Rich flowers bloom

230 hall marriage

Cheng Xueyan only felt that her whole body was floating, and all the people in her eyes seemed to have become reflections in the water. She looked at the man outside the screen... But I don't know which girl you like... She didn't have time to be angry or sad, and only looked at him fixedly... Maybe today is the last time...

"I don't know which woman Gu Aiqing likes?"

"The eldest daughter of the Ministry of Ceremonies... Cheng Xueyan!"

What? What is he talking about?

My heart is beating wildly and I feel dizzy. She had to lean against the screen and look at the man with a firm face.

"Who does he think he is? But after solving a few problems, how dare you rob a woman with the emperor?!"

I don't know who said something, but Princess Xinyue didn't seem to hear it. She bit her lips and her nails grabbed the ebony screen vigorously.

Yuwen Hanxing's hand is still firmly on the armrest, but it means that it is white. The little yellow door ear heard the armrest creaking and couldn't help but look at it in horror.

"Okay, that's good! But I don't know how to match a woman to the two families. Gu Qing's family is extremely smart. Why don't you think of a way for me..."

Which of the ministers who have been with Yuwen Hanxing for more than three years can't see the emperor's thoughts now, and Gu Haoxuan, who is more biased than dry, is unaware of it.

"Actually, this matter is not difficult to solve. Xue Yan is the wife of a grass-man. How can she marry someone else when she is already a wife?

"But I heard that you had separated a month ago..."

What did this dead emperor have in mind? Do you want to marry her to a foreign country?

Gu Haoxuan was silent for a long time and slowly raised his head: "It's all the grass people are not good. It was the difference of the grass people's thought that implicated her and made her suffer injustice and suffering. The water of the river cannot bear the regret of the grass people. If possible, the grass people are willing to do their best to repay what they owe her, even if they can't pay for it in this life, there is an afterlife... The grass people have set a six-life relationship with their wife, and the grass people are willing to continue this relationship with the rest of their lives. If she must be separated from her in this life, she will go there, and the grass people will follow there. Even if they die, they can be closer to her, then there will be no need to go back and downs when they are looking for in the afterlife..."

At the end, it was hoarse and choked.

"I didn't expect that he had such a deep affection for you..." Princess Xinyue muttered and her eyes were confused.

Cheng Xueyan couldn't answer a word, because at this moment, her eyes were also full of tears.

"Since you claim to be a wife, why do you want me to marry you?"

"The grass people and his wife have been married twice, and they both end up without illness. It is a blessing for the grass people, and it is rare for them to get such a good wife. The emperor's blessings extend all over the world, and the emperor's marriage is to get some of the emperor's blessings..." Gu Haoxuan's smile was sincere.

"What if I... won't?"

People who are familiar with Yuwen Hanxing know that the emperor has been angry at this moment. They are very puzzled. A small woman, a small Mr. Geyi, is still married. How can the three men be deadlocked and even the emperor sitting in the three palaces and six courtyards can't extricate themselves? Why is it so confused to compete with a woman with your courtiers and foreign princes in reason, public and selfishness?

Marriage pays attention to wishful thinking. The grass people and his wife are in love with each other, and the world can be seen. It's just that the grass people did something wrong a month ago, which annoyed her and let her abandon the grass people. Grass people have been unable to sleep and eat for many days, and I don't know how to make her change her mind. The grass people didn't want this delay, but it almost led to eternal regret. Grass people don't know the difference between life and death if they really lose her. However, this is only what Caomin thinks from the bottom of her heart. If she really wants to leave me, I have nothing to say. I can only say so. Wherever she goes, Caomin will follow her until she ends her life!"

"Prince He Qi, now you know that Chengfu's daughter is a married woman, and you still insist on marrying her as a princess?"

"Heqi does not have many miscellaneous rules in the Central Plains, but any woman she loves, whether she is married or not, as long as she is free, she can marry as a wife. I just heard that Mr. Gu San and his wife have separated, so the daughter of the Cheng family is free and will definitely marry him!"

Things seem to be frozen at this point that there is no turning point.

The court was extremely quiet, and no one dared to say a word to get into trouble.

For a long time...

"One side is a national affair, which is related to the safety of Tianhao and He Qishe; on the other side is a family matter, which is related to the survival of Mr. Gu Sanzi. For me, Tianhao's national fate is as important as the lives of the people, but it is disputed, and it is difficult for me to make a decision. Chengfu's daughter is in the palace. You might as well let her make her own choice..."

Cheng Xueyan was shocked. Why did this kind of "difficult to decide" thing fall on her? What's Yuwen Hanxing's idea?

I can't think much about it. Little Huangmen's long voice of "Cheng Xueyan, the daughter of the Minister of the Ministry of Rites" took her out of the screen like a soul-giving rope.

Out of the screen, I saw the civil and military ministers all standing on the magnificent hall and staring at her at a glance.

She was peeping behind the scenes just now, but now she is exposed to the public.

The four walls of the temple were shining, and the dragons at the top of the hall sprayed clouds and fog, which made people dizzy for a moment and suffocated their chest.

