Rich flowers bloom

202 share the same bed

Gu Haoxuan wants to go down... She doesn't remember the past. Gu's house is so big that she is alone... Who knows where she will go? On New Year's Eve, the little prince of Cheng's mansion fell into the water and died. At that time, the people in the mansion searched for most of the night and did not see anyone... At this time, who are they waiting for? When they come, I'm afraid Xueyan will be... Besides, who will be better water than him? Who would be more patient and careful to find her in such cold water than him... Maybe she is really not here, but she is not afraid of 10,000...

Xiaoxi couldn't pull it, and the master was about to jump into the ice water.

At this time, he rushed into the drooping door and ran straight this way.

"Third Master...Third Master..."

People are holding a bright thing in their hands.

Gu Haoxuan grabbed it, and before he could see it clearly, he heard Bitong screaming: "Golden Lock... It's the girl's full moon gift to the little prince..."

Gu Haoxuan grabbed the man: "Where did you find it?"

"Ice...Ice Jade Lake..."

While the man finally took a breath smoothly, he saw that the snow-white figure had disappeared into the drooping door.


Cold...cold to the bone...

When Cheng Xueyan opened her eyes, she found herself in the dark, which made her a little unclear whether she was awake or dreaming.

The cold feeling was real. She didn't even dare to breathe hard. The slowly crawling into her chest was not like air, but an icicle, freezing her heart little by little.

She wanted to stand up, but her hand holding the ground slipped. Hold on again, it's slippery again.

I touched it tentatively, and the ground seemed to be made of ice.

Where is this?

Looking around blankly, only dark.

She stood up carefully and slowly, groping, but it was empty. I don't know how far I went before my fingertips touched something like a wall, cool, slippery, like a huge piece of ice.

Where the hell is this?

She only remembered to push the peach. She stepped back a few steps, and the snow was complete, but it suddenly cracked like ice...

How could this happen? Is there any other organ in Gufu? Generally, there are organs installed in places with treasures, but after walking for a long time, she felt that except for the ice wall or the ice wall, except for the dark or dark, there was no exit and no end, as if she was spinning around no matter how she went.

People are already a little confused and can't even feel cold.

I slipped and fell heavily, but I didn't feel pain. Although it was close to the slippery ground, it seemed to be floating.

"Yan Ran..."

In the empty space, there seemed to be a voice calling gently, but it was strangely distorted, like the last weak call of a person immersed in water.

She looked over confusedly and actually saw a little floating blue light, flashing, moving like a firefly.

She has looked at the light indifferently, watching it approach little by little, zoom in, and deform little by little, turning into an extremely beautiful hand reaching out to her...

She couldn't help holding that hand...

It seems that a foreign extreme cold poured straight into the arm along the fingertips, quickly drilled into the heart, and then instantly turned into countless cold water droplets to crawl into the internal organs and bones.

The hand suddenly brightened and grew an arm... shoulder... body...

A blue man stood in front of her with a smile.

It's Gu Haoren... No, it's the ghost.

"The time has come, come with me..."

It was still the strange and twisted sound that seemed to be made at the bottom of the water, but she understood it.

As if she was powerless to resist, or felt that it should be, she grabbed his hand and stood up. At the same time, she found that his other hand suddenly covered with a mass of light, and gradually appeared a person's outline... The plain white gauze skirt, embroidered with an inverted light orchid on the side of the skirt, and light yellow rice beads embellished with stamens, standing so softly in the cold blue light, with a sad face.

Cheng Xueyan......

Look at myself again, I don't know when I changed back to Yan Ran.

seemed to look back, but I saw a man in a long silver rat cloak at his feet. The hem was slanted on his body, revealing a green pleated skirt, and the small flowers on it seemed to float in the light.

"Didn't you say it's winter?" This sentence came from her mouth, but it trembled like a bubble rolling out of the water.

There is a professional smile on the ghost's face: "The extremely dark land will always be a cold winter..."

His voice seemed to have a hypnotic effect, dispelling her remaining consciousness. She moved forward in a daze, and the sad woman opposite her couldn't help coming to her.

As if returning to the moment when he first came to this time and space, the cold blue around suddenly turned into colorful colors like flowing clouds, but people are chaotic, but a little bit of it is clear that as long as they change positions with her, everything will be in chaos.

