chosen the green top card long ago. Will he still make a raid? But since you didn't come here, don't you have to... She just grabbed me when she came up and insisted on me..."

The jade fox scratched his hair hard.

Cheng Xueyan naturally knows what he wants to say, but is Pei Han... that kind of person?

"You also said that no one in this imperial capital can compare with your skills at all. How can you be caught by a weak woman with no chicken power? I think you saw her beautiful, so your feet softened..."

"Is she beautiful?" The jade fox was angry, but paused and blinked: "I really forgot what she looks like. But if I see her again, I will definitely recognize her! This woman... actually wanted to knock me out with a candlestick, you touch..."

He nodded to the side of his head, but grinned in pain: "A big bag!"

Cheng Xueyan quickly repented of the impurity of her heart. Peihan, this is self-defense!

"As soon as I lay on the ground in a daze, I was poured a mouthful of powder by her, which turned out to be..." The jade fox gritted his teeth: "If you are a different woman... you will become an eunuch!"

Cheng Xueyan was stunned. This is by no means Pei Han! Peihan is the kind of woman who is gentle and kind and will be full of sympathy and love for the weak Xueyan... Instead, she figured out how many women there are in the emperor and how many women there are surnamed Liang...

"Then you..." Cheng Xueyan knew that this question was extremely inappropriate.

"How is that possible?" The jade fox was full of righteous indignation: "Am I an ordinary man?"

Cheng Xueyan still wants to know whether his important symbol as a man is still there.

"If you want to lend me this chicken egg, there is no way!"

This sentence and the bulging expression almost made her laugh.

He doesn't want to say that he is still a virgin, does he? A small evil thought arched in the bottom of my heart.

"When she saw the trick, she called someone to arrest me. I'm seizing the time to force poison there, and I can't move at all, but if I am caught by the group of guards, the consequences can be imagined. I can only temporarily collect my strength and escape, but if the medicine of Gangyu doesn't force it all, even if the eunuch does not change, the whole person will be mentally weak in the future. I finally couldn't resist mediting on the roof, but after all, the tossing in the middle made the poison gas rush into the internal organs. For a moment, it fell from the roof, but unexpectedly, it was falling into the government building..."

Cheng Xueyan finally couldn't help laughing.

"Are you still laughing?"

The jade fox looks angry like a child.

"Then why don't you learn a lesson? Aren't you afraid of me..." She looked like a fascination.

The jade fox turned to reveal a three-level lust and slowly approached her: "I'm willing, I'm willing to do anything for you... I'm willing to..."

Cheng Xueyan immediately put away her mischievousness and dodged back: "Has your medicinal power been exhausted?"

He got closer, his smile was seductive, and his voice was seductive: "What do you think..."

The breath is warm, with a light fragrance, and sprinkled on the face as at the beginning.

She was silent and alert all over.

He stared at her for a while, suddenly smiled, and then sat down again: "Actually, they want to talk to you. This day is really boring. I have never been so unlucky for so long!"

Why do you have to tell her? Doesn't he have any friends? Does he regard himself as a close friend? But... why?

"Want to talk? There are a lot of people, such as... the girl you send hairpins during the day..."

She tried to hide the sourness in her tone.

The jade fox still felt it and suddenly smiled: "Why, are you jealous? Do you want me to give you one too?

She blushed: "Who has time to be jealous of you?"

"Then who will you be jealous of?"

Ling Su's name flashed in the bottom of his heart.

The jade fox felt her eyes flash: "Do you have a pet?"

Cheng Xueyan frowned slightly and turned her face aside.

Although the jade fox is a man, he is also delicate. He expects that there must be difficulties in this and will no longer ask questions.

"Alas, actually that girl..." He scratched his head: "I'm sorry for her..."

This is a big problem!

Cheng Xueyan immediately turned around and was full of interest.

"Just because the last time I went to Guanjiu Hall, I hid in her place for a moment in order to avoid the group of little women, but I didn't want to cause her trouble. But she was really interesting. She was very calm in the face of the questions of that group of people and did not reveal my whereabouts at all. If she were a man, she would have achieved great things!" The tone of the jade fox is full of appreciation.

Cheng Xueyan sighed, is this jade fox still uncultated or doesn't understand women's hearts? You should know that if a woman falls in love with a man, even if she goes to the mountain of knives, she will be extremely calm and willing, not to mention facing some doubts, some doubts from women who have the same goal and the same mind as her...

"Then I broke her hairpin..."

This caused another problem.

"I just repaired the hairpin and returned it to her. I originally wanted to take the purple pearl and put it on it as a thank-you gift..." The jade fox began to hang his head again.

Cheng Xueyan opened her eyes wide. Doesn't he know the meaning of Zitianzhu? If you say thank you, what kind of baby is not allowed, but you just want this? Could it be that he has fallen in love with Mu Lingxuan, but he doesn't realize it? Is there such a confused person in the world?

She tried to see a clue from his sincere regret, but this jade fox is either really innocent or the strongest acting school in Tianhao's domestic idol school!

"Then how did you escape?"

Mention this, the jade fox immediately lost his bad mood and showed a mysterious face. He came over and said, "Guess?"