Rich flowers bloom

185 things belong to the original owner

The curtain broke, and then there was a faint smell of soup.

"Master, the medicine has been boiled, and I have dried it for a while, and now I can drink it..." Duan Zilan's voice is always so gentle.

Cheng Xueyan saw that ** the man immediately seemed to have been drained of all his strength and changed into a weak face.

"Purple Blue knew that I was afraid of heat in summer, so I specially built the grape rack, saying that it can cool and taste fresh fruits. My illness is also strange, and sometimes I am inexplicably afraid of the cold, so I have to burn the house. She doesn't bother me and let me toss..."

Cheng Xueyan noticed that when he said this, her eyes overflowed with undued tenderness, but she didn't know who the tenderness came from...

"Why are you talking about this? Be careful to make the big girl laugh." Duan Zilan smiled lightly, with a layer of blush on his cheeks.

"Old husband and wife, what's the joke? I heard that the eldest girl took good care of her third brother, and I felt something..."

Only Cheng Xueyan can feel the jokes and hints in his tone.

"Yes, like my grandfather, I hope that the eldest girl and the third master can repair the old as soon as possible..."

Duan Zilan was very sincere, but Cheng Xueyan saw him smiling, which was meaningful and gloomy.

Duan Zilan sent Cheng Xueyan to the gate of the courtyard, stopped, looked around, and whispered, "I don't know what I have told the girl, but sometimes I like to talk nonsense. If I say something wrong, the big girl won't be surprised..."

"Nonsense?" Cheng Xueyan stopped doubtfully.

Duan Zilan hesitated how to say this: "Only occasionally. You know, he is not in good health. Yesterday, he was fine. Today, he suddenly shouted that it was freezing. As a result, he gave birth to several braziers, but he asked me to come to you... Just now, you also saw him and asked him to remove most of the brazier..."

Cheng Xueyan understood a little. Just as she was about to ask something, she saw Duan Zilan's eyes turning slightly and looking forward...

A man in a dark green robe is coming this way.

Duan Zilan moved as if he wanted to move forward, but he stopped and glanced at Cheng Xueyan with some scruples.

Cheng Xueyan left knowingly and glanced at the man as she passed by... Her bones were strong and her skin was slightly dark...

He also glanced at her...

There seems to be resentment in the eyes, but there is no lack of gentleness. Those eyes seem to be very similar to...

She has met this man!

On the day he first came to Gufu, he and Duan Zilan whispered something by the roadside, and Duan Zilan's expression was obviously very nervous...

It's up to her to think about it. But it's just a random thought, but maybe Duan Zilan is also afraid that she will think too much... In fact, what does others have to do with her? She is about to leave...


It seems that there is a cold wind pouring into the chest, swinging empty.


There was a bang at the door.

Xiaoxi is deliberately quarreling with Bitong to make the master happy... Since the third grandmother went out, the master has been a little listless, but he keeps drawing his painting and allowing the two of them to mess around.

The door suddenly rang. He raised his head in an instant, but saw Cheng Xueyan's face pale and swept in like the wind.

I wanted her to go out with Duan Zilan for a walk, but how could she come back?

Before he asked, she swirled to his bedside and grabbed the drawing paper...

A woman in a quiet moon-blue frying golden embroidered dress stood quietly by the window, as if looking into the distance and meditating. The lattice of the long window sketched a little bright and dark on her face, and there was a feeling of being close and far away in front of her eyes.

Such a figure, such a quiet and elegant temperament, such a real and illusory state... Is this person her?

Behind him is a pale green blue in the evening, as cloudy as smoke. Looking closely, there is a man standing.

The man is tall and graceful. He is only hidden in Lanyu and can't distinguish his appearance, but he can feel his deep affection, his hesitation, and his desire...

The woman looked out of the window, and he looked at her... silence, companionship, waiting...

In fact, the woman clearly knew that he was behind him, but she couldn't turn around, because of other people's opposition, because of her own pride, because there were too many that she couldn't let go, because she didn't make a promise, because she was not sure whether the person in this painting was the real Cheng Xueyan's body or her soul, and because ...She is about to leave...

It seems that another ray of sunlight penetrates directly into the eyes through the picture, and then turns into a sharp sword into the bottom of the heart.

The corners of her lips were upturned, but her hands clenched the painting, staring at every line and every stroke of the painting...


The painting suddenly cracked, and the man hidden in the light green and blue fell on the lotus purple brocade quilt, but the woman instantly broke into several pieces and floated in front of her eyes like snow...

Who asked you to draw it? Why did you draw this?"

In the snowflakes, she swept out of the door like the wind again.

