Cultivation plan

chapter 34

After sending Rong Chengxian back to the villa, Shu Xing returned to his apartment. Just now, he finally contacted Rong Chengli on the road. The guy was having dinner with Professor Miyagi and completely forgot that today was his birthday. Although he still did not have a special reaction to his brother's birthday wishes, Rong Chengxian did not expect those For him, it is enough to know that the little gift is safe, and no matter how much it is, it is extravagant.

Before putting the car into the warehouse, Shu Xing habitually looked at his window and saw that the light was still on in the living room. He couldn't help looking at the watch on his wrist. Usually at this time, even if he didn't sleep, Shu Chen had returned to his room. Is there a situation? Grandma didn't fly over. This kind of thing can happen once or twice. If it happens a few more times, even he will have a headache.

The elevator stopped, the door slowly opened, woke up and walked out reluctantly. Every step to the door was very slow. When he opened the door and didn't see the strange shoes, he finally calmed down and wondered whether something would have happened to Shuchen within two days of his departure.

"What's the matter?" He hung his coat on the hanger, washed his hands and changed his clothes, and then sat in front of Shu Chen. The time was long or short, but Shu Chen did not say a word. He curled up in the corner of the sofa with his knees. Of course, it was impossible to hang emoji on his hanging hair, and he didn't know what happened to him.

"I'm disappointed in love," Shu Chen raised his head and his eyes were red. It seemed that he had just cried, but it was not serious.

"Ah?" They all stay on the same campus. If it is a girl in the school, it is impossible for him not to know this kind of wind, but he has never heard of who Shu Chen has ever fallen in love with: "Men and women?"

"I'm not you!" Originally, it should have been Zhang Fei's roaring tone, but now this kind of aura can't hear the roaring momentum.

"If it's my words, there's no need to ask more." It's obvious that they are all males, and women absolutely don't need to talk about it.

"I'm a 100% innocent man!"

Shu Xing knocked on his forehead with his index finger: "Really Shu Chen, how can I teach a cousin like you? Do you really think that adding the word 'pure love' can show that you are so weak that you can ignore the characteristics of men?

Shu Chen's skin is a little white, his eyes are a little big, and his face is not separated from the teenager. Needless to worry about Shu Chen also knows that even in a few years, at the age of Shuxing, he may not have such a high-quality male presence as Shu Chen, so this matter can be called Shu Chen's dead hole.

"Dizzy, even if it's not a dog, can't you spit ivory? You, you, you... You didn't see that I'm sad. It doesn't matter if you don't comfort me. You still hit me! You still hit me!"

"Don't try to avoid reality if you know it," Shu woke up and began to study whether the length of his nails are just right. Do you want to trim them? "Don't forget the family rules. When you are reasonable, you must not exceed 120 cents. When you are unreasonable, your voice must not be less than 120 cents."

"So what?"

"I don't think your decibels are high enough. If you are louder, you have to disturb your neighbors and knock on the door."


"No more?"

"Are you the reincarnation of Satan?"

"Of course not, Satan..." Shu woke up and glanced at Shu Chen. The other party had completely forgotten his sadness and sprayed fire, so he planned to pour a spoon of oil on it: "It has never been imitated and cannot be surpassed."

Shu Chen, who was choked so much that he had nothing to say, rubbed his face with his hand a few times, but his expression was a little refreshed. Without the decadence just now, his eyes were wide open: "I'm going to be an exchange student."

"Exchange student?" If Shu Chen hadn't reminded him, Shu Xing almost forgot about this. A few days ago, the dean specially reminded him to report the candidates for exchange students quickly.

"Didn't you forget it again? Can you please be more dedicated? It's not easy to find an opportunity to revenge and wake up. At this exciting moment, you have to go on without hesitation: "Where have you been fooling around these two days? It's not that I said you, the boss is not small. Just find someone to settle down quickly. Look at the boys who have been injured by you can line up. What else do you want? Don't always go to bed after class. Do you understand? Do you understand!?

Shuxing's hand shape is quite perfect. Many people will ask him if he has learned the piano. Every year, so many children want to get close to the palace of art, but there will also be some children who can only shed tears and dream because their fingers are not long. However, Shuxing, who has an advantage, is not interested in musical instruments at all. He is tired of sitting for a long time.

The two sat not far away. Shu Xing simply dragged Shu Chen in front of him a few times. The curvature of the corners of his mouth was obvious, but there was no smile in his eyes: "Shu Chen, don't tell me. I didn't expect your interest to be broad again. Now you have begun to ask about my lifelong events. It's good. Let's talk about them one by one."

So close, Shu Chen could clearly see his cousin's smooth and moist fingers and began to have a sense of crisis: "That..."

"First of all," Shu Chen didn't wait for Shu Chen to continue. Shu's expression was at least kind: "This weekend, I'm with Rong Chengli's brother."

