Rich flowers bloom

208 Lost

Qi Tong seemed to have forgotten her sorrow. When Cheng Xueyan saw her, she was sitting on a small stool to choose dishes and chatting happily with Mother Tang. Mother Tang said that she had recognized Qitong as her goddaughter and was thinking about finding a good mother-in-law for her.

When talking about this, Qitong only buried her eyes in a green in the basin, and her cheeks blushed beautifully.

This is fate. Cheng Xueyan sighed secretly, but had nothing to say. She only left after a while.

As soon as I entered the Yanran Pavilion, I saw a small dark shadow rushing over and shouted strangely, "Xue Yan, Xue Yan..."

is the golden mouth. This eight brother was very smart. He only came to Yanran Pavilion once with Xiaoxi. He took advantage of the recent sunny weather and often flew over. Sometimes he tied a small note on his leg, either a few lines written by Gu Haoxuan or a small painting. Sometimes he dictated some "secrets" and willingly made an upgraded version of the carrier pigeon. Of course, it's not a waste of service every time. Bitong always finds fat earthworms to feed it.

Recently, the relationship between the two sides has been very good. Bitong even proposed to raise a pot of earthworms in Yanran Pavilion, which was immediately rejected by Cheng Xueyan.

"Wei Ming Lake, not the first time. Weiming Lake, not at the beginning..."

Jinkou flapped his wings and flew twice, falling on Bitong's shoulder, and his little head rubbed her cheek affectionately, so Bitong proudly took it out to eat earthworms.

Wearing a light fog purple dress, he embroidered several daffodils with silver thread at the hem. The drooping bun was only tied with a silver ribbon, the ribbon was braided, and then a small crystal rose was added to the hair. I picked up two light yellow silks made a few days ago and put them on the hair bun to meet the season.

When she went out, she saw Bitong and Jinkou coming in intimately. Seeing that she stopped dressing up, Bitong's happy face suddenly showed a trace of loss.

Cheng Xueyan took two steps and suddenly turned around: "Would you like to go together?"

Bitong immediately jumped up with joy.


Wei Ming Lake......

Looking at the beautiful mountains and rivers in front of me, I can't help but think of the rescue at the bottom of the lake and the warmth of hugging each other in the cave.

At this moment, the scene passed in front of my eyes, disturbing the bottom of my heart like the lake wrinkled by the breeze.

Gu Haoxuan, who wears a jade robe, has already been waiting by the lake, and Han Jiangzhu in Xuanyi.

Cheng Xueyan has frowned... Is this a date? But when she saw them pulling three more horses out of the forest, she was stunned.

Fortunately, she didn't see Tris today, which made her feel a little relieved, but... It's a good morning festival. Why do you want to hold any horse racing?

Han Jiangzhu said: "I haven't seen you for so many days, and I don't know if your equestrian skills have been good. Shouldn't you have forgotten all of them? If that's the case, the previous suffering will be in vain. Now that the weather is getting better, it's better to practice again. In the future, we can ride a horse and walk far away, and we don't have to worry about not being able to come back before dark..."

Gu Haoxuan just smiled and then was the first to turn over the horse.

Han Jiangzhu helped her sit on the horse and laughed loudly, "Don't worry, Haoxuan and I will let you..."

"No need!"

She is already angry and doesn't know what they are doing.

Bitong wants to ride a horse, but who cares about her?

Gu Haoxuan was careful: "Bitong is responsible for witnessing to see which of us will arrive at the red silk tree first."

Bitong only nodded and looked up... Where is there any red silk tree?

Look at the girl, she looks angry.

It's also true. It's easy to come out once. What kind of horse race? Isn't it Gu Sanxian's idea again? On one side is Han Jiangzhu, and on the other side is Gu Sanxian. Both of them are friends and both like girls. What should girls do? I'm afraid Mr. Han still doesn't know that the girl and his good brother have fallen in love with each other, right? Can he laugh so happily if he knows? Alas, if it hadn't been for the expedition, I'm afraid the situation would not have been like today. Is this God's will?

Thinking of God's will, I unconsciously look at the sky... It's so blue, and then look at the three people...

Two horses, one black and one red, hold a snow-white foal, and they are already lined up neatly.

According to the regulations, the other two will try their best to catch up when Baiju is halfway ahead.

Cheng Xueyan stared and bulged her cheeks. She didn't look at the two people who kept paying attention to her face. She only heard an order and rushed out.

As elegant and light as the clouds in the wind, Han Jiangzhu couldn't help shouting, "Okay!"

The still chilly wind swept across my ears, scratching my cheeks with pain, but it was also pleasant to see the fast-moving trees around me. For a moment, he was happy, slashed his horse whip and accelerated his speed.

There is already the sound of horses' hoofs behind him.

She bit her lip, remembered today's inexplicable horse race, and remembered Han Jiangzhu's words. She couldn't help but be angry and whipped the whip desperately.

It seems that I heard someone exclaiming, but I didn't care. I just tried my best to make a horse.

