Cultivation plan

chapter 18

The thick and lush shade spreads on the tall branches, and at the hottest time of the day, because there is no sunshine, it can feel extremely cool, but even under such circumstances, the body is condensed with a thin layer of hot sweat.

The breath of the same kind is definitely not wrong. Although I have never seen this person in Noah's Ark, Shuxing can also be 100% guaranteed. The man with black hair but light blue eyes in front of him is definitely a fake gay.

"Dr. Xie, this is Professor Shu, the one I told you about, Shu Xing, this is Dr. Xie," Rong Chengxian, who was busy introducing the two people, did not notice the cold air around them at all.

Almost at the same time, the two stretched out their hands together: "I have been looking forward to it for a long time."

The quite confused Rong Chengxian scratched his head. He didn't know when the two met and when they began to look forward to each other for a long time, but such a question was naturally difficult to ask. Looking at the extremely bright smiles of the two people, Rong Chengxian was happy for their first sight.

"Shu Xing and I want to go to dinner first. When I finish my work, I will go to Dr. Xie's residence." In fact, before coming, Shu Xing asked Rong Chengxian and knew that he had eaten. The reason why the honest man said this was probably considering that Shu Xing's unfamiliar relationship and was not worried about him. Go to dinner alone.

Since Dr. Xie appeared, Shuxing has been on the alert. Fortunately, Rong Chengxian's name for him is very ordinary, and he always puts himself first, and his mood naturally feels a little better, but such a good mood did not last long, and it was annihilated by Dr. Xie's next blurted words. .

"I happen to be idle and have nothing to do. Aren't you still busy in the afternoon? Why don't I go to dinner with you and then take Professor Shu around here? Although it's poor, there are also many interesting things."

On the way, Shuxing already knew that Rong Chengxian would personally check the process of the training camp and the progress of related matters in the afternoon. Today is the 20th day of the training, and another ten days are the day when all the contestants will go out. At that time, the media notified will come here for a wide range of all-round exposure and publicity. Rong Chengxian, as the main person in charge of this activity, has many unexpected and unexpected things to deal with.

"In this case, I'm going to trouble Dr. Xie," Shu Xing raised his eyebrows, but the things he was thinking were 108,000 miles different from the content expressed. In fact, at this moment, he was eager for Dr. Xie to go as far as he could go, and it was best never to appear in front of himself and Rong Chengxian.

"It won't be troublesome. I think Professor Shu is very approachable, and we will definitely talk about it," Dr. Xie said with a rather polite smile.

In this kind of thing, Rong Chengxian's nerves... How to put it, it can be said that it is so dull that it is terrible. There is no gunpowder-like dialogue between the two people at all. Rong Chengxian actually thought that the two of them were sincerely saying things that they had a good impression on each other, but completely ignored them. There is a huge distance between expression and honesty.

The place to eat is in a small wooden house, and the tables and chairs in it are all made of wood, probably because the media will come to interview at the end. Although the construction and material of the wooden house are very simple, they also take into account a certain aesthetics, even in the wooden house Tables and chairs also adopt a streamlined design, adding a modern atmosphere to this rough wooden house.

At present, there is no electricity in this place, and cooking can only be made by making a fire. Although it is impossible to have any special materials in the mountains after lunch, but after hearing that Rong Chengxian wanted to eat, the chef who tried his best still made a plate of delicious fried rice, not only the color is beautiful, The nutritional collocation is also very complete. It can be said that it is a plate of fried rice. There is no need to ask for more.

Originally, Dr. Xie, who wanted to have dinner with Shu Xing and Rong Chengxian, was called out because of a high fever patient. Seeing Dr. Xie's departure, Shu Xing felt relieved. In his plan, he never thought that Dr. Xie would appear, and since he could easily see that he was right. Comrade Fang's identity, the other party can naturally simply see his identity.

In the gay law, same-sex attraction is not an eternal law. There are many types of gay, and there are many comrades who repel each other rather than attract each other, just like Shuxing and Rong Chengli. Obviously, they are all comrades, but they can't coexist peacefully in private because of their completely different values, so wake up is also I'm not sure that he and the inexplicable Dr. Xie can get along well.

"Isn't it delicious?" Because of eating, Rong Chengxian only ate some symbolically and allocated the rest of the fried rice to Shuxing. Even if he was full, he still tasted delicious fried rice, but Shuxing was eating it at a very slow speed. If it hadn't been for the last time he had eaten with Shuxing, of course, he would have taken it for granted that he would have felt Shuxing. I just developed good eating habits, but compared with myself, the speed of waking up eating is obviously very fast.

