Rich flowers bloom

265 disaster falls from the sky

He felt dizzy, stood reluctantly with his back against the firewood door, and quickly wiped the blood stains from the corners of his lips.

After this Qixi Festival, I don't know how long I can accompany her...

The twilight is in four, and the smoke is gradually stopping. Someone passed by on the road, but none of them is her...

I was anxious and wanted to find it, but I was tripped by Nian Tao: "Maybe it's the Qixi Festival today, and I'm staying in the store to make a lot of money..."

"Xueyan works too hard for the livelihood of this family, but it is not safe for a woman to come back too late. Haoxuan should welcome her." Gu Qian opened his mouth.

"I don't think they deliberately don't want to come back..." Qin Manhe curled her lips.

Recently, there is always a good-looking man coming to the store. Although he buys things every time, he always turns around in front of Cheng Xueyan's eyes. Looking at her deliberately cold appearance, the two seem to have known each other for a long time.

"Yes, maybe I'll wait for my master to pick it up." Nian said sourly.

Qin Manhe pulled her and pretended to whisper, but let everyone hear her major discovery clearly.

Gu Haoxuan has no time to meet them.

An hour later, he came back out of breath.

"Is Xue Yan back?"

Everyone looked at each other in con's face.

No in the store, no at home, no on the road... No at night, no in the daytime...

On the third day, the only news was a stone thrown into the hospital, with a piece of paper on it, and the crooked words on it concisely told Cheng Xueyan in their hands. If you want someone, pay 100,000 taels of ransom, and if you want to see the body, go to the government office to report!

"100,000 taels? Where did we get 100,000 taels? Do you still think we are the lieutenant's palace?" Qin Manhe screamed.

"If you sell the shop and this house plus the existing savings, it should be almost enough." Gu Haoxuan frowned.

"sold? So what should we do?" Scream again.

"It's important to save people now. Those are all things outside the body. If you don't have it, you can earn more..."

How to make money? Do you know how much effort it took me? Day and night, my nails are worn out, and the cocoons come out. How can this still be a pair of women's hands? But now she wants to exchange her hard-earned money for a person, and I don't know if it's a living person or a dead person... Besides, her hairpin can buy hundreds of her. Why do we have to pay for money?

"Have you ever thought that this might be a trick?" Niantao glanced at everyone's faces: "Maybe she...she wants this money..."

"Niantao, do you know what you are talking about?" Gu Haoxuan's face is like snow, and his black eyes are frozen: "You have been with Xueyan for so many years, don't you know what kind of person she is? She is dedicated to everyone, but in the end..."

The chest is dull and painful, as if something has been torn.

He tried his best to swallow the sweetness in his mouth and stared at the peach.

Niantao was a little scared. He touched Gu Xun's head in his arms and said, "I'm just guessing that this person is separated from his belly. Who knows? Besides, she is treating you now..."

"It can be said that most of the current family business is earned by Xue Yan. Even if she really wants it, we have nothing to say!" Gu Haoxuan said word by word: "Save Xueyan, I will return this money to you!"

One night three days later, it rained heavily, but it was the day to pay according to the agreed time.

Gu Haoxuan did everything and was ready to go out, but coughed out a large mouthful of blood without warning.

He knew that the poison of the royal bee was unclean, and once the heart fire was aroused, it would recur. He has endured for a long time, and now he may not be able to stand it, but he has to wait until Xue Yan comes back...

"Master, master..." Xiaoxi saw a large pool of blood spread on the ground, and was scared and lost his soul.

He hurriedly grabbed him and shook his head repeatedly. How can Xiaoxi listen to him? He rushed out to report.

In the blink of an eye, people squeezed into the room, countless voices attacked him, and countless hands blocked him, but he tried his best to struggle and became more heartbroken.

Without a word, he coughed up another mouthful of blood and immediately scared Dai Qianping to cry.

"Why don't you... I'll go." Gu Haoran stepped forward.

Everyone's eyes gathered on him and were silent for a moment.

I have to say that he is the best candidate at this moment.

After telling him again, Gu Haoxuan stared at him and walked out of the courtyard door, disappeared in the rain for a long time, and fainted.

I don't know how long I slept, and I felt someone touching my forehead in the haze.

He suddenly woke up and grabbed the soft hand: "Xueyan, you're back..."

But the man by the bed blinked into a peach. When he woke up, he burst into tears.

"Xue Yan..."

Niantao cried louder, so a group of people came in.

He looked over one by one, but did not see the face that occupied his whole dream.

"Xue Yan..."

It turned out that not only Cheng Xueyan did not come back, but also Gu Haoran disappeared...

