Rich flowers bloom

137 Edict to Marriage

Naturally, Bitong doesn't understand.

"The eldest son made the master very angry today. I heard that he secretly told the emperor that he was going to be stationed in the border city. I heard that there seemed to be a fight in the border city. Isn't it going to die? Er, I'm not talking about the eldest son... I'm worried..."

"I understand, what did Dad say?"

"What else can I say? The master seemed to have just heard about this today. He was so angry that he punished the eldest son to kneel in Huayu Hall. No one was allowed to approach him, and then he went to the palace. He hasn't come back yet... Girl, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to Huayutang..."

Bitong hurriedly stopped: "No, the master said that no one can go..."

"Didn't the master come back now?"

Cheng Xueyan didn't care about her and ran downstairs to Huayutang.

Bitong couldn't do it. She just hated herself for talking fast and hurriedly followed her out.

The moonlight is dim, pulling the shadow of the tree and swaying vaguely on the carved door.

The inside of Huayu Hall is dark.

Cheng Xueyan is strange. Is it not allowed to kneel?

She stepped on the steps and her fingertips had just touched the door panel, but suddenly saw a tall figure moving silently and quickly towards her on the door panel, and a long hand grabbed her shoulder like a claw...

She was about to scream, but her mouth was covered by that hand.

"It's me!" The man lowered his voice.

"Brother?" She hurriedly turned around, but saw Cheng Cangyi wearing a tight black suit and a package behind her back. She immediately understood: "Are you going to go?"

Cheng Cangyi nodded, looked around warily, and pulled her to hide behind the tree: "It's urgent. There's no time to talk about it in detail. Later..."

He squeezed his lips and squeezed her shoulder vigorously: "Take good care of yourself, and Dad... help me..."

"Where are you going? Are you coming back?"

I don't know if it was painful or urgent. She grabbed his arm urgently and her eyes were hot.

Cheng Cangyi's eyes flashed with a trace of confusion and pain: "After settling down, I will give you news. I'll go first..."

"Do you... walk alone?"

Cheng Xueyan looked around tentatively. Only the shadow of the trees was heavy, and there was no trace of Qitong.

He stopped, but didn't look back: "She... is waiting for me..."

Her chest was suddenly blocked by something. She took a hard breath and exhaled two words: "Take care!"

The voice trembled slightly, but tears couldn't stop rolling down.

His tall back was slightly lonely in the wind, and he only said softly, "Take care!"

I was about to walk, but the fire suddenly lit up all around me, and the voice suddenly rose.

The two of them were shocked. Why were they found so quickly? What should I do now?

Before they came up with a solution, they saw the fire approaching, and a group of well-dressed people came this way.

Cheng Xueyan didn't know why she stood still.

It's too late to escape at this moment.

She saw Cheng Cangyi standing there, clenched tightly and trembling on her side. She seemed to hear the abrupt bone joint rattling.

The crowd approached, led by a sky-blue robe with a light blue cuff neckline. The robe was embroidered with auspicious patterns, red, yellow, blue and green intertwined, embedded with gold wire, which was extremely dazzling under the brilliance of the gauze lamps on both sides.

The man wears a gauze head, and his face is full, like a steamed bun that has just come out of the pot, with a slight light, and he looks like he is paupcious. Although his footsteps are fast, he is steady, and his face is happy and a little neglectful... Who is this?

On both sides, there are several people wearing ochre robes and surrounded by black bodyguards, all of whom are silent.

Cheng Junhuai followed the man closely, bowing his waist slightly, coupled with the floating light and shadow, and could not see his expression clearly.

The person finally stopped, and a guard in ochre next to him immediately bowed and presented a golden dragon pattern of a vermilion plate. He took the golden scroll on it with both hands, straightened his face, and said, "Lieutenant Cheng Cangyi took the order..."

His voice is as sharp as a woman, but it lacks softness. Is it...

Cheng Cangyi has been clenching his fist, as if he had broken something at that moment. His tall body shook twice, and finally sank... knelt down.

At that moment, Cheng Xueyan seemed to see something in the burly body flying away, leaving only the body and clothes piled up there...

"The last general...take the order!"

Cheng Zhunhuai also hurried out and knelt to the ground.

Cheng Xueyan found that she didn't know when Cheng's house appeared in front of Huayu Hall and knelt down on the ground. I don't know who pulled her, and she quickly knelt down.

"According to the transportation of heaven, the emperor said. Cheng Cangyi, the eldest son of Cheng Zhunhuai, a minister of the Ministry of Ceremonies, is a four-grade cavalry captain. He is diligent, exquisite in martial arts, loyal and virtuous. After his repeated achievements and getting older, he specially gave Qu's Leyao, the daughter of Qu Jing, the minister of the Ministry of Public Affairs, as his wife to show his kindness. Qu is virtuous and virtuous, dignified and can be regarded as a female model. I hope that Jia will become an early couple, open branches and leaves for the Cheng family, and continue to inherit loyalty. In addition, Cheng Cangyi is the captain of the third-grade light vehicle, which will take effect on the same day. qin ci——”

"Thank you Lord Longen..."

