Rich flowers bloom

153 thousand and one

"If you love, you will be willing to love, and you will always forget the present and the past. Don't owe anyone wholeheartedly every year. Love is like a flash in the pan, and it will disappear. Promise to be between the front lines, and only when there is bitterness can there be sweetness..."

Because I feel something, today's song is very emotional. She seemed to see that under the vast sky, Lefeng flowers in a light peach-red dress bloomed on the field. Not far ahead was Han Jiangzhu in armor. The armor was cold, but she couldn't hide the tenderness under the iron bones. She seemed to see him look back and smile brightly at the red words...

"...If you are willing, you can't take care of your dignity. Right and wrong are inevitable. Don't hesitate. Think of him, think of him and go. It's fate, no one can change it. Let's go to the ends of the world with him. If it is fate, it will be complete, and life will be far away forever..."

With the company of Le Feng, the border city may no longer be so cold.

Le Feng, I wish you happiness...

After a song, the voice choked.

Meng Qian also seemed to feel sad and sobbed gently.

At this time, Mother Ruan called out in the curtain, and Meng Qian immediately walked past her eyes.

Meng Qian walked past her eyes... Her eyes unconsciously followed a ball of rouge...

A ball of rouge floated by... It seemed to be magical, and a person suddenly appeared after the long case of Taizuo...

I have to say that when she just sat behind the curtain, Cheng Xueyan couldn't help looking at the long case... empty.

For two months, every time she sat behind the curtain, she saw two black and white people guarding the desk. From the beginning of suspicion... fear... anger, to inexplicable expectations... Unconsciously, she was used to their existence, but now, a long case that went to the border city, a home to recover from wounds and was empty was indescribably sad. She couldn't help wondering if what she had would gradually leave. In the end, only myself...

But when the rouge floated by, one more person suddenly came out after the long case.

The body is jade white, which makes the two long eyebrows particularly eye-catching.

It's him...

The heart beat sharply, as if falling into a secluded lake, stirring up ripples.

I couldn't see his expression clearly through the curtain, but I felt that he was looking at her deeply with a strong smile in his eyes...

Suddenly, it seems that I feel dizzy.

She is a little strange that she is not so vulnerable or excited, but...

My head fainted again... No, it seemed that the ground was shaking, and the curtain was shaking like **.

Before the word popped out of his head, he heard a person shouting in a non-human voice: "The ground has moved..."

It suddenly sounded everywhere, shouting, the sound of broken porcelain, the sound of tables and chairs turning over... It's hard to tell whether it's a ground or a vibration...

But there is no need to analyze, because at this moment, the ground seemed to be excited, as if several huge earthworms were rolling underground, finally loosening the soil like waves, and she was instantly bumped and lost like a boat.

The wooden platform suddenly collapsed, and the uneven hole seemed to be the devil's mouth to swallow all the coefficients.


The shelf of the curtain fell down and smashed into the hole, and disappeared in an instant.

There was only a rumble in my ear, as if something was going to break out of the ground, and occasionally one or two screams came, but it soon lost its movement. I thought it was captured by the demon.

The ground is shaking and tilting, and the table seems to stand up to lift her into the hole.

She tried her best to grab something, but it seemed that she suddenly became Hercules. No matter what she touched, it would fall off or break very easily. She could only slide to the magic cave involuntarily...

She didn't see that the beam of the room in the magic cave had loosened and trembled excitedly, as if she had to get out of the bondage and fall with joy as long as there was a little wind blowing.


When the last shelf that could be grasped finally broke, she slid uncontrollably towards the magic cave. At this moment, the loose beam seemed to hear the cry and jump down happily.

She has seen it, but she can't help but scream all the way down.

The beam tilted down and stood up in an instant, as if it were a magic weapon from heaven to punish this screaming demon...

Maybe in the face of sudden danger, the human brain will be so blank that they can only watch everything happen and something fly in front of them...


A scream suddenly grabbed a trace of soul that had not yet left her body. She could only see that a person's facial features were as broken and messy as a shadow in the water being hit by stones, but then they quickly put together and smiled at her, and then... all the expressions disappeared, like a piece of white paper quietly covering her.

The soul flew back to her body little by little, and she felt pain, breathless, and fear...

There was a gurgling sound around, as if a giant was shaking his teeth because of the cold. Occasionally, there were one or two slight sobs and moans, but it gradually increased...

All kinds of voices sounded one after another, cursing, crying, complaining, grabbing the sky and the ground, moving tables and chairs...

She saw a string of lights hanging in the corner of the room fall down, and her eyes moved to the white paper that covered her body obliquely in front of her.

