Rich flowers bloom

According to his nature, it is difficult to be honest and sleep anywhere for a day, but now... he can also go out for a walk, but she is not around and it is boring to go anywhere. Besides, stay here, at least closer to her. Maybe you can sneak into Yanran Pavilion unprepared at night...

The corners of his lips were unconsciously raised, so he stared at the setting sun excitedly, and wondered why it fell so slowly.

There was a groaning sound behind him, and he turned his head...

"Xue Yan..." jumped up in surprise and grabbed the man's wrist: "Why are you here?"

No... Although this wrist is soft, but...

He hurriedly let go and took a step back.

The red, green and green light finally faded away.

There was a man standing in front of him, with a light goose-yellow dress and a graceful posture. He was covering half of his face with a white silk fan and smiled at him. His eyebrows...

He remembered that she was the woman at the banquet table who was very similar to Xue Yan's eyebrows.

"My brother-in-law really only thinks about my sister..." The woman took down the fan and gave a gracefully: "Qin Gulan, the little woman, is Mr. Qin Yi of Guanju Hall..."

Qin Gulan......

Gu Haoxuan has never heard of this person, but seeing that she can appear at Chengfu's family banquet, it is expected that she is also so similar to Xue Yan...

But this kind of thing is not unusual, such as...

So he smiled and only said, "Good name..." and was ready to leave.

"Why didn't my brother-in-law ask Gu Lan why he wanted to marry such a name?" Qin Gulan smiled and said sadly: "Gu Lan always thought that she came from a scholarly family, but when she was six years old, her father suddenly told me that I was not their own, and that someone would take me home when I was 11 years old. At the age of 11, I met Cheng Shangshu and followed him to Cheng's house. Cheng Shangshu asked the best pianist in Dijing to teach me how to play the piano. When I was 14 years old, I became Mr. Guanju Hall..."

Gu Haoxuan didn't understand why she said this to herself. There was no one around, and she looked sad. She had to stand still, but saw that there was only half a lazy face left on the pink wall.

"I don't know if Cheng Shangshu is the person my adoptive father said to pick me up. My adoptive father said that the man would 'take me home', but is Chengfu... my home?" His voice choked: "Give me food and clothing, and let me be the gentleman of Guan Juguan. I'm indeed better than the girls here, but... I can see that my sister and sister have a home, and I..."

Gu Haoxuan smiled. So that's what happened.

"Girl, don't worry, Cheng Shangshu must know it. Maybe he is choosing the right person for the girl..."

Qin Gulan touched the corners of his lips: "What other choice does a person like me have? At most, he is chosen..."

"The girl is too pessimistic. With the girl's appearance, she will definitely find a good son-in-law in the future..."


Qin Gulan looked at him with tears in his eyes, half happy and half sad. The afterglow of the sunset was painted on his cheeks, which was particularly touching.

I haven't seen it for so long, but I don't feel very much like Xue Yan, especially her eyes, always seem to...

"Natural." Gu Haoxuan avoided her eyes and pretended to look at the sky: "It's getting late. The girl needs to go back quickly..."

Qin Gulan nodded: "My brother-in-law really misses my sister, which is enviable. In this case, my sister will not delay my brother-in-law..."

The two said goodbye to each other.

Gu Haoxuan just walked a few steps, and heard an exclamation behind him. Looking back, he saw Qin Gulan sitting on the ground, covering his ankles with his hands and inhaling cold air with his mouth tilted.

He rushed over and said, "What's wrong?"

"It's all!" Qin Gulan hit the stone that caused the trouble fiercely, but he was hit by the hand and cried out in pain.

Gu Haoxuan suppressed his smile: "Can you still walk?"

Qin Gulan gritted his teeth to support Taihu Stone and slowly stood up, but his body slanted with a "oops".

Gu Haoxuan unconsciously catched her, quickly released it, and looked around: "You sit here for a while, and I'll find someone..."


Qin Gulan's soft call came from behind her, and she looked at herself with tears: "It's going to be dark. I'm here alone... I'm afraid..."

The sky is indeed getting dark. Xinyuan is surrounded by bamboo trees, which is lush and depressing. The daytime looks pleasing to the eyes, but now it is a little gloomy and scary. She is a woman...

"Where do you live?"

He seemed to see Qin Gulan's eyes lit up, but maybe it was an illusion caused by tears.


Qi Tong knew that Cheng Xueyan returned to the door today and prepared the mung bean cake early.

This is not an ordinary mung bean cake. She recently learned from Mother Tang. It not only relieves the heat and cools down, but also is sweet and delicious, and does not choke like ordinary bean cake. When the old girl came back, she had nothing to send. Only this intention, she knew that the eldest girl would not be blamed.

At present, I was free, so I took a small porcelain plate and put a few pieces into the Yanran Pavilion.