Everyone bowed down together and shouted long live.

When Cheng Xueyan looked around, she saw Qitong also sandwiched in the crowd, and when everyone got up, she was still leaning down to worship, as if she were asleep.

The crowd became chaotic and lost her figure for a moment. When she came to her senses, everyone had surrounded Cheng Cangyi and congratulated her repeatedly.

Indeed, the emperor's marriage and the great happy event are enough to prove the status of the Cheng family in Tianhao Kingdom; the marriage with Qufu is another happy event, and the two families work together, and the power of Chengfu is more deeply rooted; the left move to the light cavalry captain, Cheng Cangyi is only 22 years old, but he is already a third-grade official position, and the future is boundless!

This happy event made everyone happy.

Cheng Xueyan quietly avoided the shade of the tree and looked at the excitement in front of her. She felt like a dream.

The crowd moved, faintly revealing Cheng Cangyi's face. Although his face was smiling, there was no joy, and his eyes were empty. He turned his head and looked around as if he were looking for someone. Only then did he show real pain and helplessness in his eyes.

Cheng Xueyan is also looking for that person, but the seat where she once worshipped on the ground was empty, and she was unusually few in the messy and excited congratulations...

It's only half an hour, and it's a shocking reversal. All this is just because of an imperial edict, but if it comes one step later... what if it comes one step later?

Cheng Xueyan sat in a daze and imagined all kinds of possibilities, but she also knew that it was impossible after all, because from that moment on, everything was a fore.

I don't know whether Cheng Zhuhuai should take the best strategy or take risks. In case Cheng Cangyi and Qitong fly far away, the consequences...

Maybe she should be glad that everything is impartial and just right, otherwise...

Holy marriage...imperial power...

Chengfu has had an unprecedented special encounter. I'm afraid that many people have been looking forward to it for several lifetimes, but why does she only have the word "excess and decline" in her mind? Why do your fingertips feel cold and tremble all over, and a large area of red and bloody Manzhu Shahua flashes in Xinyuan from time to time?

"Girl," Bitong yawned, and a surprise consumed her remaining physical strength: "I've been tired for a day. Are you waiting for the girl to clean up?"

She got up sullenly.

Bitong untied the embroidered belt and took off the ink-colored top...


Bitong bent down to pick up the thing, and her confused eyes suddenly showed curiosity: "Isn't this the girl's silver hairpin? Last time I said that I lost my horse, how could it be..."

Inexplicably, I remembered the warm and comfortable embrace, inexplicably remembered that he lost a pair of gloves to her, and said, "If you don't concentrate on horseback, be careful not to fall down..." Inexplicably...

Her heart beat and she hurriedly grabbed the hairpin. She was about to find the glove, but Bitong had already played with the thing in her hand, put it in her hand, and looked back and forth: "What is this? It seems to be made of deer skin..."

I pulled it down, and the boss was angry... Why did you touch my things?

Bitong was shocked to see that her face suddenly changed. She thought about it carefully and asked carefully, "Is it from Mr. Han?"

She didn't say anything. She untied her clothes and lay down to ** and put down the beautiful marble curtain.

Leaving Bitong to think in the ground, and I don't know where she provoked the master. After a moment of hesitation, he turned off the light and went out gently.

It was dark in front of her. She groped for the glove and put it on her hand.

It's not big or small, not fat or thin... just right!

How can it be so appropriate? Her contact with him was just that he clenched her hand the last time he learned to ride a horse... But on second thought, after all, this body has lived with him for three years, and even if he has no feelings, it should be familiar, right? So I feel a little uncomfortable.

Is she herself or just a substitute, a parasite?

with a sigh.

The layer is warm, soft and comfortable, just like his embrace...

His face was hot, but he took off the gloves, thought about it for a moment, put it on the pillow, rubbed it with his hand, and couldn't help jumping out of his hands full of needle eyes...

I turned over and forced myself to leave all this behind, but after thinking about what was on my mind, I couldn't help sleeping and closed my eyes.


"Son, are you all right?"

Xiaoxi asked softly and knocked on the door.

I don't know what happened. As soon as he came back, he locked himself in the room. After a long time, he called him to take the bath water in, but repeatedly stressed that "it must be cold water".

This weather... cold shower...

Xiaoxi had a cold war just thinking about it.

Although the weather has become warm recently, it is still cold at night, and I don't know what the master is doing, could it be...

He turned his eyes and smiled secretly for a long time. Fang quietly asked in a very graceful voice, "Son, do you want me to call my third aunt over?"


The door panel shook violently.

Xiaoxi hurriedly hugged his head, as if it had been thrown on his head.

The master's roar came from inside: "Disappear immediately!"

The master's recent mood has been as unpredictable as this weather.

Xiaoxi didn't dare to stay, covered her head and ran away.


A string of blisters rose from her eyes, and the water waves moved slightly. Her face floated up and gradually became clear. Her face showed the moonlight floating in the stone cup, which was unparalleled. She is smiling, and her smile is as bright as spring morning with dew flowers... He never knew that she would laugh...