Cultivation plan

chapter 24

"What's the matter with me?" There is a long distance between the teaching building and the school gate, because it will be the time for students to finish class. If you make an appointment to meet in front of the teaching building, it must be very noisy, so in order to get to the school gate in time, Shu Xing has been walking all the way.

"Did it affect your class?" If it hadn't been for the hurry, Rong Chengxian would not have suddenly called Shu Xing at this time.

"No, the class is over. What's wrong with you?"

"No, I called Xiaoli earlier. His voice was strange. When I asked him, he said that there was nothing wrong. I was still a little worried. Then I came here to have a look. I was worried about disturbing Xiaoli, so I asked you first."

"He is not at school," not only today, Rong Chengli asked for three days off, and it is estimated that he will not come back to work this week. When he recovers from his illness, he can go directly to the meeting.

"Yes, I just asked, but I couldn't get through by calling him, so..." With an anxious expression on his face, it seemed that Rong Chengxian didn't care about his brother.

"He is sick and asked for leave to rest at home," so he couldn't help him substitute.

"Well..." Hearing Shu Xing's answer, Rong Chengxian lowered his head slightly. When he called Xiaoli in the morning, his voice was wrong, but he refused to tell himself anything. It turned out that he was really sick.

"Thank you, then I'll go first," I feel a little lonely. Although I'm used to being ignored by Xiaoli, the sadness of being regarded as an outsider is more obvious after being told the fact that I don't know.

Next, there is another class, which is a less important elective course. Monday is troublesome. Counting my own substitute class, I have to have classes almost all day. However, looking at the lonely expression on Rong Chengxian's face, I woke up and couldn't let him go alone.

"Wait," grabbed Rong Chengxian's arm and pulled him under the sycamore tree outside the campus: "Wait here."

turned around and took a few steps. Shuxing called Xu Xian. Anyway, the main content of the next class is film appreciation. Everyone is the same.

After explaining the matter, Shu woke up and returned to the sycamore tree. Rong Chengxian still stood in that posture, and his hands were stranded together again. He looked quite depressed, and even his hair was soft and weak.

"Let's go to the park," although it was proposed, it did not give Rong Chengxian any time to say no. After saying that, Shu Xing went straight to the front to lead the way. There is a park with high green coverage near the school. There is a very famous dessert shop next to the park, which is a gathering place for famous couples. Such a romantic place, a place with so many good memories, turned into a telecommunications business hall a few years later, and business is naturally depressed.

Every year, when Shuxing celebrates his birthday, he receives the student's birthday cake and accepts the kindness of Shuxing with a smile. He always gives the cake to Shu Chen and others to eat. As long as the cake enters the office, there will not be an empty box left without bones. The students think that he likes it very much and will not be repeated every year. Sending.

is because I always receive cakes from students. Although I don't like sweets, I am also familiar with this cake shop. The owner of the cake shop is an American couple. I heard that they resolutely gave up the high salary of foreign companies and chose to stay in this city to run a pastry shop. Some students did something for him after hearing this. It's a pity. After all, they have achieved a quite high management class. The annual salary is seven digits, and there are many welfare benefits, but Shu Xing feels that it doesn't matter, because he sees the happy smile on the couple's faces and stays together all day long. These are benefits that can't be exchanged for money, and they are also benefits that the company can't give. Everyone has their own choices, right or wrong.

Generally, few men enter the cake shop alone, and of course they will not stay alone in the shop to eat cakes. Except for ordering cakes, female shop assistants rarely see two men walking into the cake shop together, especially two men who look very eye-catching.

Because he is not in a good mood, Rong Chengxian, who usually likes pastries very much, is not very energetic now. All kinds of cakes are displayed in the transparent glass display cabinet in the store. Jam, chocolate, berries and other delicious cakes are decorated. Under the light, it flashes a seductive luster. Even if you don't eat it and just watch it, It is also very pleasing to the eyes.

For those cakes given to himself, Shuxing has always only looked at them and didn't eat them. After looking at them for a long time, he was able to remember the types of cakes. Many of the cakes in the display cabinet were made into small pieces of cakes that were divided into whole pieces. Shuxing asked for each type that he could remember. After paying for them, he greeted the spiritless men. I walked out of the shop.

They were sent directly to the door. The attentive female clerk said 'welcome next time' at the door. It was not until she looked down on their shadows that she reluctantly returned to the store. Even when it was lunch time, they were still talking about the two men who had just come to buy cakes, especially the taller one. If only I could see it every day.

The park is very quiet. On Monday, everyone is usually very busy. If there are no adults to lead, parents who are full of distrust of this society will never allow children to come out by themselves. Usually, more than a dozen children stick to the slides and swings that refuse to let them out. At this moment, there is no child.

Rong Chengxian, who had not sat on the swing for a long time, was pulled to the swing by Shuxing and took over the fork and cake stuffed by Shuxing.

I used to hear Shu Chen say that when girls are in a bad mood, they either go shopping or eat. Shu Xing can't imagine the scene of him and Rong Chengxian going shopping, so she can only buy these cakes for him to eat. Although Shu Xing has many boyfriends, she has never deliberately coax anyone. It can be said that she is a virgin in this regard. Otherwise, it will not fall to the point of believing Shu Chen's love words.