"Please, do you really think you are a monk and don't lie? Even if you don't want to tell me, can you make up a decent lie? Do you believe your low-level lies or not? If you don't believe it, you have to listen to make up new ones. Believe you, you should also think about it for me. How can I meet people if I say it! Anyway, Mr. Rong Cheng's brother is also a straight man. You are insulting my IQ!"

Shu Xing nodded: "That's right. I'm insulting my IQ by saying this to you."


"There's nothing to say? In this case, let's continue to do the next thing, exchange students, right?

"You don't want to say that you don't want to agree in order to make me unhappy. I told you that my conditions are enough. You can't pretend to be public for personal gain."

Shu Chen is definitely not the only one with enough conditions, but Shu Xing is not interested in talking to him about this: "Of course not, where do you think?"

"What do you want to do?"

"I've told you before that I'm talking to Shu Chen, you really can't afford to be hurt."

"You, you, you..."

"What should I do?" Shu Xing smiled understandingly: "Don't worry, I tell you, there will be some countries in the world where people never use toilet paper after going to the toilet, but wash their hands together in a washbasin with special water. Isn't it interesting to eat and live normally after that?"

Shu Chen, who was scared, held his breath and looked at Shu Xing in a frenze. How can this kind of thing be interesting! Of course, he heard of it. The person who talked to him at that time was Xu Xian, and his memory is still fresh. After all, it is difficult to forget when you hear this kind of thing when you are eating.

"For example, toilet..."

"I took into account your extraordinary IQ and adopted a word. Don't you understand? That is..."

"I understand! I understand! Don't go on!"

If Shu Xing explains it to him now, Shu Chen can't guarantee that he will go to the bathroom to spit out the dinner.

"Do you know? Well, how about it's easier for us to communicate and let you go to that kind of country as an exchange student?

"No... I don't want to go!"

"It's up to you, Shuchen, think about it with your IQ that I disdain to humiliate."

After saying everything, Shu Xing let go of Shu Chen and turned back to his room. As a result, he was hugged by Shu Chen behind him: "No, if you dare to let me go to be an exchange student in such a country, I won't let you go. I won't let you eat, sleep, and go to the toilet."

"Yes, that's how it works," was hugged from behind, and Shu woke up without intending to leave immediately. He simply sat back on the sofa with Shu Chen's strength and pressed firmly on Shu Chen's body.

"Ah, it hurts," Shu Chen felt unprecedented pressure when he was pressed by a man more than ten centimeters taller than himself.

"Sit well. If you move around, I will feel embarrassed." The human cushion is a little dishonest, but the leather is also quite comfortable. Shu Xing doesn't want to get up. Anyway, this is also forced by Shu Chen.

A second has passed... A minute has passed... When five minutes have passed, Shu Chen finally couldn't hold on: "Wake up, you must be a pig. Get up quickly. Do you want to crush me into a meat pie?"

"Is this your begging attitude?"

"Brother, I was wrong."

"It would have been better to say that," Shu Xing sat up from Shu Chen's body and looked quite leisurely: "Next time I have a longer memory, let me teach you the same thing, which hurts my heart so much."

The body that had been pressed for five minutes was close to stiffness. Although he wanted to be very domineering and have sharp teeth, unfortunately, his physical condition did not allow it. Shu Chen had to rub his sore waist and chest while watching Shuxing walk back to his room. In the end, his goal was not achieved, but on the contrary, it was another Body pain.

After rubbing himself for more than ten minutes, Shu Chen finally stood up smoothly and did not forget to mutter his dissatisfaction: "Is there any mistake? His personality is so dark. How can he be tall and handsome? When I think God pinched him, he must have considered pinching his appearance so perfectly, so I gave him that kind of bad sex. Ge, hey, people are not perfect."

Before Shu Chen finished speaking, the door of Shu woke up opened from the inside: "Shu Chen, I just think you are praising me, so friendly reminder, you'd better go to bed now."

"Exchange student..."

With a 'bang', the door closed and isolated Shu Chen's unfinished words outside the door.

When Shu Chen got up early the next morning, his body was like running tens of thousands of meters of marathon. While sighing that he usually lacked exercise, Shu Chen did not forget to curse himself for causing his body to wake up so much.

Shu Chen's arm was still a little sore when eating breakfast. Fortunately, the breakfast was toast. If it was porridge, it would spill on himself. Unlike his black face, Shu woke up with a bright smile on his face. I don't know who he was texting with. Shu Chen refused to accept it at all. Recognizing that expression is quite charming, and it feels disgusting against your heart, it's just disgusting!

Shu Xing, who continued to substitute for Shu Chen to go to school. Shu Chen's face was frozen all the way and resolutely refused to talk to Shu Xing. Shu Xing didn't care. He let him pretend that 'everything is turbid and only I am clear'. Anyway, since their living together, this kind of thing has happened tens of times. Shu Chen is this face every time, a little new I didn't mean it. Up to now, Shuxing has no fun to tease him.