Rich flowers bloom

273 beautiful dreams are hard to wake up

In a trance, she seemed to see a beautiful woman sitting in the delicate flowers, and she looked like a fairy with flowers in a hibiscus-colored silk dress.

"Actually, there is no need to come to see her every time. She always makes things difficult for you..."

"What's the dilemma? It's just to see her get angry again. What else can she do besides being angry now?

The door of the courtyard opened slowly, and two relatively thick little girls greeted them into the door, and then led them into the house.

Today's Weilan Pavilion is different from the past. It is surrounded by high iron fences, wrapped like a prison. Even the carved door panels in the side hall have been replaced with iron doors. A small movable door is open under the door to facilitate water and food, and the upper half of the window is an iron railing, so that you can clearly see the movement inside.

At this moment, a woman in gorgeous clothes sat on the Taishi chair, with one arm bent beside the Nanmu table, and the veil embroidered with pink and blue moon season in her hand was half suspended on the cloud-colored water-patterned skirt, looking idle and comfortable.

She didn't seem to notice the movement at the door at all. She only looked at the front calmly, as if there were someone standing there, saying something in her mouth.

The chain sliding on the iron door attracted her attention.

Her eyes turned stagnantly. When she saw the person who came in clearly, her eyes suddenly lit up and then stood up.

The two strong-strong maids immediately walked over and put her in the middle.

She seemed to realize that the situation was not good, so she stopped taking action and only smiled contemptuously: "Great girl, how are you?"

We met several times, and it was the same every time, so Cheng Xueyan also answered as usual: "How has Mr. Qin always been good?"

Still silent for a long time, Qin Gulan began to gritt her teeth: "No matter how good I am, I can't compare with a big girl. No wonder that an unrecognized illegitimate daughter like me can only swallow her anger and watch your so-called true master being favored, enjoy glory and swagger everywhere!"

Cheng Zhuan sighed, "Gu Lan, how many times do you want me to understand? You are not my daughter at all..."

"Then why did you bring me back? Why did a total of 12 girls who were sold to the brothel fight against me? The treatment given to me is not the same as that of any girl in the house, and I also asked a pianist to teach me to play the piano. Do you dare to say that it's not because I have a guilty conscience?

"If you are really my daughter, why don't I dare to admit it? When you were sold to the brothel, I saw you cry sadly. I thought that Xue Yan was the same size as you, but because of your mother's early mourning day, I couldn't help but feel compassion, and you and Xue Yan are very similar..."

"Fal! Now you refuse to admit it, which makes me inferior and ridiculed, and I can only swallow my anger. As the bloodline of the Cheng family, she can marry into a rich family and be favored by the audience, but I can only surrender to others, even if I compromise, I can't get it. I don't understand what's worse than her. Isn't it just an identity? No one is born to endure everything. Why are the benefits hers? I also want her to taste the taste of being rejected..."

"Gu Lan, if I knew that I would have hurt the Cheng family because of my benevolence and made you look crazy as you are today, I won't say anything to let you take half a step in the process!"

"Do you still want to say that it was because of your kindness to keep my life and not be executed with Fu Yuanshan? To put it bluntly, isn't it because of your biological daughter? If you are afraid of God's punishment, you will get retribution! But you are doomed to be punished. You don't have a good person surnamed Cheng. I curse you in the 18th floor of hell..."

Before she flew over, the two thick maids had pressed her to the ground quickly and grabbed her mouth with a cloth. She could only struggle desperately and whine. After a while, she foamed all over her body, her face was gray, and her manners were lost.

Going out, Cheng Zhunhuai looked at the golden warm sun in the afternoon and sighed: "It hurt another one. She is crazy..."

"I think it's good now, at least she can say all the words that hold her heart..."

"How many times have I explained to her, but she always refuses to listen."

"She just lives in her own world, how can she identify with others? Besides, it will make her very happy..."

"Happy?" Cheng Zhuhuai didn't understand.

Of course, she is happy. As the daughter of the Cheng family, even the imaginary illegitimate daughter is better than the unknown origin. It is precisely because as the illegitimate daughter of the Cheng family that she has to fight back and has to fight back than her ungrateful and deliberately frame others. So, what else is she unhappy? Question mark

And she was also very happy to see her like this, because she would never forget the bright afternoon with a blood fog six years ago... Her sister-in-law lost too much blood and died, and her brother was almost crazy, and the woman came here shaking the peacock blue feather fan and covered her lips and smiled: "Isn't it the same gain or loss? Life is not so perfect. Don't be too greedy..."

Without her, the Cheng family would not have suffered such a disaster. Who would have thought that her pair of delicate jade hands not only knew how to play the piano, but also had a skillful mounting skills?

Indeed, people should not be too greedy!