Qin Manhe patted her legs and cried: "I knew that they had no good intentions and pretended to be kidnapped, but they eloped together. At present, even the house has been sold and there is no place to live. How can I live in the future..."

Everyone is sad.

Gu Haoxuan only stared at the roof without saying anything.

He hated himself. He should have thought of this a long time ago, not to mention how much he knew his eldest brother. On the night of Shuihui's accident, he was worried that Xue Yan would also go out with her, but he heard their conversation with his own ears...

The eldest brother is selfish, but he is extremely transparent. In fact, he also understands that he just refuses to let go, so is it more selfish?


The night was quiet, and a figure quietly moved out of the north house.

The rain has stopped, the round moon is hanging high in the sky, every water depression is filled with a moon, and every muddy place is shining with stars.

It's a beautiful night.

Gu Haoxuan deeply sucked the cold air with a little fishy smell, but it irritated his internal organs.

He leaned against the wall and gasped for a long time before he barely stood firm and took a flickering step.

In the afternoon, another note appeared in the courtyard, saying that they did not receive the silver as scheduled, and asked them to quickly put the ransom at the designated place, otherwise... this time there was an extra cloth bag, which was a bunch of green silk with a piece of blood on it...

Qin Manhe cried: "If you prepare again, you will sell people..."

Niantao cried loudly: "I don't know how many shameful things have happened in so many days. What else do you want her to come back?"

Xue Yan...

I really don't have any money now, and someone will come to collect the house tomorrow, but don't be afraid, I will find you, for sure! You have to wait for me, wait for me...


Cheng Xueyan didn't know how long she had fainted. When she woke up, she was trapped in a cabin. Like her, Bitong was tied back with her arms and her mouth was blindfolded.

She immediately realized what had happened and quickly moved to Bitong's side to wake her up.

Bitong was very excited and whined for a long time, but ended up attracting people outside.

There are two, both of whom are masked men. According to their words, there are two more people eating out.

He threw two bowls angrily, only with white rice, and this toss had to be stained with another layer of Saturn.

The wooden house has no window, and when the door is closed, it is dark. Only an oil lamp shakes the dim light, reflecting the wooden table under it and the firewood in the corner of the house. But it's not that they are afraid, but that they can see it at a glance when they come in.

In order not to starve to death, the supply of food is still timely, but according to her estimation, it should be one meal a day, so it should be six days later.

In the past six days, I also shouted... "It's useless to break my throat!" Then they were sealed more tightly; it was also noisy... What else can they do? Zuo is just premeditated to escape. How can those four big men with their hands and feet tied? Bitong was slapped several times, and then a big man pointed to Cheng Xueyan and praised: "People who understand things should be like this. You be honest with me!"

In contrast, Cheng Xueyan is indeed calm enough, because in terms of quantity and strength, they are the weakest party. The four people take turns to guard them, and it is difficult for them to fly even if they insert their wings. But are you just waiting for death? She heard them negotiate a ransom of 100,000 taels of silver...

100,000 taels, the house and shop and savings should be enough, but that's their hard-earned money, so free arched to how many villains? The important thing is where the family will live after this? She has a real estate, and everything can be done from scratch. But they don't know, is it a mess now? She could imagine Qin Manhe's angry crying and complaining about the helplessness of the two old people. Gu Haoran's business had nothing to do with him and... his anxiety. Haoxuan must be crazy. He will not hesitate to meet the kidnapper's request to save her, but does it really work after paying the money? Will they be satisfied with this?

It was a group of crazy guys. She heard with her own ears how they dealt with the previous meat tickets, and the reason why they stayed intact was that they learned her identity when they heard the conversation in the car... The daughter of the former Minister of Ceremonies.

"The thin camel is bigger than the horse, and I don't believe that they can't take out these 100,000 taels!"

"The shop's business is so good that the eldest brother only needs 100,000 taels this time. Is it because the little lady's delicate heart moved with compassion?" **Laughter.

"I tell you, Lao San, she is not someone else. Don't turn that flowery intestines for me. If you can't stand it, just take that little girl..."

"She is a fairy, and she is also depressed. The depressed phoenix is not as good as a chicken!"

"That's also waiting for the silver to arrive! At that time..."

They spoke without hesitation, and every sentence made them frightened. Every time they approached, they couldn't help but shrink together and stared at the rough door panel in panic.

Bitong couldn't help looking at her... She didn't even dare to hum now. Her anxious and frightened eyes were asking, "What should I do? What should I do?......

Cheng Xueyan doesn't know what to do. In addition to worrying about the safety of herself and Bitong, there is also the person who has to send money according to the agreed date... It should be Gu Haoxuan. He has to face a group of murderous desperadows. Their lives are already on the line. In case he is also...