Cultivation plan

chapter 36

Looking out from the huge floor-to-ceiling window of the international airport, there was an unexpected blue. The passenger plane that rushed into the sky gradually drifted away, drawing milky white smoke belts in the sky, overlapping with white clouds, like parallel lines that will never intersect.

Shu Xing and Shu Chen don't like places like railway stations, bus stations or airports. Shu Chen always has endless sentiments, while Shu Xing just feels troublesome.

There are two times a year. In June and September, there will be a farewell party and a welcome party. The departure of old students and the arrival of freshmen are like metabolism. There is no shortage of true farewells and welcome in the school, but when you turn around, they are all different, so Shu Chen doesn't understand why Shuxing can be so calm. At that time, Shu Xing didn't understand why Shu Chen was so affectionate.

In fact, this is called 'graduation illusion'. Shu Xing once explained it from a professional perspective to his cousin who would never know.

The so-called 'graduation illusion' has similar symptoms. No matter how you have known everyone before, no matter how they teased you, made fun of you, etc., when you graduate, you will suddenly become sad, because you realize that you can no longer see these bastards, so you will open I began to miss them, even a little reluctant, emotional, drunk, crying, talking about their past and praise for each other. At that moment, you seemed to have become best friends, but the next day, like Cinderella after twelve o'clock, everything turned back to being as light as before. In a word, don't believe in the bubble-like 'graduation illusion'.

Obviously, Shu Chen has not realized this. Every time he goes to school, when facing the reality of being separated from his classmates who were not very good before, he would cry. Those scenes often make Shu Xing feel that his eyes are just a faucet, which is even worse than the heroine who cries and cries in romance dramas. , his eyes were always as swollen as walnuts, and he was woken up and laughed at fiercely.

For various reasons, Shuxing will always come to the airport to welcome the delivery. The surrounding scenery is as if it has not changed for ten years. In addition to the airport, which has become bigger and brighter due to reconstruction, the people coming and going are like a unified layout, which makes people feel that time and space are stagnant.

"Shu Chen is just an exchange student for a semester, not like this," Xu Xian, who came to see him off, looked at Shu Chen helplessly, with a wry smile on the corners of his mouth. It was embarrassing for pedestrians to see him crying by the same sex, and the most troublesome thing was that Shu Chen, one of the parties involved, was completely unconscious.

There were a total of five exchange students who went to South Korea this time, and the other four went to South Korea together two days ago. Because the great dean was really worried, he delayed Shu Chen's trip to the last day. As a result, Shu Xing was appointed by the dean to see him off, and there was no room for refusal.

At 10 o'clock on Saturday morning, Xu Xian, who was fine, was also dragged to see him off. According to Shu Xing's experience, Shu Chen needed to find something to say goodbye at this time. If he hung on himself, it would be too depressed. He grabbed Xu Xian to replace his suffering. Since he was his own student, Of course, don't hesitate to use it.

didn't realize Xu Xian's worried situation at all. Seeing that Xu Xian didn't even have any traces of tears on his eyelashes, Shu Chen complained, "I'm leaving. Although it won't be long, won't you be sad once and comfort my sadness of parting?"

Even if Xu Xian is really sad, in the face of being held to have difficulty breathing, the so-called sadness will be squeezed out of the body. What's more, Xu Xian really doesn't have any sadness. He just misses a joker, which is somewhat regretful.

"I want to say," measuring Shu Chen's acceptance ability, Xu Xian gently expressed his thoughts: "You are leaving. Although it's not long, you don't want to say anything to Shu Xing?"

This sounded like a little familiar, but Shu Chen didn't want to bother thinking at all: "If it's goodbye, I still have something to say," but there is only one semester, and there is no idea of saying goodbye at all. He is always enslaved and bullied, and finally can get rid of the devil's tentacles. Is it too late to be happy? Do you still have to tell the devil who has been destroying himself and say, 'I will miss you'? Then he is really self-respecting and invincible.

Shu Xing sat in a chair and texted Rong Chengxian, completely ignored Shu Chen and let him speak quickly for a while. Anyway, there is no equal landscape rotation between them. Since Shu Chen will never learn to be obedient, let's settle it together when he is free.

When it was time to board the plane, Shu Chen turned around step by step with a suitcase. Xu Xian looked funny and waved to him until he disappeared at the boarding gate.

"That box seems to be very light. Why did Shu Chen bring so few things when he went out and had to carry the whole family on his back?" After sending Shu Chen, Xu Xian asked Shu who walked out together.

"Less? It will definitely not be a few. They have all been checked. Several boxes, even the sleeping dolls were taken away." At that time, when he saw Shu Chen tidying up his family, Shu Xing went out to take refuge without hesitation. According to his idea, Shu Chen simply moved his house.

"What's wrong?" When he was about to walk out of the airport, Shu Xing suddenly stopped and looked in one direction. Xu Xian also looked over and found that he was a man with his back to them. Although he could not see the front, he had a good figure: "Is it your favorite type?"