"Don't you eat it?" After eating two pieces of cheesecake, there was finally a faint smile on Rong Chengxian's face: "I'm eating alone. Do you want to eat together?"

Because he bought several cakes, the clerk was in a hurry and busy looking at the guests who bought the cakes. He accidentally put only one fork in it. After asking Shu Awaking, Rong Chengxian turned over the big box of the cake, but did not find the extra fork. He felt a little sorry: "I didn't note it. What should I do if there is only one fork?

When asked for the first time, Shu Xing's first reaction was instinctive rejection. His last boyfriend liked sweets very much. Once he wanted to share the same cake with him. After being refused, there was a little unpleasantness between the two, but he heard that there was only one fork. After that, the cake, which I didn't like very much, seemed to have a little ** power for Shuxing.

"I'll eat it well with this," Rong Chengxian took the fork from his hand. Despite the man's embarrassed opposition, he picked a cheesecake with no cream and ate it little by little.

The taste of the cake really lacked his interest. Although it did not have the greasy taste of cream, it was also a little too sweet. However, he thought that the fork of the cake had just slipped in Rong Chengxian's mouth, and it was so sweet that it made him feel uncomfortable, and it was also a little intoxicating. The silk-like smooth taste is like a once entangled spiritual tongue, touching the pretentious mood.

The cakes in that cake shop are very delicate and have very few portions. When Shu woke up, he had eaten up the whole cake and turned his head to look at the face of the man sitting on the swing next to him. The other party seemed to be a little confused, but in addition to the confusion, he seemed to be shy.

The two men shared the cake. This matter itself is already very strange, and they use the same utensils, just like an indirect kiss. No matter how you look at it, it is a heart-pounding thing. When they realize what they are doing, they can't help but feel a little regretful. Since they came into contact with the man next to them, Sex seems to be getting farther and farther away from him.

In order to avoid the awkward atmosphere, Shu Xing led the topic to the aspect that Rong Chengxian was most interested in: "Your brother doesn't seem to like to see him sick. Last time Shu Chen went to see him, he was ousted out."

"I don't know there is such a thing."

"Yes," if Shu Chen and Rong Chengli in his illness had not complained about Shu Xing's slavery, Rong Chengli might not have gone too much to kick out the guests, but at this time, the process is no longer important: "So, he just doesn't like to be seen when he is sick, especially The most important person, so don't think too much.

"Really, he told you that I was his most important person? When Xiaoli was young... he liked to discuss everything with me, but since he left home, he refused to tell me anything. If I could care more about him or understand his thoughts at that time, it would not be like today.

From the beginning, Shu Xing felt that the relationship between their brothers was very strange. Although it could not be compared with the way he got along with Shu Chen, Rong Chengxian seemed to be full of guilt for his brother. It was always strange that he continued to show his goodwill despite several blows, as if he had done quite too much to Rong Chengli. The situation is average.

"What happened between you? Is it because he is gay?

After their conversation on the topic of whether Rong Chengxian is gay or not, putting forward words about gay between them will no longer cause Rong Chengxian to feel superfluous. Getting used to this kind of thing becomes a daily behavior in constant repetition.

"Ah..." With an expression on his face, Rong Chengxian squeezed a leaf that fell on his knees a little nervously: "Yes, his father found his sexual orientation when he was in high school, but his family was in trouble. I couldn't accept his idea at that time, but I just wanted to restore him. Chang, it should have broken his heart."

That incident has passed for a long time, and now it is said in plain words, but how terrible the situation was at that time. Rong Chengxian, who was also a high school student, did not react at all when his father waved his first slap on his brother's face, although he blocked the palm that his father wanted to continue to apply. But blood still flowed down the corners of Rong Chengli's mouth.

He felt very sorry for Xiaoli, because he was afraid that his father would hurt Xiaoli again, so he asked for leave to accompany his younger brother. Perhaps his brother's love made Rong Chengli feel very moved and warm, so he told Rong Chengxian a lot, hoping to get the approval of his own brother.

If he wanted the well-behaved Rong Chengxian to accept his statements, Rong Chengli later felt that he was really stupid at that time, but they were not big at that time. His brother wanted to guide him back to the so-called 'right way', which deeply stabbed his already injured feelings.

Later, they reached the age of being relieved, but because they had been deadlocked for a long time, they gradually became a habit. Now no matter how much Rong Chengxian cares about him and tells him that he can fully understand his ideas and is willing to accept his ideas, Rong Chengli will not feel anything about it.

"A coward who is afraid of being hurt again," after Rong Chengxian's long silence, he suddenly heard Shu Xing say.

"Do you mean a small gift? But... ordinary people should be afraid of being hurt."

"As long as people are alive, they will be constantly hurt. It is inevitable to hurt others or be hurt by others."

"But I..."

Put your slender finger on Rong Chengxian's lips, and the smile at the corners of his mouth seemed to stay in Rong Chengxian's heart: "Don't worry, you still have me."