The sound of the horse's hoof behind him gradually faded away, and he couldn't help but be a little proud. After another period of time, he turned back breathlessly.

He also said he wanted to let me go, what about people? What about people?

She almost laughed wildly, bounced on the horse with interest, and then raised her eyes to look for the red silk tree.

The eyes are full of trees dipped in spring, but there is no tree with red silk.

Looked around again... still not.

Ma Tai was bumpy, causing confusion in sight.

She tried to strangle the reins, but was shocked to find that the horse was out of control.

tried his best to tighten it, but the horse's neck was stiff and his body seemed to just fly, and the reins flew out of her hand.

She suddenly lost her center of gravity and only clutched the horse's mane in panic. Seeing everything shaking in front of her, she even forgot to call for help.

For good, she still remembered not to put her feet in the stamen, but her hands were gradually weak, and her body seemed to lose consciousness, and her whole body was uncontrollably moving to one side...

She didn't know how she fell to the ground, and in a trance, she saw the white smoke far away.

The only thing that can prove that you are still alive is... pain, all over.

A large piece of skin was scraped from the right palm, and blood beads were oozing out with soil, which looked shocking.

For good, the pain returns to pain, and it's not a big deal.

She barely stood up, but her legs trembled and almost fell to the ground again.

After resting against the tree for a long time, it was better. I can't help but be glad that I am also fortune-telling. If I fall down and break my neck, it will be miserable. Just now... where is this?

Looking around, I found that my eyes were full of trees. Although there were mountains, the mountains were not high and the ups and downs were not big. In this way, there was no difference in the surroundings.

Although she can also distinguish the north and south according to the density of the canopy, even if she distinguishes the north and south, she doesn't know where she came from.

There is a messy grass on the side, but where is the way to come from and where is the way to go?

She tried to shout twice... no one responded.

You can't stand here and wait to die, can you?

She looked at the almost endless path on both sides, hesitated for a moment, and finally chose a direction.

It is really rude for a woman to have scattered hair and broken clothes, but she can't take care of it. Anyway, she is the only one on the way. Besides, what can be more difficult than the current situation? Not to mention the pain all over, the key is that no matter how long you walk, it is like walking in place, which is exhausting and flustered. She kept doubting whether she was dreaming, because only in dreams would there be such a maze that seemed to never go out.

At first, she also told herself to be optimistic, but when she didn't know how long she had walked and found that the road ahead was far away and the sky gradually darkened, she began to be afraid and angry. Which bastard insisted on this broken horse racing? You must strangle him when you go out! On a good flower festival, people are all watching the flowers and traveling in spring. Fortunately, she was thrown blue and ran here to the maze. I don't know if she can go out. If she dies here, I'm afraid she can't find the capital.

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became. Tears gushed out unscrupulled out. In addition, the forest became darker and darker, and I couldn't see the road clearly. I accidentally tripped over the tree root and simply jumped to the ground and cried loudly.

What's the sound?

It seems that there is a long sound passing through the treetops.

She woke up, stopped crying, and looked around.

How can you see anything? In this time, it has completely darkened.

Another long sound.

This...isn't it a wolf, is it?

She immediately shrank behind the tree and peeked at it... It is said that wolves appeared in groups, and they could see their eyes floating like light bulbs in the dark, which was gloomy.

In the dark mountains, there are only ghostly swaying branches and leaves.

She shivered unconsciously, and her back was already in a cold sweat.

There is no wolf, or not for the time being.

The whole body suddenly seemed to have been pulled away and tilted under the tree.

No wolf does not mean that there are no other beasts. Now it's dark, and even the endless road can't be seen. How can she get out? If she wanders around, she can only die, but she won't move... The spring night is extremely cold, and it is estimated that she will freeze to death in the middle of the night.

Suddenly, he was very sad, took a couple of times, and cried again.

A long sound... No, it seems to be two... No, it seems to be... one after another, continuous...

She immediately stopped crying and followed the voice...

Ah, the light bulb... The very small light bulb is moving this way like a firefly.

Wolf herd...

For a moment, she felt scared to death, but soon, she jumped up and prepared to find a place to hide. But there is not even a bigger stone. Where should I hide it? She can't climb trees...

In panic, the voice was getting closer and closer.

"Xue Yan..."

"Xue Yan..."

Why does it seem to be calling her name?

Even at this critical moment, she is still in the mood to think about whether the wolf has become an essence. However, it is also possible... Bitong once said that if you hear someone calling his name, you must not agree casually, because it is very likely that the soul who wants to be reincarnated to catch you as a scapegoat.

Thinking about this, I suddenly couldn't tell which one was more terrible, the wolf or the ghost. I just stumbled forward, but I couldn't run fast anyway. It really seemed to be in a dream. There was an invisible horror behind me chasing, but my legs seemed to be filled with lead. No matter how hard you tried, you could only move.

But one advantage of a dream is that no matter how critical the situation is, no matter how horrible it is, it will eventually wake up, and now...

The sound was getting closer and closer, and it became clearer and clearer in her panting.