Ru Mo's long eyebrows quietly stuck to the side of her face...

...Gu Haoxuan looked around her and seemed to say to himself, "It seems that as long as we hold each other, we will be fine..."

"It seems that as long as we hold each other..."

Real, the earthquake stopped, but he...


A changed call penetrated into her ears, but Mama Ruan rushed up in panic and saw the two people folding together motionlessly, with a thick beam on it, which was even more tortuous.

You should know that any of these two people's accident is more terrible than the ground movement just now! In case both of them... the big girl is looking at her with godless eyes, have they already...

After hundreds of battles, she is at a loss to the point where she can only scream like a chicken.

At this time, a man in an orange pink dress rushed up, grabbed one of Gu Haoxuan's legs and dragged down...


Cheng Xueyan saw her head protrude, and her eyes were about to crack, and then she fell down and did not move.

This sound suddenly woke up Mama Ruan and hurriedly knocked off Tris's hand that pulled Gu Haoxuan's leg down: "Look, the beam is still pressing. Do you want to pull him in half?"

didn't care about other guests, let alone the ruins of the hall, and hurriedly called the ninja turtles to rescue.

The jade-white person was gently stripped from her like a piece of paper and put lightly on a stretcher...

She watched, and for a moment, she found herself dragging the corner of his robe.

Unfortunately, the busy and frightened people did not see that the soft and tough cloth suddenly pulled away from her palm and went far away...

Mama Ruan saw that her eyes turned slightly and almost cried. She hurriedly picked her up and looked up and down: "Big girl, you are fine... You can't be fine..."

This day, Cheng Xueyan didn't know how to return to her house. The house is also in a mess. Fortunately, Chengfu is not a tofu project, but the house shook a few times, and some roofs cracked and fell off a few pieces of soil. In addition, most of the antique shelves were buckled to the ground, and the porcelain was basically reimbursed.

Bitong did not accompany the girl to the Jinyu Tower because of the lack of manpower in the eldest son's marriage. When the ground moved, she was helping to set up the lights in Moyizhai. Then she fell into the corner that had not been sorted out and cried dimly. Everyone only thought that she was too frightened. Who would have thought that she was worried about what if the girl had a problem outside? I'm afraid I can't live.

The house is in chaos, and no one cares about a little girl. She cried for a while and stumbled to the West Corner Gate, but she didn't want to see the girl drifting in like sleepwalking.

It seemed that a golden treasure suddenly fell on her head. She fainted and immediately rushed up, grabbed the girl's hand and looked up and down: "It's okay... it's okay..." Then she cried and laughed.

The girl was stunned and didn't care about her sadness and joys.

Are you scared? Her heart sank, but she saw the girl smile at her: "I'm fine."

The girl's smile seems to be smoke floating on her face. Isn't she sick?

However, Cheng Xueyan no longer paid attention to her doubts and went to the Yanran Pavilion.

Until before going to bed, Bitong had been observing her closely and found that she had nothing unusual except that she was not talkative and occasionally in a daze.

Maybe it was really scared. I heard that the second girl hit her head against the wall when she moved. Now she eats and vomits anything. Dr. Song is staying in Manxue Pavilion. The third girl has been crying from the ground to now, the kind that is heartbreaking. When she sees something and throws something, someone approaches and grabs it, and even the lady scratched it. In this way, my girl is normal.

Qitong sneaked over once, but she didn't dare to enter the door because she was now a rough maid. She only asked about the girl's situation and stuffed her with medicine, saying that it was a local recipe in her hometown, which was not worth much, but it was very useful. If she didn't mind, let the big girl try it.

She looked at the thinning back, sighed, and was about to turn back. A little cold brushed her cheeks, and then, a little...

I looked at the sky again... It snowed...

Fear snowflakes flutter gently, like broken crystals, slipping silently in this silent night...


Cheng Xueyan woke up the next day in Bitong's panicked call.

She sat up straight from **... Is there an earthquake again?

Bitong's expression was more terrible than the earthquake, and she trembled her lips: "Goo Gu... Captain Gu is here!"

Captain Gu?

Gu Haoxuan's father?

The smiling Tumbler immediately appeared in his mind.


PS: After modification, it suddenly stopped moving and had to be changed again. I don't know if everyone's computer has been like this recently. First, there is something wrong with QQ, and then it crashes.

After cleaning up the house, there are a few more black votes. Please ask the friends who will vote for the black tomorrow to change that number. 13 is so annoying. The original number is quite auspicious.

Tomorrow is the last day recommended. I haven't thought about several more. It should be three more. If that's the first update is set at about 12 noon, thank you for your support these two days! O(∩_∩)O~