Rich flowers bloom

204 Chengmen Lixue

After saying that, he turned around and lay down to **, and put down the blue silk green gauze tent.

Bitong was separated from the curtain and was full of inexplicable. What's wrong with the girl? Even if she holds a grudge because of the past, she can't let go of her heart, otherwise she would not have suddenly fallen ill before the New Year. Now that the third son has shown his feelings with practical actions, how can the girl be angry? As long as I think about the scene last night, I can't help but be moved, and the girl is not hard-hearted, but...

Alas, young people's minds are becoming more and more elusive.

Cheng Xueyan listened to her gently leave and sighed gently at Chengchen.

How did she not know what he meant? If the injury is serious, it is nothing more than to ask if she will be worried. If there is no her in his heart, how can he care about her emotions? Instead of induing others, she warms up for her in person... Only when she really likes a person can she care so much about her body and be worried about giving her dying to others... Now, she only feels that every inch of her skin seems to be attached to his taste, as light and peaceful as grass.

The pulse of the heart moved, and the soft waves flowed slowly and filled the eyes.

But everything is impossible, and there is an insurmountable gap between him and her. Nian Tao's jealous eyes emerged from the air and turned into a pair of unusually clear baby eyes. He looked at himself so persistently, and his eyes were full of trust... These eyes were so similar to him... That was his child, he and Nian Tao's child...

With a cold smile, I hated the mistress the most in my previous life, and now I seem to be playing this hateful role.

How did it become today's situation for no reason? When did it start?

Is it the difference shown by Jin Yulou's listening song or the hero in the chaotic fight to save beauty? Did you teach her to ride a horse arbitrarily or as if nothing had happened when she lost the glove full of concern? Is it a moment of mutual understanding or the coincidence of hug in the Lacquer Black Mountain Cave? Was it the bee poison that forced her to calm down and protect her after a difficult night in the cave, and finally fell ill in bed and almost died. Is it still the risk for her to risk in the earthquake? Was it that her leg was seriously injured but pretended to cheat her sympathy to the injury because her teasing turned heavy but couldn't bear to see her sad and refused to be treated, or did she paint regardless of her weakness and paint only to add luster to her brother's wedding and solve her worries?

Little by little, it drips down like ice that gradually melts in the warm sun, stirring up continuous ripples.

I was upset and moved to the terrace, but I didn't know when it snowed again.

Snowflakes are dense, as if they were woven into a white style, draped on a slender man and came to her in the infinite wilderness...


"Girl, girl..."

Cheng Xueyan was woken up by Bitong.

After drinking ginger soup at night, I went into the quilt warmly, slept deeply, and had a beautiful dream. The soft duck down quilt seemed to turn into a warm embrace, hugging her and protecting her. The soft breath blew into her neck and stirred her hair.

Although she knew it was a dream, she didn't want to wake up. Unexpectedly, the dream would not make people safe. What is Bitong going to tos around in the early morning?

Open your eyes and look at Bitong's excited eyes.

"Girl, get up and look outside..."

She turned over, covered her head with a quilt, and said, "What's good to see? I know it snowed again last night..."

The quilt was lifted, and she opened her eyes in consters... Bitong's move can be regarded as the following crimes.

What's more shocking is still behind. No matter how reluctant she is, Bitong dragged her to the terrace and didn't forget to wrap her in a cloak and push the door open.

The wind swept the snowflakes and immediately floated in, with a pleasant fragrance. It should be with plum fragrance...

She was refreshed, but she still frowned: "I know the plum blossoms are blooming just right. Let's wait until noon..."

Turning around to go back, Bitong pulled her into the terrace and reached downstairs...

It's still snowflakes flying. I really don't understand what Bitong is going to do.

She was about to turn around, but her eyes were pulled back as if she had been tied by something.

At a glance, there seemed to be a person standing in the snow. Because he was wearing white, although he was holding an umbrella, he was covered with a thick layer of snow. As a result, at a glance, it was difficult to tell which was the snow and which was a person.

The man seemed to move with some feeling, and the snow on the umbrella fell with his movements, revealing two ink bamboo patterns.


She only felt that her breathing was suddenly blocked, and then she saw two bright black eyes under the umbrella and turned to her and smiled.

Gu Haoxuan... Why is he here?

As soon as he shook his body, he was about to rush downstairs.


She stabilized her figure and looked at the slender figure seriously.

What is this going on? A bitter drama? Doesn't he know that I come from modern times and have already scoffed at this kind of dog-blooded bridge? There is no creativity at all. If you want to win my forgiveness, there is no way!

