Rich flowers bloom

169 valuable

In an instant, seven women with different expressions appeared on the ribbon, surrounded by clouds, and the fairy palace loomed. Looking closely, it seems that there is a "nothing hole in the sky" on the cloud cliff.

Somehow, my face started to burn.


Seeing that Gu Haoxuan's pen was about to be signed at the end of the scroll, she hurriedly called.

Gu Haoxuan was stunned first, then smiled, and put the pen back on the tray without saying anything.

Xiaoxi is puzzled: "Master, you are the inscription. If you mention the words, this painting will be worth a lot, otherwise people with bad intentions will get rid of it and be careful to occupy my reputation."

Cheng Xueyan is also very embarrassed. If she really puts money on it, take it home, and then be seen by everyone... Her relationship with him is well known. Moreover, her brother has no good impression on him, but if it is so empty, in case it is really like what Xiaoxi said...

She couldn't help peeking at Gu Haoxuan.

Gu Haoxuan's face became paler, sweaty and breathless. Just waved his hand and said, "It's just a few words."

Cheng Xueyan gently wiped the sweat with a veil. She only felt that her eyes were astringent, and her lips moved a few times, but only said, "Thank you."

Gu Haoxuan has been busy for most of the day. Although he only exchanged these three simple words, he was very excited. He took so much pains to just want her to be looked up at in the Cheng family. Since she was happy, she was also happy. In this way, despite the people beside her, she raised her hand to catch her sweaty hand. She just wanted to pat her gently to show that she didn't care, but she refused to let go.

However, Cheng Xueyan was embarrassed to get her hand and glanced at others. Her face suddenly turned red, becoming more and more charming, like spring flowers.

Xiaoxi's heart was so happy that she looked at Bitong proudly, but she looked complicated and bit her lips and stared at the two people who were still resting. I don't know what she was thinking.


This sixteen-fold golden screen of "fairy music floats to send spring" made a show at the wedding ceremony of the eldest son of the Ministry of Ceremonies, the third-grade light riding captain.

The guests were full of praise for the brilliant and exquisite screen embedded in the broken wall, saying that this thing should only be in the sky, and there are few times in the world.

When many people first saw it, they only felt that the seven stunning women were real people. They couldn't help reaching out and touching them to find out whether it was true or false, but they met the cold and smooth silk, which was like waking up from a dream, which made people laugh.

Then they speculated that the emperor loved the Cheng family so much that he actually took this treasure as a congratulatory gift. Someone went to inquire about the news and came back to see with his own eyes that the emperor had given the world's unique cashing golden tree and the Cheng family, and this screen was not in the record.

Is it Chengfu's private collection?

However, he also has good vision and recognizes that it seems to be made by Gu Sanxian, a strange person in the painting world who is highly respected today. However, he was embarrassed by the relationship between the two families because of Cheng's daughter. Moreover, Cheng Cangyi, whom Lieutenant Gu earlier saw earlier, married the daughter of the Qu family rather than his little daughter Shuihui... According to this, it should be unlikely to make such a move. Quiet.

The falling stone seal that can best judge who made this thing came from is nowhere, and even the date is not seen, but some master came forward and sniffed the ink color on it, and definitely judged that "there will not be seven more days".

Is there still a hidden master in Tianhao Kingdom? How did Chengfu get to know it? Is there any trace of him among the clouds of guests?

For a while, there were different opinions, but they ignored other rare treasures in the gift.

Of course, Cheng Xueyan doesn't know all this, because...

"Xue Yan was divorced and went home. Although she was the daughter of the Cheng family, she was unlucky. She should avoid it on the wedding day." Du Mizhen said rudely, with no expression on her face.

"Yes, the person who has been retired, with evil spirit, will bring bad luck to the people around him for three years. It is reasonable that he can't go back to his mother's house, that is, his sister is kind-hearted and willing to take her in. It's okay on weekdays. Let's just be careful. But the marriage of the eldest son... This is a great happy event, and the emperor gave the marriage. In case something goes wrong, how can we explain it to the emperor? Moreover, if you are a newcomer, you want to ask for good luck. If you are hit by this evil spirit... The big girl was suspended because she couldn't follow the incense lamp for the Gu family. In case she even broke off the Cheng family... What's more, it's just a day out. In fact, for the sake of the heir of the Cheng family, the big girl should be a little self-asured. If I... ..." Du Yingzi curled her lips: "The eldest son has taken good care of the girl since he was a child. Now that the elder brother wants to have a happy event, the eldest daughter has to think about our own brother if she doesn't look at us. Let's be aggrieved first..."

Cheng Zhuhuai has never been used to squeezing his daughter. He used to hope that Du Mizhen would persuade this sister, but since the last time Xueyan was punished and insulting his wife Chu Qianrou, he suddenly remembered his daughter's grievances for so many years, but it was Du Mizhen's secret instructions and condoned Du Yingzicai More and more arrogant. This is just what he saw, so he didn't see it? It's just that Xueyan never complains to him. This child... is all confused and hurt you...

