Rich flowers bloom

228 Zhidou Chaotang

The screen runs around the hall, which is also a good place to hide, and you can clearly see the situation outside from the cracks. But the white jade is the wall, the gold bricks are on the ground, the pillars are towering, and the fighting arches are towering. Kowloon hovered at the top of the hall, with auspicious clouds on its claws, and the dragon glared angrily on the thick and straight red paint column, and the scales must fly. The white jade steps in the distance are paved all the way down, like a long river. Such weather makes people feel heroic and solemn.

The sound of the train gradually approached, and when I turned my head, I saw two small yellow doors brushing the dust ahead and leading the way, and the cold star of Yuwen, dressed in a golden dragon robe, moved into view.

The black color is the background, the copper color is the edge, and the gold thread is densely woven with dragon patterns. During the action, the sea lines of Jiangya in the robe stretch up and down, just like Tianhao's endless rivers and mountains, and it has been prosperous for thousands of years.

He walked slowly step by step, walking steadily, but it seemed to bring an invisible wind, brushing the floor curtain of the gauze like waves, and the long ears of bright yellow palace silk tremble.

No lights and no candles, but the slightly dark space suddenly became brilliant because of his appearance. Without deliberate decoration, it also has a lazy posture, but it is unstoppable king demeanor and royal majesty. To this day, Cheng Xueyan has fully realized what is a born emperor and what is the inherent hero of the world.

At such a time of shock, Princess Xinyue couldn't hear anything in her ear, but the man who went down to earth seemed to turn his head slightly and looked this way...

She was not sure whether he really looked over, because the twelve jades on the pure gold crown covered the charming face, but when the jade moved slightly, there seemed to be a cunning light flowing out, not only cunning, but also... The complex light was accompanied by the movement of jade, accompanied by the sweet dragon saliva. When he came, she even seemed to see the corners of his lips hook...

There must be something wrong with this fragrance, otherwise how could she watch the man turn around carelessly as if she was fixed, and then only saw the arrogant figure hidden on the wide carved dragon throne in the cracks of the screen, and a beautiful and strong hand lightly rested on the red gold armrest of the dragon relief.

Yuwen Xinyue smiled beside him: "Are you fascinated by my royal brother?"

Cheng Xueyan returned to her mind and stared at her, but she smiled more happily.

With a slight cough, she smiled and squeezed her mouth to look out.

I don't know when the civil and military officials have stood in two columns. Cheng Xueyan saw the round Lieutenant Gu standing in the second row on the left. Cheng Zhuhuai was next to him, holding a board and holding his breath. So there was a sense of silence in the court.

A lazy and strange voice sang and shouted: "Xuan Heqi's messenger and Shan Yu's second prince shouted He Lie and followed him..."

A tall man in a sauce-colored robe with embroidered eagle pattern waist wide leather and long horse boots led a man holding a gold tray to walk up slowly.

Cheng Xueyan immediately covered her mouth... Oh, my God, that foreigner turned out to be He Qi's second prince...

The two did not worship, but on one knee, protecting their chest with one hand and lowering their heads slightly.

Of course, this may also be He Qi's highest etiquette, but everyone thinks that he should follow the local customs. Isn't it not to pay attention to Emperor Tianhao? A small He Qi, who met Qiuhe but put on such an arrogant posture, really insulted my Tianhao national prestige!

For a while, the ministers exchanged glances, and the voices of displeancies gradually rose, and Yuwen Xinyue also cursed.



Cheng Xueyan was stunned. Is this the legendary "deer language"? It's true that Ula Ula doesn't understand.

The comments of the ministers are even louder.

Cheng Xueyan seemed to be very sure to see Yuwen Hanxing's hand on the armrest. She raised her heart and let go.

At this time, Hu Helie raised his arms, and the red silk shook and slid down like a flame, revealing three half-foot-high yellow golden men lined up side by side.

The court seemed to have turned into a pot of boiling water, but I didn't see the emperor stop it. I only heard the sharp voice sounded again: "The person who announced the emperor's list met..."

Who can solve such embarrassment and dangers?

The discussion paused for a moment, and everyone looked at the empty and solemn door.

There seems to be footsteps, one step... two steps...

The door of the gold-inlaid and silver Zhu Zi Hall seemed to fly into a corner of the moon white, and then a man in an ink-stained flowing cloud-patterned gauze robe stepped in...

Gu Haoxuan?!?!?!

Cheng Xueyan was not sure whether she screamed or not. When she came to her senses, she found that her teeth were clenching her fingers tightly and staring at him and knelt down to salute him calmly: "The grass people see the emperor, long live the emperor!"

Captain Gu stood unsteadily and almost rolled out of the ranks, and Cheng Zhunhuai next to him hurriedly helped him.

"Is he Gu Haoxuan?" Princess Xinyue asked in a low voice.

Cheng Xueyan couldn't figure out whether she had answered her, only heard her say, "No wonder Lieutenant Gu was so scared..."

"Gu Haoxuan, do you know what will happen if you are good at unveiling the imperial list?"