But on second thought, why did he get his forgiveness? He didn't seem to have done anything wrong, did he?

He was suspicious, but his hand was not soft, and he closed the door with a bang.

Bitong was so happy that she waited for the master to run downstairs and jump into the man's arms to perform a great joy, but she saw that the master threw the cloak aside and he got into the quilt.

What's going on?

For a moment, I hurriedly moved to the bedside, thought about it, and put on a posture of talking to myself: "I don't know when the third son came. When I went to get breakfast in the morning, I saw a man standing in the yard with half buried in snow. I thought I had been standing for a long time. The maidservant didn't dare to let him go upstairs without permission, so he quickly came to ask the girl what she meant. Girl, look at this..."

"How did he get in? Is this inner courtyard a place for men with foreign surnames to go in and out at will? Hurry up and let him go back and forth!"

This is an angry word, but in fact, she is sweet and entangled. The happy thing is that he unexpectedly appeared in front of him. Although this scene is often seen in TV series, once it happens to himself, the joy and happiness are really unspeakable. What's sad is how she has to face it? He is a married man. Although he and Niantao... After all, they have a son. In this time and space, giving birth to a son is simply equivalent to getting an amulet. Niantao is waiting to become a regular. Her efforts may be shameful, but how can she have the heart to pour cold water on a person who is only one step away from success? Of course, she didn't mean to look up on herself. The reason why Gu Haoxuan is so persistent may be that she is rare for him for the time being. Once they are really together, will he still treat her like today? Just like Ling Su, it was also a crazy pursuit at first, but less than half a year after marriage, the relationship between the two faded, and finally...

It's difficult to get along with each other. She doesn't want today's beauty to be dried up and faded by the trivialities in the future. She is afraid. But I want to be with him so much, miss his arms, miss his smiling face, and miss his soft words in his ear: "Don't be afraid..."

Suddenly sat up and rushed to the terrace.

Bitong was immediately overjoyed. That's great. The girl is about to take action!

A crashing door shocked the people below. The paper umbrella was gently raised, the snow fell, the long eyebrows stretched, and the smiling eyes were bent.


The sliding door closed again, and the master lay back**.

Bitong blinked, where did this sing?

She was puzzled when she saw the girl running to the terrace again. Before the joy was rekindled, the girl went back.

All morning, she tossed back and forth like this. Finally, she was already sitting on the embroidery pier and watching the girl constantly destroy the sliding door.

Just as the girl closed the door and ran back to ** again, she felt that she needed to say something. So he cleared his throat and sighed, as if to say to himself, "Alas, in this ice and snow, the third son's legs... I don't know how long he can stand?"

In the afterglow, I clearly caught a glimpse of the girl's back and paused. I knew that I was worried, and my heart was secretly happy, but my tone was fierce: "It's my own, and the ghost cares him!"

Cheng Xueyan lay down as if she hadn't heard anything, and closed her eyes safely.

Bitong thought to herself, "How long can I see how long you can last?"

This time, Cheng Xueyan really held on for a long time and remained motionless as if she were asleep.

It's not easy for Bitong to come forward to have a look. After sitting for a while, she walked to the terrace as if nothing had happened and pushed open the sliding door: "The snow is heavy again..."

Looking back... I saw that the girl owed half of her body and wanted to get up, but she found herself looking at her. She lay down again and turned around.

Bitong smiled secretly, but looking at the person holding the umbrella who had been standing still, she was worried. Was Gu Sanxian frozen and dumbfounded? It's so cold outside. There is also a result of saying a few good words. Do you really think you are the third friend of the cold year? Where is the usual fangs? In fact, the girl couldn't bear to let you freeze outside, but the pillar-like pestle was there, and now he couldn't move... Oh, my God, shouldn't he freeze to death?

"Hey, three sons, three sons..."

She called twice. Seeing that the pillar shook and the paper umbrella raised slightly, she smiled at her.

The situation seemed to be a little wrong, but before I could see it clearly, the umbrella lowered and continued to stand silently.

I closed the sliding door, but I saw the girl turn around. I was looking at this side worriedly. When I was found, I immediately closed my eyes and pretended to sleep.

Bitong is angry. Two patients, you can make trouble as much as you like. I don't care!


PS: Happy New Year to everyone! O(∩_∩)O~ I'm going out for dinner in the evening. The update may not be too punctual, but it will definitely be updated. If there is no surprise, no later than 8 p.m. Thank you for your support. I wish you a happy O(∩_∩)O~