Every time she returned home, she would definitely go to see her, see her go crazy again and again, see her suffer in her imagination, see her anger and despair after her dream was shattered, and see her remove her disguise, she is very happy and really happy.

She doesn't deny her evil, but she can't be evil!

Cheng Zhun sighed freely, but suddenly heard his daughter say what kind of jewelry she was going to send to Baoyuzhai.

This time is different from the past. His daughter has her own plans for everything, and it is not convenient for him to stop her. He just said to go back quickly: "Yi Xue heard that you came back today and shouted that she wanted to show you her new tricks."

Cheng Xueyan smiled and said, "Yi Xue has really improved a lot now, and her aunt is seriously ill."

Du Yingzi was not only a mental illness, she simply picked her life. Fu Yuanshan's serious crime will be punished by his wife's wife, and she was not guilty because she was retired before. Nowadays, he is very self-cultivated. When he comes, he goes to find Dai Zhen, who cut his hair and practiced when the Cheng family was in trouble. The two people who were extremely wrong in those years have become irreversible friends, which is quite touching.


Before nightfall, the market was already very lively. The stall was full of carved melons, honey papayas, double-headed lotus flowers, grinding and drinking, pen and inkstones, needles and threads, waxed waterfowl, grain boards and five pots, and the aroma of fried fruits floated all over the street.

A man in moon-white clothes stopped in front of a stall and picked up a yellow wax turtle. The hawker immediately sold it enthusiastically.

He stared at the little turtle for a long time and put it back.

The hawker is not happy: "If you don't buy it, don't move. It's all kneaded by you."

He is not annoyed either.

I passed a jewelry store that was once in short supply, and now the plaque has been changed to Caiyunfang.

He decided to stand for a while, but blocked other people's stalls, which made people dissatisfied.

Xiaoxiao left and only for a while to the door of a shop, with the three characters "Baoyu Zhai" shining golden on the lin.

The clerk at the door looked good: "Son, there is a new look in the store today. Do you want to come in and have a look?"

Entering the door, the shopkeeper immediately came out.

"Son, what a coincidence that you came today. The store has just arrived at a new look, waiting for you to choose."

Gu Haoxuan looked at the shopkeeper putting on a hairpin bead ring on the red brocade, all of which were exquisite and unique.

He picked it up one by one and squinted to think about which one was better for Xue Yan to wear, but found that these jewelry were very suitable for her... only for her!

He picked up one of them. These are three needle-thin circles, made of gold, silver and copper respectively. There are cross textures on them, like diamond crystals, which are extremely ingenious. If this bracelet is worn on Xueyan's slender and white wrist...

Countless times, countless times, he bought beautiful jewelry and put it in her makeup, just waiting for her to come back and see a surprise... When will she come back?

A hand painted with red and red Kodan appeared in sight and took the gold-inlaid jade dragonfly hairpin on his head.

"Does it look good?"

asked him.

He turned around and frowned. The woman shook her charming eyes and turned to the shopkeeper and said, "How much money?"

The shopkeeper looked at Gu Haoxuan's face: "Sir, look..."

"I want it all!"


The man immediately took the brocade boxes and put them in one by one, and the calculation on the shopkeeper's side was crisp.

"Then this..."

Gu Haoxuan quietly looked at the gold-inlaid jade dragonfly between her fingers.

This hairpin is very unique, especially two pairs of wings, thin as cicada wings, woven from a thin mesh, without wind, but gently trembling. It really matches Xueyan, but unfortunately...

"This one belongs to the girl..." As soon as the woman's joy rose, she heard him say, "But the girl needs to pay by herself."

The woman immediately blackened her face, threw the hairpin on the counter and went out of the door.

The shopkeeper picked up the hairpin and offered it with both hands. Gu Haoxuan didn't look at it: "The shopkeeper is only these six..."

The shopkeeper didn't say much. He had made a lot of money, so he quickly packed the six brocade boxes into a package.

"The shopkeeper, I asked you about who made these jewelry earlier..."

"Naturally, it is the ancestral craftsmanship of the shop... Of course, there is a special design, but Mr. Gu should also understand the difficulties of the shop. If it is with the prince... The shop still expects such distinguished guests to come to visit. If the prince thinks it's troublesome, you might as well tell the shop where your house is. Once the shop has a new appearance, it will be sent to the prince to have a look...

Gu Haoxuan didn't say anything.

The shopkeeper is a clever man. He only said that his family has a Hedong lion, which is not easy to act, so he hurriedly said, "If it is inconvenient for the prince... The shop can guarantee that even if there are 100 jewelry stores in Dijing, the shop will always take out the latest and best way to treat the prince as soon as possible..."

At this time, there was a burst of children's laughter in the back hall, and the shopkeeper seemed to be a little anxious: "Special son, why don't you send the prince out? Don't miss the prince's tea. Today is the Chinese Valentine's Day..."