Rich flowers bloom

238 Still Water Wave

She looked at Bitong sadly, and then...

When Gu Haoxuan came back, he saw a bowl of black and yellow things on the pear wood case, which looked like rice, but it was bitter and burnt. Seeing Cheng Xueyan sitting on the embroidery pier in anger, she thought that someone would come to make her angry after going out for a day, but Bitong was very happy.

"Master, try this new taste. It's a ecstasy rice made by the girl herself."

Gu Haoxuan was overjoyed, regardless of the strange color and smell of the rice... I guess it's the same principle as stinky tofu, and he swallowed a big bite...

"It's indeed... enough to 'ecstasy'..." He tried to swallow "ecstasy" and tears together.

Cheng Xueyan was angry and annoyed. She came to hammer him, but he finished the meal in one breath, which stunned Cheng Xueyan.

As a result, it was very unstoppable this night, showing signs of food poisoning. In the middle of the night, Zhuang Xinyu tossed around and drank medicine. At least he rested for two hours. The next day, his eyes were black and he staggered to the Ministry of Ceremonies.

Cheng Xueyan was worried and saw him come back. It turned out that it was her father-in-law who loved her son-in-law and drove him back. So she lay down in peace and watched Cheng Xueyan feed him medicine with a silver spoon.

I always want to make trouble, and I like to see her angry, annoyed and unable to say anything. Her eyes flashed and shook his heart.

Cheng Xueyan likes the current days very much. Although it is plain but warm, she occasionally makes him happy. She likes to see him anxious and his doting eyes. At this time, there is always an indescribable emotion in her heart.

In fact, life should be like this, shouldn't it? Although there will always be some people's difficulties, her requirements are not high, but she always seems to be uneasy in happiness. She always thought it was the psychological shadow brought by her previous life, but she didn't expect that the shadow finally turned into reality and hit her fiercely.

If there is no such thing, she may have no impression of August 23rd, because everything is no different from peace day.

After Gu Haoxuan went to the Ceremonial Department, she went for a walk with Bitong as usual.

A woman cried after the rockery.

If it was in the past, she would not ask even if she was curious, but once she was idle, she would have gossip, so she sent Bitong to ask.

It is also inconvenient to remember the girl's name, because she has married into Chengfu, which is the seventh time she has encountered.

When she saw Qin Manhe desperately lobbying a little girl to be her husband's concubine, she really thought she was hallucinating. How could she have such a "virtuous and virtuous" wife? Seeing her surprise, Qin Manhe was very disapproving, as if she was posing a fuss. Looking at Bitong again, he looks like he has already seen it.

So today she also turned a blind eye to it, but Gu Haoran... What material is he made of? Now Dai Qianping always instructs people to send supplements to Xuanyizhai, and her intention is self-evident. She is also happy to accept it. Who doesn't want it for free? At most, I listened to a few complaints, but it was still the same. She has been cultivated so that she has been invulnerable, with a modest smile on her face, which made Dai Qianping half angry to death. However, Dai Qianping is so worried about her youngest son, so I'm afraid that the supplements on her eldest son's side will be piled up.

Seeing that Bitong was still focused, she deliberately said loudly, "Where is that ice cellar? Why didn't I see it?"

When Bitong led her to the hole where there was still wisps of fog in the bright sun, she peeked again and saw another person looking behind the tree...

Sure enough, it's him...

I was so confused that I almost fell directly into the ice cellar and screamed in panic.

"Third Grandma..." Xiaoxi ran over: "Someone came to Chengfu..."

Any sudden visit inevitably makes people think in a bad way.

"It's a girl who looks very similar to the third grandma..."

Qin Gulan? This person immediately popped up in her mind. Why did she come to her?

"Of course, she is much more ugly than the third grandma..."

Xiaoxi naturally wants to praise Cheng Xueyan, but...

"Well, she is not as ugly as the third grandmother..."

Bi Tong raised her eyes.

"The third grandma is worse than her! Ah," Xiaoxi cried with a sad face: "What's wrong with Xiaoxi today?"

Back to the Yanran Pavilion, the man in a water blue dress, elegant as a water flower is really Qin Gulan.

Duan gave a gift, but he was speechless for a long time, so Xiaoxi and Bitong retreated knowingly.

Qin Gulan held a tea cup wrapped in white porcelain branches, raised her long eyelashes lightly, and looked at the room elegantly.

"My sister is living a good life, and my sister is so envious."

Cheng Xueyan smiled faintly: "Is my sister specially here to envy me this time?"

Since she learned about Xinyuan, she has no preference for this sister. Although she may have really twisted her feet, once she has a prejury over a person, no matter how natural his behavior is, it will inevitably make people guess a lot.

"Sister, have fun alone, have fun with others, who is happy?"

Cheng Xueyan was confused when she heard an inexplicable sentence.

Qin Gulan stood up and moved to Cheng Xueyan's side. She looked like an orchid with her fingers. She picked up Cheng Xueyan's hand and put it on her lower abdomen: "Sister, if I have a child, how about sending it to my sister?"

Why, there is a "crystallization" with Fu Yuanshan?

Before her mind fell to the ground, she heard her say softly, "Don't your sister want Gu Sanzi's child?"

With a roar of his mind, he found that his hand he had pulled back was resting on his knees**like trembling.

"It was the day my sister returned to the door, in Xinyuan, my brother-in-law and I..." Her face was blushed and charming: "I twisted my foot, and my brother-in-law carried me back to Weilange, helped me massage my blood stasis, and then..."

Cheng Xueyan stood up, which made her hurriedly cover her lower abdomen, but her face was still smiling: "Isn't it my fault?"

Cheng Xueyan not only blames her, but also wants to kill her!

"Xiaoxi, go and call your master back!"

Xiaoxi has been waiting outside the door. Hearing that the title suddenly changed to "your master", he expected that things were not good and rushed out.

My body trembled, but my heart kept warning myself... Calm down, calm down, maybe it's not like this... But what else can I do if I don't? Qitong saw it with her own eyes, and Gu Haoxuan also admitted it himself, but he "backed back to the Weilan Pavilion" and "massage to disperse blood stasis"... Whether the key that was missed was Qin Gulan or fabricated it could only be understood until he came back.

She never thought about how to solve this kind of thing. In her previous life, she directly asked Ling Su, and Ling Su admitted it without hesitation. If it was Gu Haoxuan...

Thinking of this, I couldn't help shaking. Qin Gulan eagerly held her and was directly thrown away without being annoyed. She still smiled humbly, and the sweet smile gradually became a little ferocious in her eyes.

Is it that coincidental? Only once... Could it be Fu Yuanshan who wanted to put it on Gu Haoxuan's head? After all, no matter from which perspective, Gu Haoxuan is thousands of times better than that fat man...


PS: It has been updated at noon today, and it will continue to be updated at noon tomorrow... I forgot that there are only 28 days this month, and there are more words >_