I don't know why, there always seems to be a trace of unwillingness and a trace of unwillingness, but it is increasingly unclear why there is such a mood. She tried to figure it out, but her mood drifted away like smoke, leaving only a blank and brilliant ghost smile on her face, as if she heard him say, "Now it's what I want..."

There is a voice shouting in the floating body: "No..."

But no one seemed to hear it at all, and the sound circled and flipped in the body, making the streamer shattered and chaotic.

The ghost smiled and gradually lost his smile. He pulled the two souls to try to make them change positions quickly, but they were sluggish. He couldn't help but get anxious: "Hurry up, there will be no store after this village, and you will regret it!"

His voice was as chaotic as a spinning water flow, but he saw two souls smiling, and his body seemed to be lit up with stars.

"How much effort I spent, but you..."

He was angry, moved the magic formula to fix the two souls, and pulled them with both hands...


A strong wind rolled down from the top of the head with snow and extinguished the faint blue light in an hour.

Cheng Xueyan seemed to hear a change of tone, and her mind was numb, as if something had been quickly pulled away, and her body suddenly rose into the air, and then fell heavily. Next, countless voices poured in from above.



"Torch, hurry up..."

A few yellow and dazzling light meteors crossed in front of my eyes.

She looked at the distant and imminent warmth, but she just looked fixedly.

Her body seemed to be light, and then a layer of soft things instantly wrapped her.

Light and shadow are fleeting. At this moment, she seems to see a face, happy and anxious...


It seems to be awake, and it seems to be in a dream...

I always felt that someone was noisy. When I opened my eyes, I saw a figure shaking in front of my eyes, which was very familiar, and then I fell into a drowsiness.

When she woke up again, she only felt that there seemed to be a piece of ice in her body, and there was a trace of cold air coming out, but the surroundings were warm. The warmth penetrated into the body through the skin, expelling the cold. She could even hear the sound of evaporation when the cold air met it.

She let out a low moan, and the warmth around her seemed to tremble, and then protected her tighter.

It seems that a soft handkerchief wipes away the drops of water from her face, as if there is a pair of gentle eyes staring at her with concern... It's just as if, the wave of sleepyness came and washed away this hazy perception.


There were gentle breeze blowing into the neck, lifted the hair and scratched the cheeks, itchy.

She frowned impatiently and reached out.


seems to have encountered something.

Open your eyes lazily...

Two thick ink sword eyebrows immediately pierced into the eyes...


She sat up with a scream, but woke up the sleeping man.

He suddenly opened his eyes and then got up with surprise: "Are you awake?"

Ah...he, he... he didn't wear anything...

Of course, this is exposed outside the duck down quilt, but who knows inside...

Look at yourself immediately...

She is dressed, but something is looming under her translucent cloudy clothes.

He raised his eyes with vigilance, but saw that his eyes had just been withdrawn from the sign, and his throat slid, and then bent his eyes to her little eyes: "How do you feel?"

How do you feel? How dare you ask me how you feel? I feel extremely bad now!

The brain is loud.

How did it happen? Why did you sleep with him**? Why did you sleep with him like this?


Cheng Xueyan saw that he grabbed the duck down quilt and seemed to lift it. She was panicked and raised her leg cramply...


Gu Haoxuan fell from the back of ** with a scream.

At the sound of the door, someone rushed in.

"Master...ah, the big girl woke up..."

The little girl picked up the master from the ground in a panic, and Bitong hurriedly came forward to find clothes to put on the girl.

There were rapid footsteps outside the door, and a voice floated in.

"Why did you make so much trouble last night that the garden was full of peace?"

The voice is like Dai Qianping, and listening to other messy echoes, there should be more than three or two people.

Before the master gave the order, Xiaoxi hurried out to stop it.

I don't know how they were entangled outside. After hearing two crisp cracks, a group of gorgeous women appeared at the door. Xiaoxi then got in, with a red fingerprint on each cheek.

Fortunately, Cheng Xueyan has dressed and got out of bed, but her hair is scattered, and the bed has not been sorted out. The mess is enough to attract infinite reverie.

The eyes of the women's were full of understanding. In the exchange of looks, Dai Qianping's face was grim, Qin Manhe's lips showed a smile, Gu Shuihui frowned and stared. Duan Zilan was slightly embarrassed, but she couldn't hide her joy, while Nian Tao's face turned red and stared angrily.

"The big girl hasn't been here to serve for many days, and she didn't expect to serve ** today." Qin Manhe covered her lips and smiled.