A piece of snow is falling...

He gently picked it up, but it was her eyes in the dark...

"Master, go and chase the third grandma back..."

As soon as Xiaoxi's words came out, Bitong, who was shocked by the accident just now, woke up and hurried out of the door.


Cheng Xueyan didn't know why she was so angry. The moment she saw the painting... Especially when she saw him standing behind her, her heart hurt for no reason. At first, it was like a needle, and then it burned. She even saw it turn into a piece of black charcoal in an instant, but it was still indomitable pain.

She was surprised by this feeling and even found it ridiculous.

She is leaving, which is what she was looking forward to, and now she has finally got what she wanted. How can she... not feel happy? No, she should be happy!

She tried to grin, but there was a faint salty taste slipped in her mouth.

Look, she cried with joy.

Finally, I can't run.

She held on to a thick Luohan pine and gasped, looking at the white fog rising in front of her.

Between the white fog dissipates, there is a strange garden. Hundreds of trees withered, and only the Luohan pine pavilion is covered, in which there is a thin tree with a bone-shaped tree, and the sharp branches may be inclined out, or point straight to the sky...

is a plum tree.

In the middle of winter in December, the cold wind blows northwest. The unique plum blossoms fall and float without relying on the branches.

In winter... she is about to leave. It will be when the plum blossoms are in bloom. Unfortunately, she can't see how this dark fragrance shadow occupies the amorous garden. Until next winter... Maybe it won't take so long, they will forget her. No, they will accept the real Cheng Xueyan again...

Then he...

The ghost said that the real Cheng Xueyan would marry Song Guan, but looking at the current situation, will...

It seemed that a hand clenched her heart, but it was so painful that she couldn't breathe.

She suddenly hated herself. If it's really a disaster, it makes a mess here. Not only does it upset others, but it also makes me unable to afford it. It's better to go clean. As long as she leaves, everything will return to its original state. She no longer has to make any choices, no longer has to think about hurting anyone, and no longer has to feel guilty. Only Ling Su is enough...

This is a decision that is beneficial to others!

Finally, someone made a choice for her and made a decision for her, so... very good...

She meditate and suddenly felt weak and sat slowly on the ground.

Relying on the thick and hard trunk, everything in front of him seemed to turn into silence, but Bitong stumbled.

"Girl, why are you here?" She was out of breath and almost fell to the ground, but insisted on helping her up: "Girl, be careful... Ah, why is the girl's hand so cold?"

She helped her master and walked forward.

Cheng Xueyan took a few steps and looked around confusedly: "Where are you going?"

"Of course, I'm going back to Xuan Yizhai..."

Cheng Xueyan stopped her step violently.

"Girl, what's wrong with you?" Bitong looked at her suspiciously.

The girl is very strange today. Why did she suddenly become abnormal after going out with Duan Zilan for a while? Shouldn't it be Duan Zilan...

"Today... I'm not feeling well. Let's go another day..."

With that, he went in the opposite direction.

Bitong hurriedly grabbed her.

It turns out that if you want to leave Gufu, you have to go this way, but you have to pass through Xuanyizhai to leave Gufu. Although the location of Xuan Yizhai is a little close to the inner courtyard, there are several lush discharge walls, which are eye-catching.

Cheng Xueyan tried her best not to look at the past, but the green pierced into her eyes, as if she had turned into an invisible hand calling her.

No, she must leave, otherwise... It seems that as long as she steps into Xuanyizhai, she will shake her determination...

How could she have such a worry?

It stagnated, but quickly turned to the solemn gate.

She obviously likes Ling Su. If it weren't for him, why would she come to this time and space to make so many ironic things?

Yes, she likes Ling Su, and she is about to reunite with him...

She tried her best to get a happy mood.

Why do you say "work hard"? She is already very happy. There are some things that you can't get a half-star response when you pray to heaven. When you forget, the great grace will catch you off guard... Why is it unprepared? She can't wait for it! This is "If you want to plant flowers, you don't want to plant flowers, and if you don't want to plant willows", haha...

Xuan Yizhai... She still wants to come, but there are some things... She needs to adjust it well. Pick it up... You always have to put it back in place, don't you?

Yes, she just wants to "return to the original owner"...


In the following days, everything became normal and normal.

She tried her best to take care of Gu Haoxuan, and the standards were completely carried out in accordance with modern special care, including the expressions on her face, which were just right.

Gu Haoxuan is very uncomfortable with this normality, and it is difficult to ask questions. What should she have? I just hate that I can't share my worries for her.

However, ignorant people are often happy, because this doubt was answered at noon seven days later.