She insisted on walking to the imperial court and bowed deeply: "Cheng Xueyan, the daughter of the people, see the emperor."

The superior person was speechless for a long time, and it was difficult for her to get up and curse secretly.

After a long time, the lazy voice sounded again: "Cheng Xueyan, you just heard that Prince He Qi fell in love with you at first sight. If you agree to marry, you will be Princess Heqi in the future; Mr. Gu is deeply in love with you and is willing to repair your old relationship with you. I would like to ask you to make a decision now, whether to stay or not?

Do you want to stay... or not?

... Feiyun Hall, a glass of wine entered her stomach, and suddenly felt dizzy, but she saw Yuwen Hanxing coming step by step, wrapped around her with her long arms of sweet fragrance. A cool breath brushed her lips, and a dreamy voice floated into her ear: "Would you like to stay with me?"

Do you want to stay... or not?

She woke up suddenly.

Stay? It's for the imperial concubine! Don't stay? Marry Fanbang far away!

He looked up at the high man in shock, but his heart was shocked.

Yuwen's cold star's face was like frost, cold and white, which made the oblique handsome eyebrows shocking, and his long and narrow eyes were slightly displayed, but he looked at her fixedly. I couldn't see the deep meaning of the bottom of his eyes, but I saw him lean forward slightly, and the long finger joint on the armrest of the red gold carved dragon appeared.

The emperor will not be really... impossible! What can she do? And as the supreme of 95, above ten thousand people, he feels that everything in the world should be his own and is at his disposal, including a grass mustard. He is just a collector with a domineering desire. But his hegemony is given by God. Of course, it is not allowed to be put down. Once he disobeys...

Do you want to stay... or not?

looking back...

Although Hu Helie was full of confidence, the fist on his side was tightly clenched and he unconsciously trembled gently. It must be said that this is also a heroic man, and Han Jiangzhu's appreciation for him can be seen. Of course, his deliberate embarrassment to Tianhao is also really abominable, but how can the two countries clearly judge which is right and wrong? At present, he looked at her, smiled and saluted respectfully.

Look at Gu Haoxuan... This man who makes her love, hate and angry.

When he was so close, he found that he was thin. The two long eyebrows looked particularly abrupt, and although the dimples on his lips were spinning, they were dry and sluggish. At this moment, he looked happy, the joy of reunion after a long separation, with his eyes shining brightly and bending his little eyes at her.

Countless fragments are scattered but crowded in front of you, which makes people's mouth sour and suffocate.

Turn your eyes stiffly and look down at the person.

Once this statement comes out, it may be difficult to commit a death penalty...

"The emperor once made a wish for the people's daughter... The people's daughter is willing to repair the past with her husband, live forever, and never be separated!"

Her voice was soft but tough, floating in the quiet lobby and resting for a long time.

She didn't know if she had an illusion. For a moment, she saw that the bottom of Yuwen Hanxing's eyes gradually darkened and darkened infinitely...

Don't dare to look any further, lie down and wait for the judgment.

In the infinite silence, there seems to be a slight crack.

Everyone followed the sound, but saw the emperor sitting upright and his long eyes closed slightly.


These three words are thousands of words!

"Another princess and the second prince of Heqi will choose an auspicious day to marry..."

"Your Majesty, what you want is not..."

"Huhe Second Prince, don't forget that the one you proposed to marry at the beginning was indeed... 'Princess'..."

Yuwen's cold star's long eyes narrowed slightly, and he was cold.


As soon as the words fell, Yuwen Hanxing did not wait for everyone to worship. He got up and left. Only the ministers shouted "Hours of my emperor with sincerity and respect", but he muttered in his heart that the emperor is really today... However, the daughter of the Cheng family is really difficult to draw and describe. Alas, the beauty is a disaster!

With no time to think about it, they praised Captain Gu and Cheng Shangshu one after another, and praised the prince for making his son-in-law extraordinary intelligence and boundless future.

Captain Gu only narrowed his eyes and said, "The rivers and mountains are important, and the rivers and mountains are important..."

Someone secretly called him "old fox".

Out of the crowd, Gu Haoxuan helped Cheng Xueyan up, but was shaken away by her. Without being annoyed, he still looked at her with a smile and turned his dimples.

Cheng Xueyan gritted her teeth. This guy made her risk her life to declare her love in front of everyone. Didn't he deny her previous resolute husband's feat and make it a farce? What will be your face in the future? Originally, this kind of thing should not be said. First, it is embarrassing. First, if the other party knows her intention, she will know her mind. What else should she do to lose her temper in the future? Oh, my God, I lost badly today! Damn Gu Haoxuan, no matter what I say, I just don't want to marry a foreign country and don't want to rob a man with many women. Don't be too proud!

Thinking about it, there is a look of self-esteem and pride on his face.

Gu Haoxuan was happy to hold her hand, but was thrown away again and turned around. He took her as the center and drew a circle with his arm as the radius, sometimes clockwise and sometimes counterclockwise.

Finally, Fang took her hand and carefully held it in the palm of her hand.