"No, I was looking at the water tank just now. I saw the wooden water tank for the first time, so I felt a little strange." Put aside what I was thinking for the time being. Shuxing ate at a normal speed. It was very convenient to eat fried rice and did not need to pick up the dishes. Shuxing quickly ate all her meal.

"Yes," Rong Chengxian looked at Shuxing's eyes: "When I first saw it, I was also a little curious. Because it was a wooden house, in order to match the overall effect, it was made of wood, but in order to save costs, the production method was very simple and has not been processed. At the beginning, I was worried that the wooden water tank would be washed away by water, but fortunately, there has been no problem so far.

Putting down the rice bowl, Shu Xing carefully looked at the wooden water tank next to the wooden door this time. It was said that it was a water tank. In fact, it was somewhat similar to the shape of the bathtub seen on the market. The difference was that the hoop outside the water tank was very casual. At first glance, it seemed that it was really not very careful: "I didn't expect it. Your group is an extra economy in this regard.

It was hard to hear that Shu Xing was joking with himself. Rong Chengxian also replied with a smile, "There is no way. The heads of the planning department and the finance department are all miser, and they are also misers for the sake of the company. I heard that I want to make the water tank more carefully, and even have to tell me some reason. "

Because no one came to disturb, Shu Xing and Rong Chengxian really talked and laughed for a while. Knowing that Rong Chengxian still had a lot of things to do, Shu Xing got up knowingly and didn't want to visit the deep mountains and forests with Dr. Xie in his heart. What's more, he and Shu Chen had made an appointment at ten o'clock. Although it's a little early to rush back, it's better than staying here without a purpose.

Because he was worried about Rong Chengxian's strong retention, he had already made a good calculation and planned to wait for Rong Chengxian to go to work before sending him a text message to him. Otherwise, Rong Chengxian really recited a tight spell, and nine times out of ten can't wake up.

When the two were about to walk out of the wooden door of the cabin, Shu Xing suddenly heard a cracking sound. When he looked at the source of the sound, the hoop on the water tank next to the wooden door suddenly broke off. Due to the great impact of the water, the hoop hit the ring at the speed of lightning, like a resprayed wild The horse flew to Rong Chengxian.

Shu Xing's next behavior was completely considered by the brain, so when Rong Chengxian held his hand and anxiously asked someone to call Dr. Xie, Shu Xing's head was blank and did not react. He just looked straight at his hand, with deep blood marks on the back of his hand. If you look carefully If so, it seems that you can still see a small barb in the meat.

It was not until Dr. Xie came when he heard the news and woke up to meet his blue eyes that he gradually woke up from his dull look. Because of the perception, he felt the very sharp tingling in his hand, but as a man, it was always difficult to say the word 'very painful' on such an occasion, so Shu I had to wake up and watch my hand being taken over by Dr. Xie, silently hoping that he could have some doctor's conscience.

Because at the last moment, Shu Xing hid back with Rong Chengxian's body, although the wound looked ferocious, it was not particularly deep. The trouble was the thin thorns in his hand, about 20 of which needed to be picked out from the back of the hand one by one. Without any anesthetic, the doctor's technique Under the condition of not being gentle, it is a kind of torture.

Fortunately, there is not much water in the water tank, so the ground is only slightly damp. In order to deal with the wound as soon as possible, Dr. Xie simply let Shu Xing sit on the chair in the wooden house, and he sat opposite him and seriously picked up the small thorns on the back of his hand.

At that time, when they were about to walk out of the wooden door, the position of Shu woke up was on the left side of Rong Chengxian, that is, next to the water tank. That is to say, as long as Shu can't wake up, the hoop of the wooden water tank can't hurt Shu in any case. No matter how dull Rong Chengxian is, he looks just emotional. In terms of feeling, as for this obvious simple question, Rong Chengxian can naturally come up with it immediately.

Once again, because of his own reasons, Shu Xing was hurt, and the last incident about the ten scratches, Rong Chengxian looked at the man in front of him and thought about it and felt that no matter what he did, it was impossible for him to express his guilt.

While Dr. Xie pulled out the thin thorns from the back of his hand, Shu woke up and caught the sad expression on Rong Chengxian's face and said soothingly, 'I'm fine', but he was shocked to find that Dr. Xie increased the strength of his hand when he was dealing with the wound. He woke up and bit his lips without making a "ah" sound, and immediately anger Looking at the obviously malicious eyes, there was lightning and thunder in an eye, but when he heard the other party ask 'how about this time', he refused to give up and smiled quite perfectly.