Cultivation plan

chapter 7

It has been nearly half a month since the last meeting with Rong Chengxian. Shu Xing still walks between the school and residence at two o'clock and one line every day. Occasionally, she has been to the 'Noah's Ark' twice. Except for being asked by the owner, who did not eat the man taken away that night, Shu Xing has never been with the people there. Many conversations, because he has been very busy recently, and the injury on his back has not completely healed, he doesn't even have the idea of finding a bed partner.

The black July for senior high school students has just passed, and the black July for college teachers has come. Although the selected marking schools are different every year, due to the rigorous and fair academic atmosphere and good external image of Shuxing's school, they can't escape the fate of being elected every year.

The length of marking papers lasts about a week, mainly by master's and doctoral students. For students, the daily remuneration is considerable, so everyone's enthusiasm is very high, but Shuxing feels very annoying.

Inevitably, there are many subjective questions on the papers of liberal arts students. Although it is almost impossible for him to review the papers, he also has the obligation to be responsible for spot checks. In addition, in order to reflect the objective and fair evaluation work, the waking schedule is full, and there is no room for thinking about any extra things. Xi, even the very urgent papers and manuscripts, have been temporarily stranded.

After eight days of anxiety, it happened to be a Saturday. When I could sleep in with peace of mind, Shu woke up and gasped at the computer in the study. I clearly remembered the information I brought home, but I couldn't find it. I called the office to know that it was on my desk.

It must have been so hard recently that he lost his work. He rubbed his face in distress, then changed his clothes and drove to school.

Originally, he wanted Rong Chengli to help him send him home, but the follow-up work of marking papers was still continuing. Although he did not want to help, he could not enslave Rong Chengli at will at this time, so he had to approach the cool liberal arts department against the scorching sun.

Rong Chengli was the only one in the office, who was typing crackling into the computer. When he saw Shu wake up and came in, he just raised his chin to indicate the direction of the information, and then turned his eyes back to the computer.

After checking the information, Shu Xing planned to go back immediately, but at the moment of opening the door, he was facing the student who was about to enter.

The student is a doctoral student led by him and has been determined by a university. After graduation, he can immediately go to the university to be a teacher. Although the basic salary is not very high, it is still a good way out for students who only seek stability.

"This is the director's catalogue that the professor wants. I just saw the professor's car outside and thought that the professor might be there, so I sent it over," the student said to him with a smile.

"Thank you for your hard work," Shu Xing still maintains a quite polite image: "Are you also at school on weekends? Don't you plan to go out?"

"Originally, some friends from other places were coming to play, but because the traffic is too crowded today, it has been changed to next week," the student said with a simple smile. "After all, today is the birthday of the chairman of Rongcheng Group. I heard that the city is quite lively."

Hearing the students' words, Shu Xing, who was going to go out, sat back in the chair in front of his desk: "Do you know Rongcheng Group well?"

"No," the student waved his hand and explained, "It's just that the newspapers have been reporting every day these days. It's okay if you don't know."

The awake sight quickly swept over Rong Chengli, and a figure crossed his mind.

After a few more words of greeting, the student left and politely led the door before leaving.

Several A4 papers were handed to Rong Chengli, and a bewitching voice came from the opposite side: "Xiaoli, this is the academic conference you have always wanted to attend. Are you interested in taking a look?"

Rong Chengli, who was suddenly asked, quickly looked up at the black and white paper in front of him, and his eyes flashed with a flistening light, but just a few seconds later, uncertainty and suspicion gradually replaced the great joy: "Do you... have any purpose?"

Shuxing likes smart people.

"Yes," Shu woke up and nodded bluntly: "It's not as good as your meat."

Rong Chengli had a 'go to die' expression. Although he felt that it would be heartbreaking if he couldn't go, he still bowed his head without hesitation to continue the work at hand and didn't want to pay attention to him at all.

"Is meat compensation really not good..." With an embarrassed expression, he woke up and paused for a while before then continued, "Then it's better to go to your father's birthday party. This condition should not be too difficult."

Rejud from the shock, Rong Chengli stared wide and woke up: "How can you know..."

I don't want to explain the troublesome things, Shu Xing just focuses on the exchange conditions: "How's it going?"

That academic conference is very important. Even Shu Xing can participate in it because of his father's relationship. After all, regardless of age and qualifications, he is a little immature. In fact, he doesn't really want to go, but Rong Chengli. It seems that he really wants to participate. Chengcheng Li is not a big deal. But he never brought it up when he thought of being nagging by his father afterwards.

Since it's something that you don't care about, it's okay to let him participate in exchange.