Originally, the kitchen did not need to go through Xinyuan, but when she heard that the big girl was asked to talk by the big * grandmother and she could not leave the kitchen for too long, she came to this place where Mo Yiju returned to Yanran Pavilion to wait for Cheng Xueyan.

As soon as she entered the garden, she saw two people talking on the shore of the stone pile of Taihu Lake in front of her. One of them was Miss Qin, and the other was a strange voice, but a man. Miss Qin called him "brother-in-law"... She thought about it, is this the new uncle? But how could the new uncle be with Miss Qin?

She kept her mind and was ready to hide behind the tree to eavesdrop, but she found that there was no movement. She showed her head and saw... Did the new aunt leave with Miss Qin on his back?

My heart is sinking. Do you want to talk about this matter with the big girl?

She was hesitating and was slapped on the shoulder.

She screamed "ah" and looked back to see Bitong.

"Why, are you overjoyed to see me?" Bitong's mischievous eyebrows.

Qi Tong stroked her chest in surprise: "I'm scared to death, I thought..."

Qi Tong swallowed Fu Yuanshan's name and looked up to see Cheng Xueyan looking at her with a smile. She was busy offering gifts, but she was still stopped. Then she found that her hard-made mung bean cake rolled on the ground into potato cake due to the shock just now. She was immediately angry: "Look at what you have done! Big girl, can I..."

"No," Cheng Xueyan stopped her: "It's the same tomorrow. Anyway, I'm going to stay for a month. I have plenty of time..."

Qi Tong suddenly remembered what she had just seen, but was interrupted by her: "Come to the Yanran Pavilion. I still have something to discuss with you..."


"Ah, big girl, I..."

"You are thin and the kitchen work is tiring. If you don't look back at the house with me like this. Your needlework is the best. If you are around, Bitong can also be lazy, right?

"Does the girl dislike me?" Bitong deliberately pretended to be unhappy.

Qi Tong looked at the master and servant with tears in her eyes and suddenly knelt down: "The girl's great kindness will never be forgotten!"

Cheng Xueyan still couldn't stand such a big gift and hurriedly helped her up.

"What kind of great kindness? You are doing me a favor..."

"Qi Tong understands, Qitong understands everything in her heart..." Qitong wiped her tears and raised her eyes: "But Qitong... doesn't want to go with the big girl..."

"Qi Tong, you're not talking nonsense, are you? Following the big girl, you are still a first-class girl. Not only do you have to be bullied by them with those women, but the monthly case can also be doubled several times..."

"Do you have any concerns? In fact, I wanted to take you away long ago. If you agree, I will transfer you here first, and then..."

Qi Tong shook her head desperately, and Bitong was anxious, but she couldn't ask why.

Cheng Xueyan understood a little, but it was because of a person... Although she knew that it was no longer possible to be with that person, she still kept it. It seemed that only in this way could she feel his existence more clearly. It seemed that this had become the whole meaning of life. Even if there was no day to meet, as long as she knew that he was around, it was enough. In the end, she was no longer a person, but her own heart.

She sighed and signaled Bitong not to ask any more questions.

Qi Tong looked at her with tears in her eyes and suddenly felt that there was only one big girl who knew her best. She was immediately moved and immediately knelt down on the ground: "Qi Tong has a word. I don't know whether to say it or not?"

"What's wrong with you and me? Get up and talk..."

"Qi Tong just saw... Uncle and Miss Qin in the garden..."

The master and servant were stunned. Bitong hurriedly looked at Cheng Xueyan, but saw that her face was slightly white and her red lips were tight.

"But Qitong didn't see it clearly. It's so dark, and the distance is far away..."

Qi Tong hurriedly stopped when she saw this, but she forgot that there was a saying "the darker it is", but she felt that she was not very impulsive. If she told the old girl that the new uncle was leaving behind Miss Qin, then...

"Oh, maybe I was really wrong. The new uncle went to rest after the banquet..." Cheng Xueyan said with a smile, but her tone was dry.

The next conversation was also absent-minded. Qitong naturally felt it and hated herself for talking too much. As a result, she left after a while.

The room is very quiet, as if you can hear the candlelight swaying.

Cheng Xueyan stared at the shaking light and shadow for a long time and said quietly, "I've been busy all afternoon, and I don't know where he is staying..."

Bitong was a shrewd person and immediately said, "I'll go and have a look and ask what else I need."

Without waiting for the master's consent, he walked out quickly.

Cheng Xueyan continued to stare at the candle shadow...

Gu Haoxuan and Qin Gulan...

She couldn't figure out how they met a place. Xinyuan... is really a good place!

A sneer woke her up, and she even doubted whether the sneer was made by herself.

What does it actually have to do with whether you encounter it or not? It's just talking. The world is so big, how can there be no chance encounter? It's nothing more than the tone in which Qitong mentioned this matter... or because she mentioned it alone, but maybe she really misread it.

I comforted myself and took a breath, but there was no relaxation in my heart.