"I know someone, and I'm not familiar with it at all," Shu Xing turned around and didn't want to say hello, but turned to other topics: "You don't look like gay, but there are no taboos on this topic."

"It's good to love each other, gender and so on are all floating clouds," if there is no love, there can only be sadness left.

"Have you ever thought about falling in love with me?"

Xu Xian woke up. The two looked at each other and smiled faintly. It's good to talk to sensible adults. Don't worry that the other party will take it seriously. Living with Shu Chen's cousin, who is not big, Shu Xing will always worry that his IQ will fall below the average level.

Send Xu Xian back to the residence near the school. Shu Xing drove to the most prosperous city center. It was almost time for lunch, and there were still many people on the street. Fortunately, the place they agreed was some distance away from the bustling commercial block. After parking the car, Shu woke up and saw the man waking at him.

It has been a week since we last met. I thought that with the passage of time, my feelings for him would be diluted, but I didn't expect that after meeting him, the feeling of wanting to keep him around all the time was stronger, and I realized that I actually With this mood, Shuxing really has no other way to detach himself except feeling helpless.

"Isn't it a little difficult to find?" The man who came quickly had a little sweat on his head, and his smiling expression was very touching in Shuxing's eyes: "It's difficult to find this place. The guests are basically acquaintances."

"It's not too difficult to find," just after driving for more than ten minutes. Originally, I felt a little troublesome, but the moment I saw Rong Chengxian, my happy mood had already overwhelmed all emotions.

Although it is only six or seven blocks away from the bustling commercial street, there is a sense of remoteness here. The high courtyard wall isolates this place from the outside. There is an antique plaque hanging on the main door, on which is four gold characters "There is a guest". Behind the main door is a decorative waterwheel and a dripping water drop. They stirred each other and sent a piece of cool water vapor.

"The dishes in this house are very delicious. I happen to be working around here today. I'll come and try it with you."

As they were talking, they walked inside, and a waiter greeted them out. In this season, they still wore bright satin cheongsam and took them to the small room.

Although it is a small room, it is enough to accommodate six people sitting comfortably. Just now, I woke up and saw the plaque hanging on the door of the small room. I knew that there was only one word 'chrysanthemum' in the small room, so I deliberately looked aside and saw the three small rooms next to it, called 'Bamboo', 'Lan' and 'Mei'. It seems that it was named after the Four Gentlemen Flowers.

The layout in the small room is very refreshing. There is only one table and six wooden back chairs, and two plaid square windows are embedded in the wall. Between the two windows is a small pear wood high-foot table, and the flower pot above is planted with two colors**.

If you don't understand Rong Chengxian's character, Shu Xing will take this as a manifestation. The tables, chairs and windows in this 'chrysanthemum' room are all decorated with ** as decorations, which makes it difficult for him not to think much. Since ** and cucumbers have transcended their original edible value, they can always make people think and wave goodbye to purity and completely.

"What's wrong?" Since entering the room, Shuxing's eyes have been wandering around, without letting go of every corner of the small room, which almost made Rong Chengxian feel that Shuxing was looking for a pinhole camera.

"No, this place is very elegant," even the wooden windows are modeled on the specifications of the Han Dynasty, but Shuxing is not interested in talking about professionally with Rong Chengxian at this time, which is so beautiful.

"Yes, although the dishes and rice here are light and light, they are very delicious, because I have been in poor health for a while. When I come out to eat, I always come here."

Hearing this, Shu woke up and almost spit out. Fortunately, there is only saliva in his mouth at present.

When I texted just now, Rong Chengxian told him that the only bad thing here was to keep the dishes fresh and healthy, and the food was served not very fast, so before Shu woke up, Rong Chengxian had ordered the dishes.

The waiters here are of high quality. Not only is the sound of walking when serving food very light, but also when sending cups, plates and chopsticks, they will not make a sound. It seems that they are all well trained, but Shu woke up feels a little quiet like a ghost.

It looks very light, but it's really delicious. He was almost woken up by Shu Chen in the morning. He even ate sloppy breakfast. Shu Chen's fear of being late pulled him out before 8:30. He had to say that he had to go there early to wait for the plane. Several times a year can still make Shu Chen Being so nervous, Shu Xing is really strange whether Shu Chen has ever been stimulated by this waiting experience.

Knowing that Rong Chengxian is not used to talking when eating, Shu woke up to fill his stomach first. When he was almost finished eating, he began to implement the first step plan: "Are you busy recently? The publicity of that draft activity seems to be very hot, and students can always be heard between classes.

"Is it?" Hearing Shu Xing's words, Rong Chengxian looked very happy: "I'm not very busy, but I go back at seven or eight o'clock every day. Fortunately, I don't have to get up too early in the morning, and the draft activity will take four months. If I don't get enough sleep, I really can't stand it."

Hearing this, Shu Xing put down the chopsticks in his hand and looked at Rong Chengxian with a smile under his jaw: "There is a solution. Do you want to listen to it?"