"What's the reason?" After sorting out the language, Rong Chengli asked, "What's the reason for doing that?"

"I just want to see that you are unhappy," as for the reason hidden in his heart and deliberately ignored by him, he doesn't want to remember it anyway.

Although this reason is very annoying, Rong Chengli still stretched out his hand to take over the paper, but the paper suddenly slipped out of his fingers: "Pay on delivery."

"You don't believe me?" Rong Chengli looked at each other angrily.

"No, I just really believe that you are disgusted with your father's birthday party."

Being exposed, Rong Chengli looked out of the window awkwardly. After a while, he turned his head to pack up and planned to implement his agreement with Shuxing.

"I'll take you there," Shu Xing stood up with him and pulled out five or six books from the bookshelf against the wall.

Rong Chengli is the kind of person who hates driving if it is not necessary, so when he hears that Shu Xing wants to send him there, he is so happy that he doesn't have to drive by himself. In front of the most luxurious hotel in the city, Shu Xing put down the window and waved his hand to Rong Chengli, who is about to enter the hotel lobby: "Have fun. I'll wait there. Xiaoli, call me when it's over.

"You just need to go back first. Do you still want to monitor me? Won't you feel bored?" Rong Chengli had made plans to leave later, but Shu Xing had just told him in the car that he would have to stay for two hours. Unexpectedly, he was serious and wanted to stay in the car to watch him.

"Of course you won't feel bored if you wait for a small gift," Shuxing smiled quite charmingly and pointed to the five or six books in the back seat: "What's more, they are with me."

"............" This is called preparation.

Knowing that he had no room to refuse, Rong Chengli had to accept his fate and walk into the hotel lobby. Originally, he wanted to stay for two hours as little as possible to narrow his sense of existence, but he didn't expect that as soon as he came in, he was found by his brother who greeted the guests at the door.

"Little gift?" Rong Chengxian came over with an unbelievable expression on his face and grabbed Rong Chengli's hand: "It's great that you're here."

Because there is no class on Saturday, Rong Chengli only wears simple casual clothes. Among many guests in formal clothes, it seems a little uncoordinated, but because Rong Chengxian stands with him intimately, and in addition, his appearance is very beautiful and slender and symmetrical. Although the style of the clothes is simple, the quality But the ground is superior, and the whole looks very comfortable, so there is not much surprise.

After the banquet, Rong Chengli was brought to the main table as it should be. Because it was Japanese Kaiseki cuisine, each table was very small and could only accommodate four people. Because it was his father's birthday party, although he sat nearby his father's latest lover younger than himself, Rong Chengli still did not show it. Tired mood, after eating a meal, although it is not compatible with its happiness at all, it is also peaceful.

Because he runs the largest entertainment company in China, there are naturally many familiar faces on the screen at the banquet. Looking at countless handsome men and women walking around and talking about friendship, Rong Chengli has no feeling at all.

From a very young age, when there were shining red stars in the eyes of his classmates and talking about his favorite stars, he felt very bored. He did not understand why stars were given such a big aura. Later, he felt that it was probably because people were empty and needed an ideal image as comfort.

After the main banquet, someone left one after another. Rong Chengxian was busy answering the ceremony and couldn't find time to accompany his brother. Rong Chengli took advantage of this gap and explained, awkwardly said 'Happy Birthday' to his father, and turned around and left the hotel lobby.

"Xiao Li, wait a minute," Rong Chengli felt that his arm sank and turned back to find that his brother had chased him out.

"Don't you want to stay a little longer? You haven't been here for a long time," Rong Chengxian looked very regretful.

Although he doesn't like his father, Rong Chengli just can't stand his ambiguous attitude of being a good person on both sides, but Rong Chengxian is very gentle and honest, and Rong Chengli has always been very brotherly towards him.

"No, I have to go to work, so I won't talk to you," Rong Chengli broke away from his brother's hand and was very determined.

"Cross?" Rong Chengxian didn't quite understand Xiaoli's jumping words.

"Yes, Shu Xing didn't know which tendon was wrong. He insisted that I come to the birthday party. Well, I won't talk to you. I'll contact you when I'm free." After saying this, Rong Chengli turned around and left. At the same time, he took out his mobile phone, confirmed the location of Shu Xing, and went to find it.

"Young master," Manager Wang came over flattered: "The chairman is looking for you."

Rong Chengxian is still thinking about what Rong Chengli said. It turns out that Xiaoli was found by Shu Xiaoxing...

"Young master?" Manager Wang saw that Rong Chengxian did not respond, so he had to call again.

"Oh, okay," the moment he turned around, Rong Chengxian watched his brother get on a black off-road vehicle and drove out of his sight.