"The grass people know, but the grass people are not good at unveiling the imperial list."

"Can you solve the question of Heqi's messenger?"

"The grass people are willing to have a try. If they can't solve the doubt, the grass people are willing to accept the punishment of Ling Chi..."

If it hadn't been for Cheng Zhuai, he would have rolled over.

"Image...image..." She was not sure whether it was these two sentences that Cheng Zhuhuai whispered in his ear.


This is the first time that Yuwen Hanxing has opened his mouth since he went to court. His voice was clear and majestic, and he was full of ups and downs in the huge Zhaoyang Hall.

Gu Haoxuan Xie'en got up, turned around and looked at Hu Helie, and there was a moment of stagnation.

This moment of stagnation almost made Cheng Xueyan feel angry. On the night of Qixi, when Hu and Lie pulled down the curtain to hide, Gu Haoxuan over there, and then the two fought, and they would meet again unexpectedly... Gu Haoxuan, you are really looking for death!

But the two just looked at each other for a moment, politely nodded to salute each other, and then...


Gu Haoxuan can also speak "deer language"?


The two actually chatted.

"Uh, Mr. Gu..." Xiao Huangmen persistently glanced at the emperor: "All the ministers present want to know what you are saying to the second prince..."

Gu Haoxuan gave a deep salute: "The second prince said that someone paid tribute to Shan Yu's three little gold men, and Shan Yu wanted to reward these three golden men to his three generals, but the three generals were of different grades and the merits were different, but the three little gold men were exactly the same. He was worried that such rewards would make the high meritorious people dissatisfied with the low position and shame. So I came here to ask for an idea from my Tianhao Kingdom..."

"I think Heqi also has a lot of treasures. Why do you have to be a bounty?" Someone opened his mouth immediately.

"Even the treasure was robbed from my Tianhao, but this time is too generous because of the reward!"

The court suddenly became indignant.

Huhelie has been smiling, as if he couldn't understand what they were saying.

Cheng Xueyan was surprised that he spoke Chinese fluently at the beginning.

The ministers were indignant for a while, but saw that the emperor sat on the throne without any reaction, and their voices were condened with respect.

In the meantime, Gu Haoxuan has looked at the Jinren and smiled: "Huhe Shanyu's distress can be solved with only three hairs..."

Huhe's eyes shrank, but saw Gu Haoxuan bowing: "Please borrow the emperor's hair..."

"Bold! Did you move the emperor's dragon silk?

Cheng Xueyan immediately said in the bottom of her heart that the tiger's buttocks could not be touched, not to mention the emperor's leader?

But I saw the hand on the red gold armrest lift lightly...

Then, Xiao Huangmen held a bright yellow silk and handed over something that could not be seen at all to Gu Haoxuan like holding a treasure.

Gu Haoxuan took it with both hands, and his slender fingers gently pierced his hair into the right ear of the three little golden people...

Everyone held their breath and stared wide.

Huhe looked awe-sting, and then involuntarily nodded slightly.

"Look, this is the mystery of these three golden men!"

Everyone had a long neck, but they couldn't see why. Instead, the little yellow door circled around the case a few times, and their eyes lit up: "Your Majesty, although these three golden people have hair transmitted from the right ear, one came out of the left ear, one came out of the mouth, and the other did not come out of nowhere. , think about it... it fell into the stomach."

After a moment of pause, someone has suddenly realized that Lieutenant Gu's expression has changed from nervousness to relaxation. Now he has turned to complacency, and his small eyes are about to narrow.

However, there are still people who are puzzled and try to make Gu Haoxuan explain.

"In fact, this represents the performance of three people on the same thing. One is to go in and out in the right ear, one is to say it when you hear it, and the other is to say nothing after listening to it. Maybe most people will think that the third kind of person is the most valuable, but it is not..."

Everyone thought they had understood, but they didn't expect his words to change.

"If it is gossip or confidential events about others, the third kind of person is worthy of talent, but if it is a unique knowledge of precious knowledge and culture, the third kind of person is selfishness, because they refuse to teach important things to others, so the second kind of person is the most valuable. But if you change the shortness of your own people, then the second kind of person can only intensify the contradictions, and the first kind of person's left ear goes in and out of the right ear, and all trivial things do not linger in the heart, which is the real tolerance. Perhaps some people say that the third kind of person did not spread gossip, which was also very good, but he had to keep everything he heard in his heart. Over time, he was inevitably depressed, and he was not happier than the first kind of person... I don't know what kind of temperament the three generals of Hu and Shanyu were. If you explain it this way, it's clear that you want to reward them, right?

Then came a long list of "deer language".



PS: A story about the three golden men. At first, I saw it in a Afanti book, and then I saw a famous time travel book quoted, and the answer was that the third kind of golden man was the most valuable. I am not a wise man, and I can't make a wisdom story. I also quoted this, but the answer has been changed according to my own meaning.

Today is the 15th, I wish you all a happy Lantern Festival and good health! O(∩_∩)O~