Seeing that Du Yingzi's speech was harsh and unreasonable, she slapped the table fiercely in anger.

Du Yingzi was so scared that she lost her voice and shrank her neck to peek at her brother-in-law.

She saw Cheng Zhunhuai angry for the first time. In the past, this person was gentle and amiable, but he didn't want to be so terrible to start a fire. She only relied on her sister's support to have wind and rain in the house, and her sister was almost retired by the minister a few days ago, but there was no movement and was still in charge of all the affairs in the house. She thought that the husband and wife were just fighting at the bedside and didn't take it seriously, but today she just said these two words and got angry. Is it true that the days when her sister took ** alone are really gone forever?

Tang Fanrou hurriedly said: "Why does the family have to hurt the harmony? At that time, the guests will come to congratulate you, and the door will be full of joy. Maybe it will bring good luck to Xueyan..."

"My sister is really good at talking," Du Mizhen sneered, "Don't you know that everything has advantages and disadvantages? Who can guarantee that her staying in the house will not bring bad luck to others? If something goes wrong, does my sister dare to bear it? My sister is just thinking about Chengfu. Although her advice is unearful, she is sincere. Unlike some people, who can only be good people, is it possible to use this mess to achieve some indiscriminate ideas?

Tang Fanrou couldn't talk faster than her. Suddenly, she was choked and blushed, but she still tried to keep smiling, which made Du Mizhen feel that she had confirmed her guess and immediately became unhappy: "I just feel that my sister must be very bored after so many years. I have been busy with Cangyi's marriage for many days and I'm tired, but I don't see a word. Excited, just let everything be handed over to my sister, which just fulfilled my sister's wish. I also happened to learn from my sister to recuperate, and maybe I can be as popular as my sister..."

"Madam, have you been too tired to be irritable recently, and your words and deeds become more and more inappropriate?" Cheng Zhuhuai couldn't bear it, but his words were unpleasant.

Du Mizhen's tears immediately came down: "The master is busy with official business all day long. What is there in the house that I can't ask personally? If you care too much, it will naturally be annoying. I am now doing big things, making big mistakes, doing small things, making small mistakes. I can't compare with others. I can only sit back and enjoy their achievements. Of course, there is no mistakes to make, and it also makes people feel kind..."

Cheng Zhuhuai's face was calm: "If you feel wronged, you might as well rest and let Fan Rou take a few days for you. She has rested for so many years and should also work. If there is anything important in the future, it is better for two people to discuss it than to carry it alone. Even if something goes wrong, it won't be your fault..."

Cheng Junhuai's words were reasonable, but Erdu was shocked... Isn't he going to hand over power over to others? At that time, Du Mizhen only had the title of a lady, but the power was held in Tang Fanrou's hands. In the end, she was afraid that she would also listen to the second wife's orders. If you want to be able to do it for so many years, how can you be suppressed by others?

Du Mizhen immediately turned to Tang Fanrou with a cold face: "Sister, good means, this is the dark Chencang on the Mingxiu plank road in the art of war, right?"

Tang Fan was at a loss. She only knew that the master wanted to suppress Du Mizhen by herself, but she didn't want to offend this fierce woman, but it was not easy to brush the master's face. At present, she was in a dilemma.

"Master, I know that my ability is limited. How can I help my wife? I just need to think about things in this house and have a headache. Thanks to my wife's care over the years, Sherman and I can be at ease. Now I really don't want to give up this free day, and I still have to trouble my wife..."

"Mixian entered the door a while later than you. At that time, because Qianrou's body was not good, you also took care of the affairs of the house, but it was good. At present, she just reworked her old business. Why is it difficult?" Cheng Zhunhuai seemed to have made up his mind.

As soon as Du Mizhen saw that the situation was not good, she immediately cried: "but it turns out that I have been busy and exhausted for many years to make wedding clothes for others..."

Du Yingzi didn't expect to expel a Cheng Xueyan, but even her sister got off the horse and immediately accompanied her with tears: "Brother, no matter what wrong my sister is, it's more than her merit. My sister is also thinking about Cheng's house and doesn't want to offend the big girl, but my sister is a straight intestine and has never been able to speak gently, and something is urgent... Please ask my brother-in-law to see my sister's hard work for so many years..."

"That's it," Cheng Xueyan, who stood aside and watched the farce coldly, suddenly stood up: "Isn't it just going out to avoid a day? I can't shed tears like this..."

With that, he glanced at the tearful sister and left without looking back.

Cheng Zhunhuai wanted to take the opportunity to severely punish Du Mizhen and take the opportunity to drive Du Yingzi out of Cheng's house, but his daughter's words ended the matter hastily. He had to sigh and shake his sleeves, leaving the two sisters to hug and cry.